
Every quitter eventually turns bitter…

By March 14, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
Are you a quitter? You probably are otherwise you wouldn't have started reading this post. There are a lot of people who quit way too easily these days. They have no clue on how they should face failure and quit as soon as they face it. It's actually not that hard to face failure.

Are you a quitter? You probably are otherwise you wouldn’t have started reading this post. There are a lot of people who quit way too easily these days. They have no clue how they should face failure and quit as soon as they face it. It’s not that hard to face failure. It’s just something that they don’t learn you in college. It’s all a matter of perception to be honest. Your perception of failure will define your reality but that what most people don’t get. They quit and they never get it. They become bitter instead of better, which eventually makes them resentful and hateful. Those are the people who’ll try to hold others down as soon as they notice that these people are going to get something out of life.

Every quitter eventually turns bitter…

So every quitter eventually turns bitter. But why? Because deep down inside they’ll know that they had more potential. Well, they’ll know it as soon as they’re on their death bed. That’s when you meet you’ll face all of your regrets and some people face more regrets than others. I assume that the people who took no risk and the people who quit way too soon are the ones who’ll be hit the hardest. Imagine that you’re about to die and suddenly realize that you could have gotten more out of life. That must be hell! But don’t worry the frustration will kick in a lot earlier.

Imagine that someone you know does what you wanted to do. They suddenly crush a goal that you wanted to crush a lot longer than them. Will you call them lucky? Say that they cheated? What excuse will you come up with to save your ego? Or will you try to take those people down because you’re all dark, bitter and resentful? Setbacks reveal people’s true colors and you’re a piece of shit.

So what does a quitter have to do then?

Well never give up off course. Do what you said you were going to do and work hard to get it. That’s it. There’s nothing more to it. I know what most people will be wondering right now. What if you don’t make it? Well, you’ll have lived a fulfilled and purposeful life. It’s better to aim for the stars and not hit them than to not aim at all. This might sound like a corny quote but it’s true. Let me end this quote with 2 great quotes that should make you rethink your life. I just love both quotes, to be honest. It makes me reflect on actions and future actions.

The thrill of a cheap purchase is soon forgotten, but the sting of poor quality lasts a long time

What hurts more, the pain of hard work or the pain of regret?

I can guarantee you that I can live with the pain of hard work because you’ll love it over time. But you’ll never get used to the pain of regret. That my friends will ruin your whole life since regrets will only pop up when it’s way too late. Think about what you want and how you act well because you only live once.

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Till next time





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