Dream, believe, achieve… it sounds so simple yet so many people seem to do it wrong. Because I think it’s safe to assume that some people dream and believe at one point. Maybe they do it even more than once. Maybe they stare at exotic locations while they’re supposed to work or they might check out my Instagram and see all the cool shit that I did the last 4 months. Stuff like quitting my job, living in Thailand, talking mad trash on Instagram, win a Muay Thai fight and so on. So some of those people will figure out that they can do the same thing as me because I’m only human. So they quickly figure out that I like to read, hop in the car and go to the infamous self- help section aka the self- proclaimed Zero To Alpha section.
They then pick up a book like “The Secret” or “The Law Of Attraction”, finish the book highly motivated and start to dream and believe but then somehow they never achieve…..
Dream, believe but never achieve?
I read a lot of self-help books when I started out and after a while a quickly figured something out. Most of them are feel-good easy reads full of bullshit. But that’s also why they sell so well. People want to believe there is a secret out there that’ll make you successful but there just isn’t. There is no such thing as the secret and I’ll give you an example to prove the point. I once met a girl that read “The Secret” and guess what. She was highly motivated to lose weight and turn her life around. She believed her positive thoughts and other mumbo jumbo bullshit would give her good things. I think she was on the same vibration as the universe. I saw her again about one year later and ironically enough her situation got worse.
Maybe bad vibrations from some evil multiverse? That’s at least what some gurus would claim and somebody should slap some common sense into their brain (kicking is allowed as well).
People in that situation get discouraged because they do everything those books say. They dream, believe but don’t achieve and that wasn’t part of the book…. or was it?!
The problem with the ‘dream, believe, achieve’ hype train.
The problem is pretty simple these books forget to mention something extremely important. They forget that you have to work hard for things and you’ll struggle, fail and face adversity while you work. That’s the whole problem, it doesn’t sound great. Who wants to read a guide on how to succeed in life while you don’t get the feel-good vibe? The funny thing though is that people love stories where people struggle and make it to the top. They love it but don’t want to be the person who has to go through it. People want to believe that you can believe and suddenly achieve a successful life. People want to step in the ring but don’t do the training camp. They want the highlight of the win but don’t want to work to get the win.
Trust me I’ve seen it. In Thailand, there was a guy who got offered a short notice fight. He didn’t run. He didn’t feel like it, partied and skipped training sessions because he was lazy. He believed in that first-round knockout though (was never going to happen, trust me on this one.). Luckily for him, the fight got canceled because I feared for his health.
Here comes the problem.
Some people believe that they can achieve great things without putting in the work. It just doesn’t work that way. People always asked me how I motivated myself to run every morning and afternoon in a training camp. The answer is plain and simple: “it’s easy to work hard when somebody wants to punch and elbow my pretty face.” If stuff like that doesn’t get you up in the morning, nothing will. People who believe but don’t work are straight-up delusional. How do you expect this to work out? Do you believe you’re going to lose weight while you still eat unhealthy as you did before? And never go to the gym? It just doesn’t work.
Hard work works. That’s just how it is and that’s the thing that you just didn’t want to hear. It’s hard work and it will suck from time to time. It’s either that or being unhappy all the time and hoping that you win that one golden lottery ticket.
Dream, believe, achieve revised.
The whole “dream, believe, achieve” doesn’t work because you don’t work. Oh and stop saying it all the time. You sound like every corny self-help book that’s collecting dust on most people’s bookshelves in their house. That house is located on the Boulevard Of Broken Dreams.
Just turn it into “dream, believe, work, struggle, revise, achieve”. That’s how it works. There can be no achievement without a clear goal, self-awareness, and a great work ethic. How about that?! It doesn’t sound pretty because it isn’t supposed to be pretty. Things that come easy are cursed, there’s a reason why most lottery winners eventually go into debt and most people who live from paycheck to paycheck are miserable. They chose instant gratification and that led to long term frustration.
It’s like most corny self- help books claim: life’s a marathon and not a sprint. Maybe we should start treating it that way!
I just saved you tons of money because now you won’t waste money on all these corny self- help books. You can always send donations to my PayPal as a way of saying thank you. Every cent is appreciated.
Dream, believe, achieve: we’re almost done.
This blog post is part of my coaching program. I decided to give it away for free though to give you an insight into what I have to offer. The coaching program consists of three parts and rewiring the way you think is the first part of a 3 part series.
You can either contact me via mail if you’ve questions (click here to contact me) or you can schedule a Skype call to see if you’re a great fit for the coaching program (click here to schedule a skype call).
Check Out My Latest Book!
I released a book on Amazon while I stayed here in Thailand. It’s called “The Year Of The Alpha: 366 Lessons On Adding Meaning To Your Life”.
The book contains 366 life lessons that I learned over 3 years and people who read it loved it. Just look at these reviews.
The Year of the Alpha is filled with vast and important lessons for life. They are key ideas that, once lived, will change your life forever.
Have met Alex in person and he is a free spirit with a hard work ethic! His life tips are no BS and hit straight to the core!
This is a book to call you out when you know you need improvement. It doesn’t bother with trivial things it gets right i the heart of the matter and if you want to change this book is the read for you.
A very clear, grounded, no-nonsense book on living a more healthy and conscious life. An easily digestible introduction for those starting out, and a helpful refresher for those already on the path. You’ll learn from this and you’ll use it.
You can buy the book here. It’s available on Kindle and paperback.
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Don’t forget to check out my first book. The ones who read it liked it.
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Till next time