The prison fight series: how I fought in Thai prison (part 2)

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In the first part of the prison fight series, I talked about how I ended up getting this opportunity. The majority of people in Thailand don’t even know about these shows since they all happen behind closed doors. The only proof people have of it ever happening is the fight shorts, in case they get to keep them, and the fight poster. Well, that and the stories they get to tell, of course.

We left two days before the actual event for an area somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Issan. It was actually nice when we arrived. We all had houses to share with the team, plus we had a swimming pool. It was nice overall. Read More

The prison fight series: how I fought in Thai prison part 1

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In a previous substack, I wrote about how I ended up in a Thai prison. Even after the post, people kept asking me why I did it. For some, it was too surreal to be true. Others kept having follow-up questions, so I decided to turn it into a trilogy post.

I’ll cover:

  1. The actual lead-up to the fight
  2. fighting and being there itself
  3. the aftermath

In this part, we’ll take a look at how it all came together, because, believe it or not, that was quite the process. Read More

Zero To Alpha Wisdom #6: Combat sports are the ultimate test of a man’s character.

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In a previous post, I talked about “the reality of wanting to fight” and the fact that most people underestimate how hard these sports can be.

In reality, competing in these sports isn’t for everyone. Nonetheless, me and some other fighters tell others to try it at least once. Why? Because it’s the ultimate test of character. You can gain a lot by competing in combat sports.

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Zero To Alpha Wisdom #4: On building character and mental toughness.

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Today, we’ll talk about building two things that will turn you into a man. Character and mental toughness are qualities that every man should possess. This shouldn’t even be up for debate.

This is something that most modern men lack, simply because it takes time to develop both qualities. Some quit along the way; others never even bother developing either. They would rather just boost their testosterone levels, which isn’t a real challenge, and pretend to be real men.

But we all know how the saying goes. Whoever takes shortcuts just cuts himself short.

And this brings me to a quote from Musashi Miyamoto from The Book Of Five Rings. A book that I’ve read multiple times and highly recommend.

“Crossing at a ford means, for example, crossing the sea at a strait, or crossing over a hundred miles of broad sea at a crossing place. I believe this “crossing at a ford” occurs often in a man’s lifetime. It means setting sail even though your friends stay in harbour, knowing the route, knowing the soundness of your ship and the favour of the day. When all the conditions are met, and there is perhaps a favourable wind, or a tailwind, then set sail. If the wind changes within a few miles of your destination, you must row across the remaining distance without sail.” – Musashi Miyamoto

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Zero To Alpha wisdom #2: Post-fight celebrations and the reality of the fight life.

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Zero To Alpha wisdom #2. In the last post, we talked about robberies and pre-fight injuries. In this post, we’re going to cover post-fight celebrations and the reality of fight life.

For most people, both topics are unknown; they only have an idea of what most fighters do post-fight. And most of the time, it’s an idea that doesn’t match reality.

I covered this a bit in my post “On the Reality of Wanting to Fight,” but I will go deeper into it in this post. Read More