Have you ever been in a situation where someone points out to you that you’re contradicting yourself? It sounds pretty bad doesn’t it? But it’s not that bad as you might think. Contradicting yourself can be good or bad and it’s up to you to recognize if you’re doing the right thing. A buddy of mine recently pointed out that there were probably blogpost which would contradict each other in some way. He could be right but I can’t remember everything that I’ve written in the past year. Writing is a way to clear my mind of thoughts. I write it down and forget about it. It’s a closed chapter.
Anyways, I realize that some people will do everything to find out where you contradict yourself. They’ll tell you on the spot when you do it. Just to humiliate you. The normal people are so damn funny to be honest. So why do they do it? Because they rather look down on people to make themselves feel better. For them this is a better option than bettering themselves.
I’ve recently listened to a podcast from Joe Rogan and he contradicted himself. He claimed the opposite of something that he claimed before and the comment section looked like a battlefied of fallen keyboard warriors. People who’re not contradicting theirself are dumb. They became even dumber overtime.
But I realize that some people won’t believe what I’m about to say so let me share you a quote from the greatest boxer of all time. Muhammad Ali was right you know.
A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.
Contradicting yourself might be a sign that you evolving
Contradicting yourself happens in two occasions. The first one is where you hear new insights about a topic which makes you change you view on something. The second option is that you’re insecure and just say yes to every opinion that comes by. I’ll talk about both don’t worry. A real man has an opinion and he stand by it but you would be extremely stupid to have the same opinion as 10 years ago. That’s a sign that you haven’t evolved at all. You’re been wandering around the earth for 10 freaking years.
It’s only a matter of time before you contradict yourself. So yes it’s good when you do it after a while since it’s a sign that you are capable of thinking about certain ideas. Always be a white belt till the day you day. I still have the first white belt that I ever recieved. I always carry it with me in my gym bag. It’s just a small reminder where I come from and how I’ve got to train.
Contradicting yourself can be bad as well
Some poeple are just so insecure that they don’t have an opinion at all. Those poeple actually have one but they’re to afraid to share it. Those people are too afraid to follow their own gut feeling and that’s what’s killing their self esteem even more. It’s extremely painful when someone else shares what you didn’t dare to do. They get all the credit and you feel even worse. I was once like that but I’m done being like that. I started following my gut feeling and it’s so great. I won’t always make the right decision but I make the decision right.
People will realize that you haven’t got a clear opinion and they will take you less serious. Why would you take someone serious who always agrees. You’re just a puppet that’s been controlled by others. Break the strings now matter how hard it stings. Learn to share what you really think and people will start to you a lot more serious.
Why do people hate on the ones who contradict theirself
I really can’t give on reason to be honest. But here are some of the reasons that seem to fit in the picture.
They’re just bored and need something that entertains them.
Some people just like to hate on everything and everyone.
They don’t get that you can’t have an ego when you’re admitting that you changed your opinion.
Some people will never get it.
So do you want to read all my blog post to find where I contradict myself? Be my guest. It’s a sign that I’m still improving and that you’ve got way too much time.
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Till next time
Incredible love it
thank you Luisa