You should call people out on their bullshit. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me on this one. They'll call me a jerk but I don't get why. I'm a nice guy. Well not a nice guy, I'm a good guy. Nice guys are the real jerks. Nice guys would never call people on their bullshit.

Why you should call people out on their bullshit.

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You should call people out on their bullshit. I know that a lot of people will disagree with me on this one. They’ll call me a jerk but I don’t get why. I’m a nice guy. Well not a nice guy, I’m a good guy. Nice guys are the real jerks. Nice guys would never call people on their bullshit. They’re too cowardly to do that. So these people who call me a jerk, are projecting their insecurities onto me. Funny right?! What can I say? The truth hurts but it remains the truth.

Anyways I noticed that a lot of people like to bullshit themselves and even others. Honesty is a forgotten virtue these days and it’s really sad. People shy away from the truth all the time but this makes sure that they’re living in some kind of false reality. They’ll act like their whole life is all sunshine and rainbows but in reality, it’s not. Nobodies life is easy so stop acting like you have one!

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Have you ever heard someone claim that they lived an easy life so far? I've heard this one from someone. I didn't believe it but then I got it. That person used alcohol to escape reality. That form of escapism was the easy way out.

Nobody has an easy life but….

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Have you ever heard someone claim that they lived an easy life so far? I’ve heard this claim only once so far from someone. I didn’t believe it but then I got it. That person used alcohol and parties to escape reality. That form of escapism was the easy way out. Well, it seemed like the easy way out because that person had a big reality check later on. I’ve seen it happen and it wasn’t pretty. It happens to everybody who acts like this. But some people assume that others have an easy life and they don’t. I’ve heard this line so many times: “why don’t we switch lives for a day. You’ll see how hard my life is and how easy yours is”.

I know what’ll happen at the end of such a day. We’ll both realize that we both face struggles and both have problems. I assume that people mostly focus on what they want and ignore what they don’t want. So they only see happiness and neglect other people’s pain. Well, they don’t necessarily neglect it since most people don’t show how much pain they have. Maybe that’s the hidden danger? Stop focusing on others. You’re looking at a mirage and you don’t even realize it. I’ve seen a lot of people who got tons of pain hidden behind their smiles.

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How many hours are you wasting per day? That's a pretty confronting question, right? But are you able to be honest with yourself and answer this question? Let us assume that you have to be at your job or school for about 8 hours and that you sleep for 7 to 9 hours.

How many hours are you wasting per day?

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How many hours are you wasting per day? That’s a pretty confronting question, right? But are you able to be honest with yourself and answer this question? Let us assume that you have to be at your job or school for about 8 hours and that you sleep for 7 to 9 hours. So you’ve still got 6 to 8 hours left in your day to do great stuff. I can assure you that you can get a lot of work done in such a period. It’s in those hours that you’re able to carve out a better future for yourself but most people rarely use that time wisely. Or they do it from time to time. But you can’t expect to get great results if you’re not creating momentum in life. Well, let’s take a look at your average day. Read More

smart work

Smart work beats hard work every single time.

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People always like to claim they work hard but they rarely work smart. Let’s assume that they work hard since some people are delusional when it comes to this matter. There’s a big matter between being busy and working hard. I used to be all about hard work in the past but now I’m all for smart work. Well, I’m all for smart hard work. So many people are working all the time, which must be exhausting, to be honest. You’ll be fucking exhausted if you never take a break. Fun fact about this blog: this blog was written on a Monday (19/02) and released on a Saturday (24/02). The blogs for all the other days were already set up. The best part about this all was that I was able to relax during the weekend and still be productive.

I don’t want to be the guy that’s working all the time. I can’t imagine that anybody wants to be like that. That’s just no way of living!  Read More

Ever heard of nihilism? I'm pretty sure that a lot of people would be able to resonate with this philosophical viewpoint. There are multiple forms of nihilism but the most common is the belief that life and the events in life are meaningless. Now, this is a dangerous state of mind if you ask me.

You should avoid nihilism but are you doing it?

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Ever heard of nihilism? I’m pretty sure that a lot of people would be able to resonate with this philosophical viewpoint. There are multiple forms of nihilism but the most common is the belief that life and the events in life are meaningless. Now, this is a dangerous state of mind if you ask me. The sad reality is that most people of our generation adopted this mindset without even realizing it. Most people can’t even give you an answer when you ask them what the meaning of life could be. I get it though, I adopted this mindset in the past but I’m glad that I got rid of it. You see life is a series of events that can be positive or negative. But you’re in charge of how you react to them and how you deal with them.

Some people just have a negative mindset so they lose faith over time. Life is meaningless according to those people. They just have a wrong view on religion and philosophy altogether. They don’t get it and that’s why they reject it. Read More

Have you ever spend some time in silence or in solitude? Maybe you've even spent time in both together. Most people would avoid this like the plague but there's actually a benefit to both of them. You see we're conditioned to link have a negative feeling towards solitude and even silence if you think about it.

The power of silence and solitude.

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Have you ever spend some time in silence or in solitude? Maybe you’ve even spent time in both together. Most people would avoid this like the plague but there’s actually a benefit to both of them. You see we’re conditioned to have a negative feeling towards solitude and even silence if you think about it. Parents punish their kids by putting them in solitude which leads to this behavior. But being alone from time to time isn’t that bad. It’s actually something that might improve your life big time. You’re just not aware of it. Well not yet. I’m here to tell you about it of course. Remember that I told you that you should forget about the looks and read some books? Well, now we’re going to add some extra things that’ll improve your life drastically. This combination is freaking dynamite.  Read More

positive mindset

An easy guide to a positive mindset.

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People who know me well know that I smile a lot. They never see me angry or depressed. Well not anymore if I'm completely honest. I've got a positive mindset now. Some people asked me how I do it since most people assume that adults don't smile a lot. That's just pure bullshit if you ask me.

A positive mindset and a lot of fun

People who know me well know that I smile a lot. They never see me angry or depressed. Well not anymore if I’m completely honest. I’ve got a positive mindset now. Some people asked me how I do it since most people assume that adults don’t smile a lot. That’s just pure bullshit if you ask me. There are just a lot of miserable people who can’t seem to smile at all. I don’t see a reason to be like that. I mean you can choose to be either positive or negative but most people don’t realize that. It’s all about challenging your own beliefs. Well, that and being realistic of course. Most people aren’t realistic at all. The slightest setback will turn them into complete assholes.

This might come across as a shocker but I’m not positive 100% of the time. That’ just impossible. But I can live with that imperfection. I’m no stranger to negative feelings just like most people.

Just read my post about pain, you’ll see that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But I was able to create a positive mindset most of the time. The majority of the time to be honest. Read More

Are you problem solving, purpose finding or trying to escape reality? That's a hard question, right? I mean I'm basically forcing you to take a look at how you react to certain things in life. I'm pretty sure that some people will leave the blog right here. They'll be like "I'm not escaping reality, I'm just unlucky".

Are you problem solving, purpose finding or….?

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Are you problem solving, purpose finding or trying to escape reality? That’s a hard question, right? I mean I’m forcing you to take a look at how you react to certain things in life. I’m pretty sure that some people will leave the blog right here. They’ll be like “I’m not escaping reality, I’m just unlucky”. You’re screwed if you’ve got an attitude like that kiddo. You’re acting like a victim and that’s why you’re fucked. This mindset will make sure that you’re in a lot of pain and yes it’s all your fault. Now I’m going to start this blog off with a personal experience that learned me a valuable lesson. Let’s take a trip back in time. Let’s go back to the beginning of this year. Read More

Your self-worth shouldn't be bound to anything and I'm here to explain you why. You see a lot of people's whole identity is bound to things or sports or sometimes even other people. You might someone like that and I'm pretty sure that we've all been a victim of it.

Your self-worth shouldn’t be bound to anything.

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Your self-worth shouldn’t be bound to anything and I’m here to explain to you why. You see a lot of people’s whole identity is bound to things or sports or sometimes even other people (things like being popular). You might know someone like that and I’m pretty sure that we’ve all been a victim of it. I know at least that I’ve been a victim of it. That’s just me being honest though. Most people don’t realize it until it’s too late. They suddenly fall into a deep dark hole and it’s hard to get out. I have experience with that as well. Your whole world can fall apart at that very instant. You’ll feel empty so it’s best to avoid that.

Let me start this blog with a great question that I got recently: “So Alex, what are you without your fancy blog and your MMA?”  Read More

Setbacks reveal people's true colors. What's this about you ask? Well, most people can be all sunshine and rainbows when life is going great but what happens when they face on or multiple setbacks? You should always take a good look at how people react to those things. I recently faced a lot of those.

Setbacks reveal people’s true colors.

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Setbacks reveal people’s true colors. What’s this about you ask? Well, most people can be all sunshine and rainbows when life is going great but what happens when they face one or multiple setbacks? You should always take a good look at how people react to those things. I recently faced a lot of those. I just failed and kept on falling but I know how to handle failure. There had to be a lesson in all of this and you can be damn sure that I found that lesson every single time. But most people turn bitter when stuff doesn’t go as they had planned it. They don’t turn their pain into fuel. They just turn it into more pain. To those people, I have one simple message: welcome to the show called life. You’re acting like a victim and you’re bitching about things that you can’t control.

You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations. – Zig Ziglar
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