Do you hate your job? Congratulations, you’re just like most people. You]re probably partying all weekend because you’re just like 99% of the people who’re walking this earth. I was highly sarcastic for those who didn’t get it. Sucks doesn’t it? But it’ll suck even more if you keep on reading. You’ll suddenly realize that you hate a lot more than just your job. It’s time that you leave your comfort zone before it’s too late. Yes, you’ve read it correctly. You’re in a comfort zone right now. You got used to being unhappy. So now you’re standing at crossroads. You can come up with tons of excuses but that won’t solve a single problem. Or you can take ownership of your life.
I highly suggested the latter option, rather than playing the victim here. You’re not doomed. You’re not born to be a wage slave neither to be a loser. You have FREE WILL.
But Alex what if I still don’t take action after reading this post? Well, that means that you’re not miserable enough to take action. Unhappiness can either motivate you to make a change or make you do extremely dumb stuff. I guess you’re comfortable enough to do the latter. Read More