Have you ever noticed that people get overly excited about the weekend? I’ve seen the same shit over and over again on Instagram. Stuff like “it’s Friyay” and so on. Most people are just tired from a whole week at work but there’s a catch. They aren’t tired because they worked hard. Those people are mostly busy instead of productive. They’re sitting down all day or do the same thing over and over again. Which is boring and makes you want to sleep if you ask me. I can describe every single day of most people without even trying hard. Here we go.
A day in the life: where did the weekend go?
So most people set their alarm clock an hour upfront. They snooze for an hour and get up. They eat some unhealthy food (some eat healthily) and rush to work. Don’t forget to spill the coffee! They get stuck in traffic and complain about the fact that they’re in traffic. They go to a job that they hate but keep on doing it to make the money that they spend way too easily during the weekends. Gossip and complaining about life are the topics at lunch of course. The job ends at 5 and they go to the gym doing the same routine that they always do. It doesn’t work at all but they keep on doing it. Those people come home and eat healthily. Well, that what I assume off course. They waste some time in front of the television or on social media and go to sleep.
Others go home and watch television until they have to go to sleep. They repeat the sequence the next day of course since there’s nothing better than staying in your comfort zone (just kidding, it isn’t).
A brief conclusion to avoid confusion
Those people feel bored and can you blame them? I almost fell asleep while I was writing how they start the day. I get why you’re bored and that’s hard to do in this day and age. You should take the mornings head-on. Kick start your day the right way. You’ll thank me later. You don’t believe me, do you? Here’s some food for thought. You’ve got a pretty sad life if your highlight of the day is the fact that you glanced at your phone while you were sitting on the toilet at your job.
The same goes for people who’re in college of course. But they can skip classes. They have a lot more freedom.
Now it’s time to take a look at the weekend. Well, your weekend since mine are pretty different than most people.
Isn’t the weekend extremely overrated?!
There I said it and there’s a good reason why I said it. People sleep till noon so they waste half a day just by sleeping. They claim that they’re tired but they’re not tired! They are uninspired! You have no clear goal in life so you’ve got not a single reason to get up first thing in the morning. So most people work a bit in the house and then they either watch television till they fall asleep or they go out. They go out because they need to drink away their problems. They’re drinking away their capability to think but who am I to judge?! Sundays are mostly the same besides the fact that most people spend an hour complaining that they have to return to work on Monday.
Somebody has to explain to me why it’s so much better to sleep all day long and just do nothing afterward. Are you even surprised that you’re tired all the time? I’m not.
Most people love and hate the weekend at the same time
I noticed that most people have a love-hate relationship with the weekend. They love it because they can sleep as long as they want. Which sounds pretty depressing if you ask me. I mean you’re going to die one day and you spend your time in a job you hate, in front of television or sleeping in bed. Are you really happy? Don’t pretend because you won’t gain anything from it! Most people love the weekend because they don’t have to go to their job but they hate it because they’ve got so much spare time. The struggle must be real since some of them would like to work on the weekends because they have nothing to do. It’s pretty sad if you ask me.
I hope that you realize that you’ll live like this till you reach the age of retirement. This conclusion is a pretty painful reality check if you ask me. Do you feel cheated by life already?
Make your weekends more exciting.
So how do you get most out of your weekends? Well, you could start by getting up at the same time you did every other weekday. You’ll feel more energized because you didn’t sleep for too long. Now you’ll have a pretty long day. Scared? Why? Because you’ve got so much time? That’s a great thing. I mostly write 4 blogs, train 3 times and read a lot while I still have time to relax on those 2 days. I advise you to read during the weekends. Well on weekdays as well of course but most people will claim that they don’t have time. You’ll become smarter in no time if you read every day.
Be active. Buy yourself a boxing bag and have some fun on that. You’ll feel a lot better trust me. Everybody likes hitting the bag.
Find something you like and spend your time doing that. Learn a new instrument, a new hobby, write a book… The options are endless. Just do something you like so don’t you don’t have to sleep all day. Easy-peasy right?
The weekend: a brief conclusion
Cheers to the fucking weekend. Oh wait tomorrow is Friyay. But only after 5 because that’s when your job ends right? Are you sure? Because you’ll be stuck in traffic so doesn’t it start when you get home? So when does it even start? Man, this shit is confusing. I don’t get it. I’m glad that I’m not on that hype train.
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