Have you ever heard someone claim that they lived an easy life so far? I’ve heard this claim only once so far from someone. I didn’t believe it but then I got it. That person used alcohol and parties to escape reality. That form of escapism was the easy way out. Well, it seemed like the easy way out because that person had a big reality check later on. I’ve seen it happen and it wasn’t pretty. It happens to everybody who acts like this. But some people assume that others have an easy life and they don’t. I’ve heard this line so many times: “why don’t we switch lives for a day. You’ll see how hard my life is and how easy yours is”.
I know what’ll happen at the end of such a day. We’ll both realize that we both face struggles and both have problems. I assume that people mostly focus on what they want and ignore what they don’t want. So they only see happiness and neglect other people’s pain. Well, they don’t necessarily neglect it since most people don’t show how much pain they have. Maybe that’s the hidden danger? Stop focusing on others. You’re looking at a mirage and you don’t even realize it. I’ve seen a lot of people who got tons of pain hidden behind their smiles.