Do you like comfort? Do you? Well, you're fucked once again. I mean we've all been unwillingly out of our comfort zone. We've all been there, we faced struggle, we faced adversity and we had to deal with "failure". But suddenly the universe got out of your way since you kept pushing.

Comfort: What if life becomes comfortable again? 

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Do you like comfort? Do you? Well, you’re fucked once again. I mean we’ve all been unwillingly out of our comfort zone. We’ve all been there, we faced struggle, we faced adversity and we had to deal with “failure”. But suddenly the universe got out of your way since you kept pushing. You learned and moved on and now you’re comfortable again.
The train is back on track and it keeps rolling at top speed. You get so comfortable that you even get a bit lazy.
You stopped showing what you’re made off and you even feel a bit depressed or sad. 

That’s the perfect time to be hit by all kinds of problems. Your train will get derailed in no time. Trust me on this one. I’ve got experience when it comes to this matter. Read More

unsuccessful people

The 7 habits of unsuccessful people.

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Let’s talk about unsuccessful people. Yesterday I spoke about lazy people and the fact that I don’t get them. Now I’m going to give you 7 traits of unsuccessful people. The title of this blog is a reference to the book the 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People. I liked it and suggest that everybody reads it. I became a better human after I read that book. Well, the second time. I disliked it the first time, to be honest. First, we’ve got to ask ourselves a question: what is the definition of someone successful? Being wealthy and rich is not the answer. You’ve got rich people who’re extremely unhappy so that can’t be the answer. True success lies in living a happy life. That’s a true success.  Read More

lazy people

I can’t relate to lazy people but I don’t want too either.

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I can’t relate to lazy people but I don’t want too either. That’s a great way to start a blog post. I already offended a lot of people and I didn’t even start yet. Pretty much the majority of the people to be honest. But it’s the truth and the truth hurts. Some people might be too lazy to care. It sounds like a possibility if you ask me. Others might claim that they don’t have time. But the no time excuse is the lazy man’s favorite excuse. Ladies and gentlemen, I can’t relate to lazy people but I don’t want too either. Here’s why. Read More

college life

College life is extremely overrated. I’m not kidding.

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I’ll never forget the first thing I heard about college life. Most people were talking about all the parties, the excessive booze and all the other things that they did. But they told me one thing that stood out to me. They told me that this would be the best period of my life and that I should make the most out of it. Those guys claimed that real life is pretty boring and starts as soon as you leave college. They all would eagerly go back to college just to do it one more time. Unhappiness makes people do crazy dumb shit and those guys were the prime example of it. Read More

motivational speech

The best motivational speech that I ever heard.

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Let’s talk about the best motivational speech that I ever heard. A lot of people are a big fan of motivational speeches these days. The speeches fire them up but they all wait for the perfect moment to use this energy. There’s no such thing as the perfect Monday but keep on looking. You’ll just find frustration and misery if you’re taking that road. But I guess that you’re here to find out which motivational speech is the best? Or at least the best in my opinion? It’s not a long one. Great isn’t it? The speech contained two simple words. These two words enlightened a fire inside of me. Well, it was already there but somebody made it even bigger. That guy made one mistake. He told me the following two words: YOU CAN’T. Read More

So you want to live a successful life? I've heard people claim this so many times. It only gets worse as the people get older. They all want success but nobody seems to have an exact definition of what a successful life actually is. So those people start to play the lottery because they suddenly want a lot of money

So you want to live a successful life?

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So you want to live a successful life? I’ve heard people claim this so many times. It only gets worse as people get older. They all want success but nobody seems to have an exact definition of what a successful life is. So those people start to play the lottery because they suddenly want a lot of money. The lottery is one of the biggest jokes these days. You’ll win a lot of money but you’ll lose everything else. I never link a successful life to money since there are a lot of people who’re unsuccessful but still rich. They could have gotten a heritage for example. Those people are mostly broke after a while as well. Success isn’t a material thing although people treat it that way.

Why do you assume that so many poor people buy stuff that they can’t afford? They want people to look at them. It’s all smoke and mirrors. What’s the point of wearing a watch that costs more than some cars if you can’t provide for your family? You might disagree with what I’m about to tell you but that’s okay. I don’t care to be honest. Stop reading this post and go buy some stuff that you actually can’t afford. You’ll feel like your bank account after a while. Empty. Read More

good guy

The good guy vs the nice guy: there’s a big difference.

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Men take out your notebook and start taking notes because I’m going to debunk a common belief. You should be a good guy instead of a nice guy. Good guys are great guys. They do everything with pure intention. For example: complementing a girl because she looks good and not because they’re trying to sleep with her. They’re the opposite of the nice guy. I don’t like guys who act like the nice guy, to be honest. They’re a disgrace to all men. They’re the ones that you should eagerly avoid because they mostly get nothing but a bad reputation. It takes a long time to build up a good one but it only takes a few seconds to make a bad one.  Read More

Did you know that I didn't drink a drop of booze since the summer of 2016? I'm pretty proud of it, to be honest. I once wrote a post about why I didn't like it but I never gave a reason on why I stopped indulging booze. I can tell you that a lot of people don't get it. Most of them even came up with their own theories.

The real reason why I stopped drinking booze.

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Did you know that I didn’t drink a drop of booze since the summer of 2016? I’m pretty proud of it, to be honest. I once wrote a post about why I didn’t like it but I never gave a reason why I stopped indulging booze. I can tell you that a lot of people don’t get it. Most of them came up with their theories on why I stopped and they’re pretty funny, to be honest. Someone claimed that I couldn’t handle alcohol. That guy claimed that I couldn’t drink a lot without being drunk. This is just dumb if you ask me. I wouldn’t be proud if I would be able to indulge a lot of booze. People who’re able to drink a lot are trained to do it. This is pretty problematic if you ask me.

Most stories that start with vodka end up with a hangover or with a one night stand that at least one of the two regrets. Well enough about booze. Ladies and gentlemen, I stopped drinking booze and here’s why. Read More

New Year's resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are for drunk people.

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Do you tend to make New Year’s resolutions? I advise you to invest your time in something else if you answered yes. You’re wasting precious time and you know it. You’re just to lazy to act upon this feeling. New Year’s resolutions are for the drunk and the miserable. We all get that you’re unhappy but waiting for the perfect time to start is wrong. A new year doesn’t mean that you’re going to have a new beginning. You should start right now. Only lazy people procrastinate all the time. So get off your lazy ass and start acting. Just fucking do it.

I seriously don’t even get why people those resolutions anyway. Well, I do get it. People have drunk personalities who seem to get that they’re not so happy after all. So they make up some New Year’s resolutions which they eventually forget the next day due to a hangover. I mean people are claiming that they’ll finally do a sport since 2013. I sometimes wonder if they still believe it after so many years.

Most people even laugh at their resolutions when they’re making them. They stuff like “I’ll take the same things as last year since I didn’t accomplish any one of them”. I wonder how those people would feel if they would make a recap of their year. Pretty sad I guess.

It’s never too late to change off course. Just don’t make New Year’s resolutions, those are a real waste of time.

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So what's the recap of your year? Did you even think about it? You probably didn't?! I recently wrote a whole recap of my year. I shared 16 life lessons in this post and those were the most important ones.

So what’s the recap of your year? Let’s find out.

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So what’s the recap of your year? Did you even think about it? You probably didn’t?! I recently wrote a whole recap of my year. I shared 16 life lessons in this post and those were the most important ones. It’s safe to say that I learned a lot more but I can’t share everything of course. I was able to do this because I recap every single day. So I take a look at what I did wrong and what I learned. I focus more on failure, to be honest. You’ll learn a lot more if you focus on those events. Aside from that, I’m always grateful for the things that went smoothly right away.

I strongly advise you to take out a notebook and a pen to write things down. This task might be a lot harder than you might imagine. Put your phone in airplane mode and make sure that nobody disturbs you. It’s time for a reality check. Read More