We need to make choices every minute of the day. Most people don’t realize that these small choices are part of a bigger picture and that bigger picture is your lifestyle. It all adds up after a while and most people are horrible at making the right decision. People will always choose the most comfortable option and they’re surprised that they can’t get anything done. They eat tons of bad foods but complain that dieting is so hard. It’s your fault that you’re not losing weight and you know it. You chose to eat nothing but crap so you’ll end up looking like crap. But there are more bad choices that people are making these days.
The butterfly effect is a term to describe these little choices. One little choice can change your whole life. It may sound stupid but that’s really how things go in life. Most people won’t work if they don’t have to but they all want a successful life. Why don’t you try to aim at a successful hour per day? Those hours will multiply soon enough. One hour will turn into a day, a day will turn into a week and you’ll have a successful life before you even know it. It’s all based on your own choices. Do you get what I’m trying to say?
Your choices may seem small or dumb at that moment but they determine the outcome of your life. Your choices eventually become your lifestyle. I didn’t believe this when I was younger but I’ve seen the effect of it. Most people just slowly become lazier and more depressed because they’re constantly making poor choices.
Choices: They chase the looks instead of reading books
People claim that reading is for nerds or whatever they call people who read a lot of books. That’s a sign of stupidity and most people seem to be stupid these days. How can you evolve when you’re not reading? You could talk to successful people since they have tons of knowledge to share. But I’m pretty sure that they won’t spend too much time talking to you. Those people are mostly very busy and the law of attraction is another reason why they won’t do it. You attract what you are or will become so I guess that you can draw your conclusions now?
But I get why you do it. Most people are insecure because they see perfect bodies and faces everywhere they look. Don’t forget that most of those pictures of people are fake.
Choices: watching tv instead of working out
Most people skip a workout because they’re tired all the time. The fact that they’re tired is logical. It’s all based on your choices. Most people don’t get that I go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time. People claim that I’m crazy to get up at 6 am but it’s my choice. Anyway, most people get up when they have to go to work. They don’t kickstart their day in the right way. They go to work, get mentally exhausted and feel extremely exhausted when they come home. You just need to do something active to feel better. Most people just don’t seem to get it. Some people do a desk job. They sit all day and they claim that they can’t train because their body feels tired.
It’s all mental and you need to conquer it. So what are you waiting for?
Do my busy people’s routine or follow my obstacle run training routine (routines are shared towards the end). It’s a lot healthier than watching television all night. You’ll also feel better because you’ve done something great with your time. You’ll become a happier and healthier person. I don’t get why you shouldn’t do it.
Choices: chasing girls instead of doing barbell curls
A lot of guys are chasing girls these days, it’s pretty pathetic if you think about it. My grandfather recently told me that he was happy that he didn’t waste too much money on women like some other guys. I recently read a book that gave me an interesting perspective on dating and so on. You can’t date as long as you haven’t got a purpose in your life. This was mentioned in the book The Way Of Superior Men. This book was so good that I finished it in a day. Most guys have a purpose and it’s chasing girls. They are dating the wrong girls and give up everything for them. I do it the other way around.
I would give up everything to achieve my goals. Yes, even a relation. You can always find a new girl that’s good for you but you’ll never get a second shot at something that you want. Become a go-getter instead of a go-getter. Or you could do some barbell curls instead of chasing girls.
Choices: hating people
Most people have a hateful mentality these days but it’s all their own choice. Most people don’t want others to be successful because they’ll get a major reality check by others’ success. It’s your own choice but realizes that you’re the one that’s poisoning your mind. It’s all your fault that you are a negative person and you are the one that needs to change it. Do you get where I’m going? You’re a fucked up person because your mentality is fucked up. You’re part of the pussy generation because you chose to be part of it. So what are you going to do now? Are you going to hate on me? Go ahead but that’s just a sign that you’ve missed the whole point of this part of the blog post.
How do I know that I made the right choices?
So how do you know that you’re on the right track? You’re on the right track as soon as people claim that you’re lucky or talented. You know that it’s because you’ve worked hard and made the right choices but that’s something that they’ll always neglect. You’ve got one life so you better make it count. You’re going to die anyway so why not live a life that’s worth living?! Just think about it. You know that I’m right. The question is if you’re going to take action now or die full of regret.
Do what your gut feeling tells you instead of constantly choosing for comfort.
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