I’m going to address a topic that scares most people to death. Most people don’t want to hear that they’re going to die. It’s a forbidden topic until they can’t avoid it any more of course. There’s a point in life where you can’t neglect it. Death is coming or the reaper whatever you want to call it. It’s coming for all of us. Nobody will live eternal life and that’s what makes it so challenging. I mean face it there’s so much to learn in this life. But there are more and more people who’re extremely bored. They have no clue how they should spend time.
I recently witnessed something funny. Our whole neighborhood couldn’t access the internet for 12 hours. Most people had no clue on how they should spend their time without the internet. So I just did the same as usual. I trained, read and wrote. I just published my blog post a little later than usual. It was pretty sad to see that see many people are wandering through life. They have no clue what to do. It’s even sadder that those people freak out when you mention that they’re going to die. They don’t want to do anything useful with their time but they don’t want to die as well. It doesn’t work like this. That’s not the meaning of life.
Death and the fear of the fact that you’re going to die
I used to fear death just as much as all the others in the past. I realized that it was coming but I never talked about it. So it’s safe to say that I was delusional when I assumed that everybody would grow old or at least go well beyond the age of 70. The reality is that you can die anytime and anywhere. You’ll die when it’s your time to die. I learned to accept this after I read Meditations and suddenly I realized that I was in the prime of my life. At the age of 23 something made me realize that this wouldn’t last forever. I would lose my physical abilities over time.
So I took action instead of whining about it. Most people get into dead-end jobs at the age of 23 and that’s where they’re slowly dying. They don’t see a way out so they’re done at the age of 23. Most people become dumb at that age and it doesn’t get any better when they get older. These people get extremely frustrated and the inevitable happens. They suddenly feel cheated by life. I haven’t met a lot of people who aren’t following this path. All of these people are afraid to die. Maybe they don’t want to die because they realize deep down inside that they have wasted precious time?
The quest to escape death
Most people get to a point where their body is giving them signals that they’re aging so they’re doing everything to escape it. They do tons of treatments just to look younger. Botox is more popular than ever. Those people look fucked up but they ‘look younger’ in their eyes. There are tons of examples but it’s safe to say that unhappiness makes you do extremely dumb things. People would do everything to live longer but they hate life. There’s something that just doesn’t feel right in their way of thinking. You don’t beat death by living longer. You beat it by living well.
Death and regret?
Most people regret all the things that they didn’t do when they’re on their death bed. There are multiple studies on this matter but in some weird way, only 1% of the population does what he/she wants. They die but they leave a legacy and that’s what life is all about. But what about the others? Well, they walk around unnoticed but they also pass away unnoticed. Once again death comes for everyone even the most famous people in the world can’t escape it. They die and everybody is crying like they lost someone close to them. Do you get what I’m trying to tell you here? They were human beings just like you and me. They just worked extremely hard and got what they deserved.
Stop pretending that you’re ok
What ideas, dreams, talents,…. would go lost if you die today? You can still achieve them so say yes to your dreams. Turn your whole life around no matter how bad it looks. You are ready to do great things. Make it count now that you still have the chance. Do everything you want and die with a smile on your face instead of nothing but regrets. You only need two things in life; hard work and dedication. Be kind, embrace the grind and good things will happen. It’s that simple.
Start as a one-man army and the law of attraction will make you connect with others with the same ideas. You need to find your obsession. You need to find something that wakes you up in the morning. I hope that you find it before it’s too late because death won’t wait.
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Till next time
“You don’t beat death by living longer. You beat death by living well.”
So true
Yeah welcome to the big reality show called life