People call me an early bird just because I get up at 6 am every single day. Yes, even during the weekends. Those are the days that you need to get up early because you’ve got so much time to accomplish things. That’s the only time when you’re able to crush your goals. I still remember how I got into getting up earlier. I got a lot of great advice from a YouTube channel called Brandon Carter. he’s also the one who got me into reading. One thing that I noticed was that he got up pretty early (I couldn’t find the video). Later on, I realized that a lot of successful people get up early in the morning. So I decided to do it as well.
There was a whole period where I got up at 5 am and train first thing in the morning. Eventually, I switched it up to 6 am because it was easier to combine with my social life (not that it’s that impressive). I just have to share one more thing before we go on: the morning person is a myth. That just doesn’t exist. People always can get up early if they find a reason too.
The early bird: you get up at 6 am on purpose? Are you crazy?
Someone recently started hating on me because I shared shirtless pictures in the past and a picture of my watch. First of all, I promised that I would share shirtless pictures from time to time. Read my blog! Second of all, I don’t get the commotion about the picture of my watch. I just showed that I got up at 5:45 to get a training session in at All-Stars MMA in Stockholm. I heard shit like “people who work in shifts have to get up way earlier”. Yes, exactly they have to get up early but do they want too? I don’t think so. I got up on purpose at 5:45 while I was on vacation to train.
Please get in line with the rest of the haters. I’ll check my watch if I got time to care. Spoiler alert I sincerely don’t give a fuck. Tik Tok it’s I don’t care o’ clock.
The early bird: so you get up at 6 am on purpose?
There’s something magical about getting up at 6 am. That littery the first win of the day. This habit can make or break your momentum for the entire day. It’s a small thing that most people claim to be insignificant but I guarantee you that it does make a difference. This is the secret behind the fact that I can do so many things. I can make time to read, blog, train, family, friends and I still find time to relax if I want too. Planning is crucial as well of course.
I’ve got 16 hours days so how I use those days is crucial but the same goes for you. I wouldn’t be where I’m at today if it wasn’t for the fact that I get up so early every single day.
My productivity shot through the roof after I made that decision. That’s why people also need to realize the difference between a productive and busy person. A busy person will always find an excuse to not do something. A productive person will always find a way to get it done. Funny right because busy people don’t have that many things to do.
The early bird likes morning workouts.
I like to work out first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. It makes me feel alive. Stuff like running, calisthenics, hitting the heavy bag/double end bag or grappling are great ways to start the day. You do it before the suns up and you can enjoy a beautiful sunrise when you’re done and drenched in sweat. I enjoyed those mornings. I was just sitting on the grass that was still wet, enjoying a magical sunrise while most people were still sleeping or rushing to work. I’ll do a morning workout the day after tomorrow and I’m looking forward to it.
The early bird is too productive to care.
Just take a look at this from my perspective. I get up at 6 am and most people don’t. So I can get a lot of stuff done by the time that they get up. I mean over 3 hours I can write 2 smaller blogs, train 90 minutes and read a part of a book. I have done so many things by the time that they want to meet up that I’m able to take some time off without feeling guilty. I’m never able to claim that I don’t have time. I just don’t have time to make excuses.
That’s why I advise people to get up early as well if they’ve got a lot going in their lives of course.
When does the early bird go to sleep?
This is an often asked question and I don’t get it to be honest. The answer is so simple: when I’m tired of course. This varies from day to day but mostly somewhere between 10:00 pm and 10:45 pm. I aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep. I don’t want to be sleep-deprived.
What’s the secret of the early bird?
I once wrote a blog on how you can become a morning person but suddenly I realized something. I forget to add the most important part. You’ll never be a morning person if you don’t have a reason to get up. You’ll just snooze and that when you’ll lose. So that’s “my secret”, which was pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. It’s all about having a purpose in life. A purpose in life will make you happy. I’m glad that I found mine again after I opened Pandora’s box in my body.
Aside from that, it’s proper planning of course. But that’s just practice. It gets easier over time. You’ll get the hang of it and live a balanced life without having to sacrifice a single thing.
The early bird always gets the worm!
Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.
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Till next time