life lessons

Life lessons learned after working with children with behavioral problems.

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Something that most people don’t seem to realize is that you can learn life lessons in everything you do. Some of those life lessons came way after the events happened in my life. An example of that is the lessons that I learned after an internship in 2015. Back then I didn’t realize what that period had taught me because I was too busy being depressed. Being depressed is a full-time commitment you know. That 6-week internship would eventually push me deeper down the dark hole and 7 months later I had a second burnout in a single year. I guess we can consider the rest as history. Read More

Ed Latimore

ZTA podcast #27: How To Change Your Life With Ed Latimore

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In my latest podcast, I had the honor to have Ed Latimore as a guest. He’s the author of one of my favorite books “Not Caring What Other People Think Is A Superpower“. (buy it here) It’s hard to describe him because it feels like I’m describing more than one person, he’s achieved a lot in his 35 years on this planet. He’s a retired professional boxer, a former member of the US National Guard, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in physics in 2018 (at 33) from Duquesne University,  Amazon bestselling author, and public speaker. He’s also been sober since December 23, 2013. I think it’s safe to say that Ed is the perfect example to show people that it’s never too late to start something new.

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10 life lessons I learned from fighting.

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Fighting is one of the most beautiful sports in the world, at least in my opinion. Not everybody agrees on this one but a lot of people also just don’t understand fighting. They see it as punchers sports. The reality is that fighting is a thinking man’s sport. Just think about it, you have 15- 25 minutes to figure another person out and they try to do the same. It’s like a high-speed game of chess but the consequences can just hurt a little more. It’s a lot of fun and it’s so peaceful inside of the ring. Here are some of the lessons that I learned through fighting.

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6 life lessons I learned after losing twice in a row.

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There is a saying that goes like “you either win or learn”. I agree with that one. You will learn a lot from losing a fight, probably more than you can even imagine. That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck though. On the 21st of February, I was sitting in the back of the stadium, devastated with a calf that was as big as my quad muscle. I was in a lot of pain as soon as my adrenaline levels dropped. Walking was not an option so eventually, they had to carry me outside the stadium and drive me to my place. The whole time I was wondering how I had been able to finish that fight. My leg blew up in the second round and I went the full 5 rounds. So there I was in my bed with a leg that I couldn’t move and a second loss on my record. Read More

loss aversion

Loss aversion is killing your happiness in quarantine.

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What is loss aversion? “The loss aversion is a reflection of a general bias in human psychology (status quo bias) that make people resistant to change. So when we think about change we focus more on what we might lose rather than on what we might get” (source). This is the fastest way to unhappiness and mental health issues (heard from a friend). You’re focusing on avoiding negative emotions rather than seeking out the positive ones. a bit crazy right? Why would you focus on what you might lose instead of what you might gain? You should be aware of both but I would never focus on what I can lose. Then you just get paralysis by analysis.

It’s killing your happiness in quarantine and here’s how. Read More

The passive and indecisive are forever unhappy.

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People who’re passive and indecisive never take the decisions they should in life. They treat life as a spectators sport and that’s why they see their whole life fly by before they know it. Some people are lucky and their life turns around but the majority will be forever unhappy. It’s pretty sad but it’s also reality. I remember a time when I was like that. I was going with the flow and followed what people told me to do. So I picked a course in college because people told me that I’d be a great fit for me. Sadly enough these people didn’t know me well. I was passive and indecisive until I turned 23. Everything changed after that including how I felt. Read More


Panic is an ill adviser.

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There has been a lot of panic since the Corona outbreak but recently it got even worse. I live on a tropical island as you may or may not know and life was normal here while the rest of the world was going insane. People weren’t worried at all about the virus here and Thailand seemed to do fine. They did fine until they suddenly took measures and started to close gyms all over Thailand. People started panicking and some of them left earlier than planned, others canceled their return to the island and went home. The few that stayed were doing fine until they announced a lockdown. Well, that was the rumor, nothing was set in stone yet. The real news was that they were going to announce something at 2 in the afternoon on a Thursday. People didn’t seem to get that and assumed the whole island was going to get shut down. So people left the very last minute. A day later a half curfew got announced. Nobody knows when it ends or starts but it should start between 6 and 8 at night and stop between 6 and 8 in the morning. Life just goes on as normal here.

Now some people may think this makes sense but it doesn’t. People have made some decisions that they regretted later on based on panic. They went home and quickly realized that it was better to do the opposite of what they did. Other people have died because they couldn’t get a hold of their emotions.

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11 truths about life no one wants to hear.

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There are truths about life that nobody wants to hear but you will have to face at one point in life. The sooner you realize these things the better since they will improve the quality of your life drastically. There will be more truths that I forgot but you can always use Google to find out more of them or add them in the comment section. Don’t forget that I’m only 27. You can’t expect a blueprint of life here because just like everybody else I don’t have one. These are the truth that I figured out over time just by living life. Read More

Vince The Anomaly

ZTA podcast #26: wisdom in Coronatine times with Vince The Anomaly.

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In the 26th Zero To Alpha podcast, we’ve got a special guest. His name is Vince The Anomaly and he’s making his second appearance on the podcast. He’s a pro-MMA fighter (7-2) who currently fights in the LFA bantamweight division. This guy will be in the UFC make no mistake about it. He has an impressive mindset aside from an impressive record and that’s why I decided to invite him on the podcast. Everybody should listen to this podcast because Vince will learn you to follow your gut instead of following the path that’s laid out for you. This time I didn’t prepare any questions and just decided to free flow during the conversation. This lead to a 90 minutes podcast that was a lot of fun to record. So without further ado, here’s is the podcast with Vince “The Anomaly” Cachero.

image is courtesy of LFA (Legacy Fighting Alliance).

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The beauty of daily effort.

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I once a blog wrote a blog and inserted the following quote “effort is what it takes, for God’s sakes”. I still stand by this since life is all about the little things. This is something that most people don’t seem to understand. Most people are treating everything they do like a sprint rather than a marathon. They put in a great effort and then they get comfortable which is the beginning of the decline of whatever they’ve invested in. This can apply to everything: career, friendship, relationship, sports,… This attitude makes sure that a lot of times they either quit, are forced to quit, or do enough to get by but not enough to improve. I don’t understand these people to be honest. I don’t want to either. Relating to lazy people isn’t something that I want to be able to do. They never see the beauty of daily effort. To them, it’s just a burden all along and that mindset will hurt them in the long. Let’s take a look at the beauty of daily effort.

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