Do you want to get out of your comfort zone? Do you want to do it? What are you waiting for? Are you afraid? Are you too worried about the opinion of others? There are a million reasons why people don’t want to leave their comfort zone but they all use a ton of excuses. They’re all afraid to do it and, logically, you’re doing it but you’ll never be able to live if you’re constantly staying there. You start living once you’re stepping outside of your comfort zone. It’s pretty addictive and fun once you get out.
So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into this post to make sure that you’re getting it.
Do it, take the first step
This is the hardest part of the whole process. You need to take the first step. Every journey starts with the first step so DO IT. Just start walking (it’s a metaphor). It doesn’t matter what you do since you’re probably not going to enjoy it. People who go to the gym can’t move properly for a week. Guys who approach a girl on the street get rejected. Others got their ass whooped in a martial art class.
But you did what you had to do. You took the first step and that’s more than enough to get things rolling. This blog is the result of me taking the first step.
Do you know what the great part is? No? Let me tell you a secret. Taking the first step takes a lot of courage. It’s exciting and yes you’ll be nervous as hell but 6 months later you’ll laugh at it. It’s not that of a big deal. I now laugh at myself for being so nervous in the beginning but that’s okay. This experience learned me to step out of my comfort zone and I never stopped doing it after that.
Do it: explore new environments
Some people always eat in the same restaurant in the same part of town. They always travel to the same countries, the same cities, and the same hotels. This sounds like a dumb improvement but for some people, it’s all about extreme comfort. This is not the biggest change but it will make sure that you do something new while staying in control. Some people need to take baby steps to get there but that’s okay. I was like that myself.
I build it up slowly but suddenly people couldn’t ignore the fact that I was changed so much.
Do it: never pick the safe choice
Pick the choice where you’re sure that it’s not safe. You won’t learn much from the safe choice. I deliberately picked the unsafe road in 2016 and I learned more in 2016 than in my past life. I’m finally feeling alive and it feels great. You should try it as well. You’ll learn so much on this journey and that’s the most beautiful part about it.
So going to college or starting a company with a buddy shouldn’t be a hard choice anymore. Do it.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Seriously don’t do it
You shouldn’t take life too seriously but that’s what most people won’t tell you. They take life to serious and are getting frustrated more and more. They see life as their opponent and they get bitter instead of better. You will fail and you will have major setbacks. Others will mock you for it but that’s okay. Just roll with the punches while the others poke fun.
Focus on the fun: do it
Most people will never be able to understand or even know their selves. Stepping out of your comfort zone will teach about yourself that you didn’t know. Congratulations you’re going to become your best- self.
Do it: take a snap decision
Do something new but follow your gut feeling instead of your thoughts. People lose too much time overthinking everything. Your gut will tell you yes or no immediately but your mind will play games with you. But what if I start overthinking way too soon? Just flip a coin and do it. You won’t regret it. The only thing that you will regret is the fact that you didn’t do it. This will give you more self- esteem and will take you out of your comfort zone before you know it.
Yes man, do it
Ever seen the movie Yes man with Jim Carrey? Good because I never did. He said yes to every opportunity that was presented to him. He stepped out of his comfort zone big time. Anyway, some of the best things that I did were the ones which were presented to me and I just said yes. This resulted in 2 extremely fun road trips and a lack of sleep. But it was worth it. So what do you do next time you get an offer? You say yes.
Do it even when you think that you’re not ready (you’ll never be ready), you’ll never regret it.
Do it: do what you’re afraid to do
Fear can paralyze you so you need to conquer it. The only way to conquer it is to do what you’re afraid of. It suddenly becomes comfortable, that’s why some guys can approach girls, take risks… and others don’t. They just did it a lot, or are drunk but I wouldn’t recommend the latter.
So do whatever that scares you. Easy peasy am I right?! Conquer fear without beer.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”BdCcE” via=”yes” ]Conquer fear without beer. @ZeroToAlpha[/ctt]Embrace the cold: do it
Most people want to be comfortable and constantly look for a spot where they find warmth. Those people will almost die in winter. Take cold showers since they have tons of benefits and you’ll be able to handle the cold a lot better. Warm showers or baths make you sleepy anyway.
I never use the heat in my sleeping room during winter. Well not anymore. The heat put me asleep and I didn’t realize it. My blogposts became worse and worse so I learned to embrace the cold and my work got better.
It’s also a great way to get out of bed. You wake up in a warm environment if you stay under your sheets. Just throw it off of you and you’ll need to get up immediately. You need to get moving or you’ll have a cold. It works pretty well during winter since it’s hard to get up at 6:30 in the morning when it’s still dark. Becoming a morning person is not that hard.
Practice a martial art
Martial arts are the purest form of combat but they’re damn hard to master. There are tons of people who’re making fun of people who’re doing karate (I have a karate background myself). That’s cute, that’s cute but someone who is a good karateka will whoop your ass. You have one good shot while he has an arsenal of techniques.
Martial arts are also sports where you’ll injure yourself a lot. You’ll have black eyes, bruised ribs, sprained knees, maybe something broken who knows. You’ll be injured a lot more than most soccer players in their entire career but you know what the difference is? A martial artist trains even when he’s injured, yes even with bruised ribs. It’s all part of the game. There’s no room to be comfortable in the dojo.
Admit when you didn’t get something right away
Most people are afraid to admit that they didn’t get something they’re afraid that people will label them as stupid or they just want to protect their ego. Either way, it won’t end well since you probably really didn’t get it. You just go out and do what you shouldn’t have done and this can result in the fact that you fail (by the way now you look stupid).
There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you didn’t get something. You can’t be good at everything. Just focus on being good at one thing and be eager to learn the rest when there’s an opportunity.
So Alex, how do I know for sure that I’m ready to admit that I didn’t get something. Easy you’re going in the right direction if you’re getting the following statement: sometimes you’ll learn more from a 4-year-old than from a 50-year-old!
So comfort zone? What comfort zone?!
Get out and do it. Just do it (read here what you should do)
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Till next time
Great post mate
Thank You Chirag