Social media is killing your happiness and your self-esteem. How about that? I'm not big on social media, to be honest. I even avoid it most of the times, I barely even text. Sure I've got Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter but I have those things to support this blog.

How social media is killing your happiness/self-esteem.

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Social media is killing your happiness and self-esteem. How about that? I’m not big on social media, to be honest. I even avoid it most of the time, I barely even text. Sure I’ve got Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter but I have those things to support this blog. Most people spend hours on social media and they seem to like it. But do they? They’re wasting a lot of precious time that could be invested in other more useful stuff. I’m pretty sure that it’s an unfulfilled life. But who am I to judge? You can do whatever you want. I’m just here to share my perspective. It’s up to you to love or hate it. So social media is killing your self- esteem, happiness and even your relationship?! Let’s find out. Read More

People call me an early bird just because I get up at 6 am every single day. Yes, even on Sunday or during the weekends. Those are the days that you need to get up early because you've got so much time to accomplish things. That's the only time when you're able to really crush your goals.

The early bird: why I wake up at 6am.

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People call me an early bird just because I get up at 6 am every single day. Yes, even during the weekends. Those are the days that you need to get up early because you’ve got so much time to accomplish things. That’s the only time when you’re able to crush your goals. I still remember how I got into getting up earlier. I got a lot of great advice from a YouTube channel called Brandon Carter. he’s also the one who got me into reading. One thing that I noticed was that he got up pretty early (I couldn’t find the video). Later on, I realized that a lot of successful people get up early in the morning. So I decided to do it as well.  Read More

Valentine's day

Are you feeling sad and lonely on Valentine’s day?

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Are you feeling sad and lonely on Valentine’s day? Man, that must be a bummer but I’m not a part of that group and yes I’m single and I’m single for a long time. It must be 4 years now. I had this problem as well in the past but then I realized that I was the one who created it. So I solved it off course but that’s what most people don’t do. They can’t be alone and that’s the start of a lot of problems. There’s another big problem and that’s that their ego can’t handle the fact that they’re alone. They don’t get that they’re single.

Let me put it this way: ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity. You won’t get a lot out of life if you’ve got a giant ego. Anyway, let’s take a look at Valentine’s day and why it shouldn’t affect your mood. Read More


Pain is cruel but you can use it as fuel.

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Have you ever tried to use your pain as fuel? You probably haven’t? I suggest you try it but beware that you don’t do it too early. After my break up with my long-term girlfriend about 4 years ago I started doing a pretty intense training schedule. This resulted in the fact that I got a fever attack in the middle of my training. I still managed to finish my training but I was exhausted after that. So read this whole blog before you try anything stupid. Pain can fuel you but it can break you as well. It’s up to you to notice when it will take you down. Hint: it will bring you down if you use something to escape your pain. This can be anything from a workout to meet up with friends.

Escapism will do you more harm than good and there’s no exception to this rule. Anyway, pain is cruel but you should use it as fuel. Read More

I can’t explain why but the lion was always my favorite animal. Maybe because he just follows his instincts and does what he wants. The lion is the prime example of the alpha male. He’s the alpha animal of the jungle. That’s right the king of the jungle is also the most alpha animal there is.

You need to develop the lion attitude.

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I can’t explain why but the lion was always my favorite animal. Maybe because he just follows his instincts and does what he wants. The lion is the prime example of the alpha male. He’s the alpha animal of the jungle. That’s right the king of the jungle is also the most alpha animal there is. Size doesn’t matter in the jungle otherwise the elephant would be the king of the jungle. It’s all about the mindset over there. Only the strongest survive but that’s also applicable to our modern society. Only the people with the strongest mindset (the lions) will get the most out of life, all the others (the sheep) will follow.   Read More


So tell me do you count on faith to solve things?

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Let’s talk about faith here for a minute. A lot of people assume that faith will solve everything. I mean does it? I’ve seen people praying while they should have taken action. I’ve seen people give up on stuff and claim that faith would sort out the rest. Those people should have pushed on. I’m going to quote The Bible once again but I just had too.  Just take a look at this particular quote. This was an answer from God to Moses when Moses was praying to him: “Why are you crying out to me? Just keep moving on.” (Exodus 14-15).

That sentence sums up what you need to realize here. I mean why would you sit down and pray while there’s a whole horde of angry Egyptians trying to kill you. I don’t see the point of doing that. Do you? I would keep on walking or running no matter what. So tell me do you still count on faith to solve things? Read More

Say hello to the quick fix generation that lives in frustration. Do they get why? Probably not so that's why I devote this blog post to them. I already devoted a blog on this matter but it wasn't complete (read the first one here). I'm pretty confident that the second one will even be more popular.

The quick fix generation that lives in frustration.

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Say hello to the quick fix generation that lives in frustration. Do they get why? Probably not so that’s why I devote this blog post to them. I already devoted a blog on this matter but it wasn’t complete (read the first one here). I’m pretty confident that the second one will even be more popular since people don’t like to hear the truth. They avoid it at all costs because it makes them realize they’re living in an illusion.

Let’s take a quick look at the definition of a quick fix (I hate definitions): something that seems to be a fast and easy solution to a problem but is not very good or will not last long. 

That’s what most people don’t seem to get. It might seem like a good choice in the short run but it’ll be extremely frustrating in the long run. Life’s a party am I right?! But only from on Friday and Saturday night no? Some people live confusing lives if you ask me.  Read More

How can you live if you never challenge your beliefs? Most people will probably don't even know what I'm trying to say. So I'll ask you one more time: how can you live if you never challenge your beliefs?! That just stupid. So many people follow the herd and have no clue why they're living a miserable life. I get it.

How can you live if you never challenge your beliefs?

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How can you live if you never challenge your beliefs? Most people will probably don’t even know what I’m trying to say. So I’ll ask you one more time: how can you live if you never challenge your beliefs?! That just stupid. So many people follow the herd and have no clue why they’re living a miserable life. I get it. It’s because you never question things. I mean what’s next for you? You’ll probably feel cheated by life by the age of 40. That’ll solve everything! I hate to break it to you but the victim mindset will never get you set. You’ll never have lived a life worth living if you don’t even question things. Read More

So you want to live a drama free life? It's actually not that hard, to be honest. I'm able to live a drama life for a pretty darn long time and I absolutely love it. Most people should try this approach but they can't.

How to live a drama free life. It’s easy.

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So you want to live a drama-free life? It’s not that hard, to be honest. I’m able to live a drama life for a pretty darn long time and I love it. Most people should try this approach but they can’t. They can’t because they can’t get rid of the drama and the sad part is that they mostly cause it themselves. Yes, you’ve read it correctly it’s all your fault. So who has to solve it if you caused it? You of course! That was a no-brainer if you ask me. But why do people struggle so much to get rid of it? I guess that most people just make it harder than it seems.

Well, let’s toast on the upcoming drama-free life. Or as I like to say it: save your drama for your mama.  Read More

college dropout

I’ll never regret my college dropout.

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I’m a college dropout and I don’t mind, to be honest. Many people are curious why I still didn’t return to college and there are multiple reasons so I could at least devote a blog post about it. Let me start this blog with a funny story. There were 7 people with a university degree in a room. This starts as a good joke, doesn’t it? I was the 8th person in that room. So on paper, I would have been the dumbest person in the whole room. Well, that turned out a bit different. I learned a lot in that room and I was there for 1 hour tops. My observations have proven me right over time. A fancy degree will never impress me. Let me end this introduction with 2 great quotes from Frank Zappa:

“If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.”

“Drop out of school before your mind rots from exposure to our mediocre educational system. Forget about the Senior Prom and go to the library and educate yourself if you’ve got any guts. Some of you like Pep rallies and plastic robots who tell you what to read.”

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