Are you a quitter? You probably are otherwise you wouldn't have started reading this post. There are a lot of people who quit way too easily these days. They have no clue on how they should face failure and quit as soon as they face it. It's actually not that hard to face failure.

Every quitter eventually turns bitter…

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Are you a quitter? You probably are otherwise you wouldn’t have started reading this post. There are a lot of people who quit way too easily these days. They have no clue how they should face failure and quit as soon as they face it. It’s not that hard to face failure. It’s just something that they don’t learn you in college. It’s all a matter of perception to be honest. Your perception of failure will define your reality but that what most people don’t get. They quit and they never get it. They become bitter instead of better, which eventually makes them resentful and hateful. Those are the people who’ll try to hold others down as soon as they notice that these people are going to get something out of life. Read More

How should you deal with haters, critics, doubters and so on? I admit that it's a hard thing to do if you've got no clue how to do it. Most people take it personally or try to fight it but both things aren't the right action. Never fight fire with fire, it's a recipe for disaster.

How to deal with haters, critics, doubters and so on.

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How should you deal with haters, critics, doubters and so on? I admit that it’s a hard thing to do if you’ve got no clue how to do it. Most people take it personally or try to fight it but both things aren’t the right action. Never fight fire with fire, it’s a recipe for disaster. Things will escalate pretty quickly. Just let it go. You’ll face more than enough haters, critics and other dark people in your life. You can’t spend all your time fighting them. They’re dream killers and they’ll ruin your life if you give in to them. That’s something that most people don’t get. They value the opinion of others way too much to do anything with their lives. Fear lies so learn to conquer it. Those people lie too by the way. Don’t give in, but don’t give a fuck either. Read More

I see no changes when I wake up first thing in the morning. You see there are a lot of people who ask me how I changed my life. It's an ongoing topic since I keep on evolving. It's all about beating myself the very next day, I really don't care about others, to be honest.

I simply see no changes with most people.

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I see no changes when I wake up first thing in the morning. You see there are a lot of people who ask me how I changed my life. It’s an ongoing topic since I keep on evolving. It’s all about beating myself the very next day. I don’t care about others, to be honest. They get inspired by this but they make one crucial mistake. They turn this whole process into rocket science. Those people make it way too hard and they’re always disappointed when I share how I do it. They don’t believe me and claim that I make things to easy. This is pretty arrogant if you ask me. Why would I lie about how I changed my life? That’s just stupid. But that’s not the real problem. The real problem is these people’s attitudes.

They don’t want to change. Every day they make a claim but they remain the same. They know that they should but they don’t want to put in the work and the time. That’s what’s holding them back but they don’t realize it. Those are the ones who get mad when I call them out on their bullshit. I mostly ditch these people after a while. There’s no reason to progress in life with a dead weight on your shoulders. I don’t want to become like these people and that’s why I avoid them. As it should be because these people will only hold you back. Read More

Have you ever heard of patience? You probably haven't since most people don't have it. People want instant gratification and forget about the long-term frustration. Or they don't realize that it'll lead to long-term frustration. Which is extremely sad if you ask me.

All you need is just a little patience

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Have you ever heard of patience? You probably haven’t since most people don’t have it. People want instant gratification and forget about long-term frustration. Or they don’t realize that it’ll lead to long-term frustration. Which is extremely sad if you ask me. People mostly have tons of high expectations about what they’re going to achieve but they’re not patient enough to get after it. We’re just living in a generation that can’t resist temptation. But I get it. There’s temptation everywhere these days and I mean everywhere but why do so many people give in to the temptation? Because they’re the ones who create the temptation of course.  Read More

Have you ever heard of permanent Saturday? You probably haven't since you really live from day to day, don't you? You've got weekdays and weekends I guess? I mostly have no clue about which day we are. It doesn't matter to me. People think that it's weird but those people mostly live 2 days a week.

Have you ever heard of permanent Saturday?

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Have you ever heard of permanent Saturday? You probably haven’t since you live from day to day, don’t you? You’ve got weekdays and weekends I guess? I mostly have no clue about which day we are. It doesn’t matter to me. People think that it’s weird but those people mostly live 2 days a week. Well, 1 and a half days a week to be exact. They live for the weekend so they live on Friday night and Saturday night. Sunday is hangover day I guess. People who’re craving for the weekend aren’t on the right path. What’s the point of living if you’re miserable all the time? I don’t get it but I don’t want to get it either. I prefer my life, to be honest. Other people might have a different opinion.

I live like it’s Saturday every single day and I enjoy it. I came up with this concept after someone asked me how I spend most of my days. The conclusion was that I do the same thing every single day which shouldn’t be a surprise since you need to create momentum in life to get something out of it.

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People are delusional when it comes to relationships.

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Let’ talk about relationships. It’s safe to say that most people have no clue how a real relationship goes. A lot of people accept so many things and assume that it’s normal. The roots of this problem are easy to find if you ask me. Most people have the “it’s normal if everybody is facing the same problem” mentality. Well, that’s just stupid. You’re following the herd and the herd is always on a self- destructive path. But hey most people have the thinking capability of a 3-year-old. They become dumb and dumber over time and they don’t even get it. That’s why they’re delusional when it comes to relationships.  Life is all sunshine and rainbows according to 3-year-olds so most adults assume that it has to be like that. They don’t get that nobody has an easy life.

Let us take a look at what people need to realize before they get into another relationship.  Read More


Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation.

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Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation. You can acknowledge right here and right now that I’m right or you could say that I’m wrong because you’re one of the few that can say no to temptation. But most people can’t. They’re like cavemen who saw fire for the very first time. They get completely absorbed in some dumb thing that suddenly eases their mind. This might be fun in the short run but it’ll hurt you in the long run. These people are mostly going backward in life. This means that they get dumber over time without even realizing it. It’s a sad reality that most people will face. Just look at some grown-ups. They might be grown-ups according to society but they’re fuck ups in reality.

These people are often professionals at wasting time but they suck at accomplishing things. It’s hard to waste time and accomplish things, that’s just impossible. Well, Clint Eastwood was right, we’re living in a pussy generation. Read More

Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don't expect it from cheap people. There are a lot of people who don't like me but can you guess why? Because I'm not afraid of telling the truth and nobody likes to hear the truth.

Honesty is a very expensive gift. So don’t expect it from …

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Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people. There are a lot of people who don’t like me but can you guess why? Because I’m not afraid of telling the truth and nobody likes to hear the truth. Because the truth mostly shows you things about yourself that you didn’t want to acknowledge yet or will never acknowledge at all. It’s like the time when I realized that I was going bald. I did a lot to hide it like most guys but eventually, I just shaved it off. You can’t escape the truth forever or you’ll just live in an imaginary world where everybody but you know that you’re lying. Honesty is a virtue that I highly value. The same goes for respect and integrity. There are more virtues which are important but most people can’t even fit those so why even mention the rest?

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Let’s talk about the tragedy of life.

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Let’s talk about the tragedy of life because somehow it’s a bit tragic right? I mean some things are in- and out of your control and you have to deal with both of them. I don’t like people with a victim mindset but somehow we’re a victim at some point in our lives. You see we’re all going to die one day and we don’t know when. It could be any minute. So that makes us somewhat of a victim, doesn’t it? Most people don’t seem to be able to handle this reality and neglect it as much as possible. They say stuff like ‘yeah yeah one day I’ll die but that’s a long time from now’. That’s a delusional mindset if you ask me. This makes sure that you keep on procrastinating until you die. But there’s more. There’s something else pretty tragic about life.  Read More

Have you ever thought about the stages of life? I'm not talking about getting married and getting kids and so on. That's what society is telling you to do. Those made up rules make people pretty miserable. That's what happens when you follow the herd. People are eagerly focusing on others.

Are you ready to talk about the stages of life?

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Have you ever thought about the stages of life? I’m not talking about getting married and getting kids and so on. That’s what society is telling you to do. Those made-up rules make people pretty miserable. That’s what happens when you follow the herd. People are eagerly focusing on others. They always like to improve other people’s lives but they rarely look at their own life. I’m pretty sure that most people don’t get past the first stage of the stages of life. How am I so sure you ask? Well because most people just don’t seem to be able to learn a lesson in life.

Some people make the same mistake over and over again for years in a row. These people get frustrated over time and then they make a crucial mistake. They suddenly feel cheated by life. That’ll solve everything! That’s the approach that you need to take when you want to improve your life! That kind of mindset will make sure that you’ll never progress. Read More