Zero To Alpha wisdom #16 Changing gyms/coaches

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Today we’ll talk about fighters leaving their gym and coaches. Something I have done recently and have done in the past. It’s mostly frowned upon and heavily discouraged to do so. This goes for both the West and Thailand. In Thailand, things are a bit different though. Historically fighters would mostly stay at the same gym unless they got sold to another gym. So changing gyms in Thailand could become a slippery slope where you old gym could threaten to block your career in Thailand. Read More

Zero To Alpha wisdom #15: The return, end of the road at 68 and memes that hurt feelings

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This month has been full of opportunities for me to return to the things I enjoy the most. This Substack is one of the things I looked forward returning to. It has been a couple of months since I posted the last Substack (read it here). After a couple of attempts to return to writing, something always popped up and that resulted in no content creation whatsoever. Read More

The reality of semen retention/sexual transmutation

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I had to write about semen retention/sexual transmutation since esoteric twitter still doesn’t understand. Nor do their followers.

Recently a lot of people have been making ridiculous claims online.

But the most ridiculous one I saw recently was that semen retention/sexual transmutation will turn you into a demi God.

What I have noticed over the years is that esoteric/alpha male Twitter likes to talk about ancient practices without actually understanding what it’s all about. Read More

Zero To Alpha wisdom #13: Why you’ll never improve at Muay Thai

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There is a common complaint among Muay Thai practitioners that goes as follows: “My trainer never teaches me.”. I’ve heard this complaint for many years now. Some even go so far as to claim that the Thai are keeping secrets to make sure they can keep beating foreigners. This is obviously a ridiculous claim. They don’t have any secrets; you just might be making any of the following mistakes when coming to train over here:. Any of these mistakes might cost you. The price, if you’re not competing, is only that you’ll never develop. If, however, you do compete, you’ll pay with your health.

In this post, I didn’t cover why you shouldn’t join the mega gyms since I covered that in a separate post (read it here).

Let’s take a look at the most common mistakes people make when coming over here. Read More

The people that follow me on social media must have been expecting a post on this matter. During a Q&A, I got numerous questions about monk mode. For some reason, this is either resurfacing or has just never completely disappeared.

Zero To Alpha Wisdom #12: The issue with monk mode.

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The people that follow me on social media must have been expecting a post on this matter. During a Q&A, I got numerous questions about monk mode. For some reason, this is either resurfacing or has just never completely disappeared.

Because I remember when people started pushing this back in 2016. On paper, the idea sounds hypermasculine, but in reality, it’s the coward’s choice. There’s nothing special about it.

And that is the issue with all these trends that get pushed on young men today; they don’t solve the issue… They just avoid the issue, which creates weaker men down the line. Read More

On becoming your own man

Zero To Alpha Wisdom #11: On becoming your own man

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What does it mean to become your own man? It’s been talked about on the internet all the time but no one that talks about it can actually define it. A quick Google search would obviously do the trick but even that is too difficult for the “men” leading the new masculinity revolution. They don’t know what it means because they’re not their own man. They’re merely cheap rip off versions of some big social media influencer. Read More