Are you facing regret? Most people face it all the time. They should have done this or that. Those people are living in or even stuck in the past.

Why you’re facing regret and what to do about it

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Are you facing regret? Most people face it all the time. They should have done this or that. Those people are living in the past and are never present in the moment. Those are the people who would like to go back in time and give tons of advice to their younger self. Can you guess what I would tell my younger self? Nothing! I would just grab a chair and some popcorn and laugh at all my mistakes. I didn’t end up to bad and all those actions made me who I am today.

I’m happy with who I am so why would I try to change it? That would be really dumb! Sure I faced some bad times but we all did. Some people break and others get stronger after those periods. I suggest that you try to become a better version of yourself instead of being miserable all the time.  So let’s take a look at why you’re facing regret and what to do about it off course.

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Do you hate your job? Congratulations, you're just like most people. I would party all weekend because you're just like 99% of the people.

Hate your job? I’ve got some bad news for you then

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Do you hate your job? Congratulations, you’re just like most people. You]re probably  partying all weekend because you’re just like 99% of the people who’re walking this earth. I was highly sarcastic for those who didn’t get it. Sucks doesn’t it? But it’ll suck even more if you keep on reading. You’ll suddenly realize that you hate a lot more than just your  job. It’s time that you leave your comfort zone before it’s too late. Yes, you’ve read it correctly. You’re in a comfort zone right now. You got used to being unhappy. So now you’re standing at crossroads. You can come up with tons of excuses but that won’t solve a single problem. Or you can take ownership of your life.

I highly suggested the latter option, rather than playing the victim here. You’re not doomed. You’re not born to be a wage slave neither to be a loser. You have FREE WILL.

But Alex what if I still don’t take action after reading this post? Well, that means that you’re not miserable enough to take action. Unhappiness can either motivate you to make a change or make you do extremely dumb stuff. I guess you’re comfortable enough to do the latter. Read More

Instant gratification leads to long term frustration. This is a mindset flaw that most people have these days. We all want it now and we all want it fast.

Instant gratification leads to long- term frustration

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Instant gratification leads to long term frustration. This is a mindset flaw that most people have these days. We all want it now and we all want it fast. We’ll most people since I’m not one of them. I’m not afraid to take my time and that’s what people just don’t get. All those people take a different approach than me and most of them are miserable as well. It’s a painful thing to watch. The problem is that this mindset ruins most people’s lives. You can’t have everything now and you can’t have it fast either. Things that go fast are mostly dangerous. Stuff like winning the lottery will really ruin your whole life.

Even something small like Tinder might have the same effect. Let’s take a look at how instant gratification leads to long- term frustration. Read More

Did you know that you can learn something valuable from Halloween? Weird right? I didn't realize it until yesterday to be honest.

The 5 life lessons that you can learn from Halloween

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Did you know that you can learn something valuable from Halloween? Weird right? I didn’t realize it until yesterday, to be honest. I mostly don’t pay a lot of attention to hypes because it mostly gets overhyped. People either go out to get drunk on Halloween or they dress up and watch some horror movies. I didn’t do any of those, to be honest. I just enjoyed my rest day by blogging and by watching Stranger Thing (great show you should watch it) before I went to bed. Most people will wonder where I did get my inspiration for this blog post and it was pretty easy this time. I got it from all the kids that were asking for candy. Now let’s take a look at what you can learn from Halloween. Read More

Two strikes and you're out that's it. Do you get where I'm heading with this blog post? You don't? Well you'll have to keep reading than.

Two strikes and you’re out. This hack makes life easier.

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Two strikes and you’re out that’s it. Do you get where I’m heading with this blog post? You don’t? Well, you’ll have to keep on reading then. I have a principle that I call “two strikes and you’re out”. You see I don’t want a lot of unnecessary drama and bullshit in my life. Yes, you’ve read it correctly, I don’t want it. I can take a look at my life right now and I don’t have any drama. Now I’m not claiming that my life is perfect. I still have a lot to learn but there’s no unwanted drama. You’re just a slave of your ego if you’re claiming that you’ve got it all figured out. Anyway, let’s take a look at the two strikes principle. It might change your life. Read More

Well it's finally here. This is the official book release of my first book. The first one Alex? Yeah I might write a second one in the future.

Zero To Alpha and the long awaited book release

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Well, it’s finally here. This is the official book release of my first book. The first one Alex? Yeah I might write a second one in the future. I just don’t know if it’ll be shortly. This book release is a childhood dream that has come true. I just stopped dreaming and started doing. It’s something that more people should consider. The title of the book speaks for itself: Take Your Life From Zero To Alpha: A Comprehensive Guide To A Better Life. It’s a guide on how you can turn your whole life around. The book is full of tips and tricks on how to deal with certain obstacles on the road. There are probably other possibilities to deal with certain problems. My way isn’t the only way. Remember that line! Read More


Should you stop using Tinder once and for all?

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I think that it’s safe to say that Tinder is one of the most popular dating apps these days. I used it as well but I stopped using it after I released my second post about chasing girls. I was just bored with it, to be honest. It didn’t have anything useful to offer. Most people weren’t interested as well. I can count the interesting girls that I talked to on one hand. Tinder is just a waste of time. Most people just don’t get that they’re wasting time and are adding extra drama to their lives. Those people are the first ones who complain about the fact that they’ve got too much drama in their lives. I seriously wonder if they realize that they’re the source of their problems. I highly doubt it to be honest. Read More

People are looking for shortcuts all the time. I even noticed that the smartest people tend to do it the most. I mean people with tons of degrees.

Stop looking for shortcuts god damn it

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People are looking for shortcuts all the time. I even noticed that the smartest people tend to do it the most. I mean people with tons of degrees. They want to be a rich bitch but they just can’t figure out how to do it.  So they search for a shortcut their whole damn life. So they suddenly feel cheated by life. They constantly blame everything and everyone. That’s all they do. Those people don’t take ownership of their own life and mistakes. They act like pussies and they don’t even realize it.

So Alex, are there no shortcuts? Well, you could sell drugs but you’ll probably end up in jail or dead. Playing the lottery will make you lose everything so that’s not an option either. So what do you have to do then? Read More

Did someone disappoint you or did you disappoint yourself? Well that's a hard question to start a blog with. The answer might be even harder to process.

Did someone disappoint you or did you do it yourself?

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Did someone disappoint you or did you disappoint yourself? Well that’s a hard question to start a blog with. The answer might be even harder to process. You might get a big reality check over here. But that’s what this blog is all about. I just share the lessons that I learn throughout my life. So I was once just like you. I was like “ow shit I didn’t see that one coming.” Let me answer the question right away: it wasn’t someone else. You disappointed yourself but you project that feeling onto the other person to make sure that you feel better. You prefer to stay in your comfort zone instead of facing reality like you should.

The sad part is that you’re probably coming up with excuses already. Guess what, excuses will make sure that you never grow. Those excuses make sure that you lose the battle against your worst opponent in life. Go stand in front of the mirror and you’ll see who your worst opponent actually is. Well that’s big reality check isn’t it? I’ve got another one for you. The fact that you disappoint yourself is an ego related thing. That’s right; the ego is one of your worst enemies. Read More

What could the most powerful supplement on earth be? Could it be my favorite pre workout? Are you getting curious? Good read this post to find out.

The most powerful supplement on earth

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What could the most powerful supplement on earth be? Could it be my favorite pre-workout? Maybe I started reading fitness magazines again and started taking whey protein again? I’m taking protein powder again since yesterday, to be honest, but that’s not the right answer. I’m still not reading those magazines. Try to figure out for yourself what this supplement could be.

Can you guess it? Here’s a hint: Arnold Schwarzenegger used it.

Steroids? Nope, wrong again. I’m talking about the mind. The mind is the greatest supplement on this earth. Because you just can’t beat someone who believes that he can’t be stopped.

You can pay tons of money to all kinds of trainers but they can’t provide you with the right mindset. You won’t get results if you haven’t got the right mentality. So you can work out all you want but you’ll never be able to outrun a bad diet. Why don’t you start reading books and forget about the looks? Be kind and feed your mind.  Read More