
The basics are crucial and that’s what most people forget

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let’s talk about the basics of life for a minute. Well, it will take some more time but you get what I mean right. People hate the basics and can you guess why? Because they all assume they’re boring. Well, the thing is that the basics are easy and not fancy at all. But they work and you need to understand that you won’t achieve anything in life if you neglect them. I recently watched a training video from John Wayne Parr. He’s a Muay Thai legend and he was drilling the jab and the double jab over and over again. It’s the first punch you learn. I got why he did it but so many people were bitching about it. They all assumed that he trained way more fancy shit and that he didn’t want to give away his training secrets.

Well, he gave them away but most people were too ignorant to realize it. Oh, the “normal” people keep on entertaining. Grab your popcorn ladies and gentlemen because I’m pretty sure that there will be idiots who hate on this post in the future. I just won’t return hate because that’s a waste of energy.

Let’s take a look at what success, relationships and so on all have in common. Read More

A lot of people ask what I eat. So I tell them that I eat healthy. They just don't get what I mean with healthy eating. Weird isn't it?

So Alex how do you eat healthy? What do you eat?

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A lot of people ask what I eat. So I tell them that I eat healthily. They just don’t get what I mean by eating healthy. Weird isn’t it? I mostly get a shit- ton of question after that. Stuff like: do you eat this, this and that. I’m pretty sure that people would pay for what I’m going to share in this blog post. I’m going to share how and what I eat. Now I’m not a nutritionist and I’m going to share what works for me. I might work for you as well since I know multiple people who took the same approach. They all live a healthy and happy lifestyle (read here what I mean). Now you’ve got two options: you either read the whole article or skip it to the end to see what I eat. It’s all up to you.

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The Tinder files stop chasing girls part 2, sounds like an offensive blog post doesn't it? It might offend you in the end.

The Tinder files: stop chasing girls part 2

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“The Tinder files: stop chasing girls part 2, sounds like an offensive blog post doesn’t it? It might offend you in the end but that’s only because you can’t handle the truth. This blog is a bit different since it’s the first and probably the last time that I’m going to give away what inspired me to write this post. I recently wrote a “thank you” blog post that included a short message. I shared my most popular post in this blog and that blog just hit the 2000 readers mark (read it here). So I decided to do as I promised and write a sequel. The first one was fun to write so can you guess how I felt when I wrote the second one? My friends this stops chasing girls part 2. You better start to shiver because I’m going to deliver.  Read More

Are you facing a breakup? Or are you still struggling to get over a breakup? They suck because you'll face a lot of unwanted feelings.

A guide on how to get over a breakup

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Are you facing a breakup? Or are you still struggling to get over a breakup? They suck because you’ll face a lot of unwanted feelings. Most people don’t know how they should handle them properly and that’s why their life turns into a living hell. It’s a long time ago since I had a breakup myself but I still know what I did to get over it. Well eventually off course. It’s not that hard if you’re able to reflect on the whole matter but that’s what most people don’t do. They blame the other person, which is easy. Or they say stuff to boost their ego. Ego is your worst enemy my friend. You’re an idiot if you’re not capable of realizing this.

Anyway, I assume that you got dumped. Otherwise, you wouldn’t read this post. You might feel like a zero but by the end of the post, I’ll be your hero. Well, not your hero but it sounded pretty badass.

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Alex, are you even to get? I got this question on a Saturday night at a party. I had no clue where the question came from to be honest.

Are you hard to get or not to get at all?

By | Motivation | 2 Comments

Alex, are you even to get? I got this question on a Saturday night at a party. I had no clue where the question came from, to be honest. People just like to get philosophical after midnight or when they’re drunk. The combination might work as well. So I joked about it and said that I was according to Facebook. So this question was asked by a good friend but I would have been a lot different if this was asked by a girl whom I dated. I’ll explain in a minute. So I’m going to divide this post into 2 parts. The first part will be why some guys seem unavailable and the second part will be about girls who like to play hard to get. I can guarantee you that it’ll be entertaining.

It’s no joke because from time to time I like to provoke. Read More

Ever heard of Sober October? It's a challenge which has been metioned in the Joe Rogan podcast recently. They wanted to help a friend.

Sober October: are you up for a big challenge?

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Ever heard of Sober October? It’s a challenge that has been mentioned in the Joe Rogan podcast recently. They wanted to help a friend who indulges way too much alcohol. Now I assume that you’re guessing that I’m going to tell you to do the same? This might be fun but I’m going to take this challenge from Zero To Alpha. There are tons of people who’re able to this. Well at least for one month. Why don’t we do things that’ll make your life better? Things that will make sure that you don’t have to make New Year’s resolutions when you’re drunk. I mean would you even take them seriously?

Beware because I’m going to take you straight outta your comfort zone. It’s based on a challenge that I did almost 2 years ago. I completely nailed that one and I had a weaker mindset in comparison to these days. Mine lasted 100 days instead of 30 and it changed my life big time. Moral of the story: you can do it because I did it.
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I knew I was in trouble when I said the following sentence: You live life ...... and then you die. I shared this sentence with someone who clearly denied it.

Spoiler alert: You live life …… and then you die

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I knew I was in trouble when I said the following sentence: You live life …… and then you die. I shared this sentence with someone who didn’t have a clue what he was going to die. That’s when shit hit the fan. Most people deny it and that’s just wrong. But I did it as well in the past. I was a bit delusional because I never thought about death. I just figured that it would happen one day. This was a bit arrogant since that one day could be tomorrow, next week… You just don’t know. People avoid thinking about the unknown and that’s why they probably avoid the fact that they’re going to die. Read More

Do you want to live a happy and healthy life? Most people want to live a life just like that but most people aren't able to do it.

How to live a happy and healthy life

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Do you want to live a happy and healthy life? Most people want to live a life just like that but most people aren’t able to do it. The reality is that I shouldn’t even devote a blog post to it since we all know the answer on how to do it. Just ask several people on how you should live a happy and healthy life. They’ll almost all tell you the same stuff. We all know it but most of us don’t do it. It’s strange, isn’t it? That we’re smart enough to figure it out but ignorant when it comes to our actions. We as people tend to make up excuses for why we can’t do something. That’s extremely dangerous since you’re killing your potential.

You’re shooting yourself in the foot and you don’t even realize it. I hate to break it to you but you are your own worst opponent. It’s all up to you. So you’re the one to blame if you can’t live a happy and healthy life. You and no one else. But don’t worry this blog post might help you get back on track. It’s never too late to change. It’ll just take time, effort and perseverance. All the things that make you uncomfortable as a human being. Read More


The ex- files: are you completely doomed?

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Today we’re going to talk about your ex or exes whatever. I don’t care about other people’s love lives, to be honest. I hope that they’re doing fine but I hate it when they start to brag or complain about their  (past) relations. But I even hate it, even more, when they start to ask questions like: should I get back together with my ex. It’s like somebody has punched all the sense out of some people. Or they killed their brain cells because they’ve indulged too much alcohol. Seriously some people act like toddlers but they’re trapped in a grown-up body. I seriously started to wonder if they would stop nagging if I’d give them a pacifier. Anyway, I’m going to solve this issue once and for all.

So let me tell you how it’s going to go down. I’m going to tell you the truth and you won’t like it. You’ll be mad at me and even hate me but that’s okay. Just create a Facebook page where people can hate on me. Don’t forget to invite as many people as possible. Just make sure that you link to my blog. I would hate to miss an opportunity to promote my blog. Now that’s what I call the subtle art of not giving a flying fuck. Read More

You probably think that I’m mad when I tell you that you should face struggle. Struggle isn’t that bad, it makes or breaks you.

Struggle is something that you’ve got to face

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oudYou probably think that I’m mad when I tell you that you should face struggle. Struggle isn’t that bad, it makes or breaks you. It all depends on how you deal with your adversity and if you ever learn anything from it. Do you think that a real man always gets lucky when he dates? The answer is simple: NO. There are some things you just can’t control and dating is the perfect example. People like to nag and complain when life gets a bit tougher. We’re all becoming spineless pussies that accept whatever comes around. We just let the problems keep on coming but we won’t learn anything if we don’t take action. You can’t sit down and watch life go by. Read More