Are you ready for the Zero To Alpha holiday workout? I hope you are because it'll make sure that you deserve your holiday cheat meal(s). I did this workout on Christmas Eve. But I didn't train on Christmas itself and there's a good reason for it. I really pushed the pace two weeks prior to the holidays.

The Zero To Alpha holiday workout

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Are you ready for the Zero To Alpha holiday workout? I hope you are because it’ll make sure that you deserve your holiday cheat meal(s). I did this workout on Christmas Eve. But I didn’t train on Christmas itself and there’s a good reason for it. I pushed the pace two weeks before the holidays. I was really tired after Thursday but I decided to push and until it was Sunday. On Sunday I did Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the morning and my holiday workout in the evening. I’m going to share it later in this blog post but first I want to debunk a myth. Read More

life lessons

The 16 life lessons which I learned before turning 25

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It’s time to share some life lessons which I learned throughout a year. I was wondering what kind of blog that I would write on my birthday and suddenly it struck me. I could do the same thing as I did last year but with new life lessons of course (read those here). You have to see it as a summary of my year. I just share the highlights of the life lessons that I learned because I can’t share them all. You have to realize that I learn something new every single day so it would be a pretty long blog post if I would share them all. But first I want to debunk a myth.

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morning routine

My morning routine and the books I read recently

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There are a lot of people who ask me if I have a particular morning routine when I get up. The answer is yes of course but it doesn’t last for hours. Most people expect that I do a lot of fancy stuff but I don’t. We’re also going to take a look at the books that I’m currently reading or have finished. I read 6 books for over 2 weeks. That’s not bad if you ask me. You’ve got to read books if you want to become smarter. So why are you still chasing looks instead of reading books? Read More

Do you work to live or live to work? Now that's a hard question, isn't it? This was a quote from a guy in BJJ after a pretty hard sparring session.

Do you work to live or live to work?

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Do you work to live or live to work? Now that’s a hard question, isn’t it? This was a quote from a guy in BJJ after a pretty hard sparring session. I even forgot how we ended up talking about this topic. It’s a great question if you ask me since most people don’t think about it. These people just drift through life. They go with the flow as they like to say, but they have no clue where they’re heading. That’s what you get when you’ve got no sense of purpose in life. You’ll end up anywhere. It means that you could gain a promotion or a burnout. The odds are even and you don’t know what you’ll get. I seriously hope that you won’t face a burnout. It mostly goes downhill from there for most people. That’s what happens if you live to work off course. Read More

You should focus on yourself and no one else. Can you guess why? Well, it's because losers focus on winners and winners focus on winners. 

Focus on yourself and no one else

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You should focus on yourself and no one else. Can you guess why? Well, it’s because losers focus on winners and winners focus on winners. There’s a big difference between those two groups. The first group, the losers, spends a lot of time focusing on others. The second group focusses on getting better and that’s why they get better. They don’t have to come up with excuses on why they failed. Those people should learn how to deal with failure instead of focusing on others. It’s just a suggestion though. Now I realize that most people will claim that focusing on yourself is selfish. Guess what, it’s not.

Oh, by the way, I suggest that you read this post if you’re in a relationship.

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Do you like to act like a victim? You do? Well you're fucked. People who like to play the victim are good at one thing and one thing only:

You’ll never be set if you have a victim mindset

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Do you like to act like a victim? You do? Well, you’re fucked. People who like to play the victim are good at one thing and one thing only: they’re pros at coming up with excuses. Those excuses make sure that those people remain in the same place for the rest of their lives. I mean what are you trying to achieve when you make up excuses? Maybe you’re looking for attention? All those attempts will piss off people big time. Besides, it’s also a form of self- pity. There’s a great quote about self- pity that you need to read.

“Self- pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”- John Gardner

He even uses the word victim since you are one. You’re the victim of your bad mindset. Read More

Today we're going to talk about money and the money mindset. A lot of people have the wrong mindset but they don't even realize it.

So you only care about money? Man you’re funny!

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Today we’re going to talk about money and the money mindset. A lot of people have the wrong mindset but they don’t even realize it. I had the wrong mindset as well and I only realized it after I read Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Richest Man In Babylon. I suggest that you read The Richest Man In Babylon first. Or you can pick up a copy of my book off course. Since I cover the money mindset in it as well. Now it’s time to take a look at why you’re doing the wrong thing if your eyes are filled with cash signs. By the way, you’re even more fucked if you’re chasing girls as well. Read More

The productivity myth: You're not productive! Damn what an opener for a new blog post. I mean I'm already offending you with the title.

The productivity myth: You’re not productive!

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The productivity myth: You’re not productive! Damn what an opener for a new blog post. I mean I’m already offending you with the title. So there’s a productivity myth and most people are buying it. Most people besides me and a few others. I got a lot of hate after I wrote the blog about the fact that the “no time” excuse is pure bullshit. I could have argued with those people but that would have been a complete waste of time. Why would I argue with them if I can write a blog about it?! They’ll probably read this one as well and they’ll probably hate it too but I won’t pay any attention to it. I don’t return hate. It’s just the wrong thing to do.

I do on the other hand write offensive blog posts. Well, they’re not offensive at all, to be honest. Just the people who can’t handle the truth are mostly offended. There is 1 group of people who aren’t included in the blog. The ones who take too much work on their plate right from the start. That would be a blog post on its own but you’re probably not a part of this group. Those people want to run before they can even crawl and will eventually trip. Read More

You need to create momentum in order to get something out of life. But you'll have to create it in everything that you do.

Life is all about creating momentum

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You need to create momentum to get something out of life. But you’ll have to create it in everything that you do. You can’t expect tons of results of short-term intensity. You have to have long-term consistency. How do you create the long-term consistency you ask? By creating momentum. It’s even a law in physics: An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. This is called Newton’s first law. There’s a lot of truth in this law and most people don’t seem to get it at all. They’re an object for sure but they’re not moving at all.

You can’t expect a couch potato to do great things. They eat chips in front of the television and that’s it. Those are the people who hate others because they’re jealous of their achievements. You didn’t create momentum so you can’t bitch about it.  Read More