Have you ever noticed that most people like to talk but rarely like to listen? Some people can ramble for hours in a row about how great they are or something similar. It's even more fun when some people suddenly turn the conversation in such a way that they're in their field of expertise.

Talk less and listen a lot more.

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Have you ever noticed that most people like to talk but rarely like to listen? Some people can ramble for hours in a row about how great they are or something similar. It’s even more fun when some people suddenly turn the conversation in such a way that they’re in their field of expertise. Well, not their field of expertise but something they know more about than most people. That’s when they’ll start to shoot all their knowledge away and even repeat it multiple times to make sure that others have heard it. It’s just a sign that these people have a giant ego and they need to feed it. But I know what most people will say right now. “Alex, isn’t that the case for your blog as well?” Read More


Why most people can’t change their life for the better.

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Have you ever wondered why most people can’t change their life? The answer isn’t that hard. Well, there are multiple answers and there will probably some that I overlooked. I just took the most obvious ones and those are the ones that are already overlooked. I’ve heard a lot of people claim that they would change their lives for the better. There was a lot of lip service but little to no action. To this day onwards I know one person who actually started doing it and still does it. All the others gave in or never started. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hard to change your life. It’s really hard and you’ll probably have to face a lot of self- created demons along the way. The stuff that doesn’t come easy in life is worth pursuing the most.  Read More

So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please! No seriously what makes Monday so special that 99% of the people hate it? I mean most people are acting like Debbie Downer because it's that particular day. It's a day that occurs every 7 days and people don't act upon it.

So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please!

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So Monday sucks? Explain it to me, please! No seriously what makes Monday so special that 99% of the people hate it? I mean most people are acting like Debbie Downer because it’s that particular day. It’s a day that occurs every 7 days and people don’t act upon it. It’s really strange if you ask me. I’ve never heard someone say that Tuesday sucks. Nobody ever claimed that hangover Sunday sucks and Friday is always the best day of the week. Strangely, so many people link a negative feeling to that certain day. You would almost feel guilty to be happy on a Monday, don’t you? Everybody is pissed and you’re happy. To me, it’s just a day like any other so I missed the hype train on this one.

But somehow I get why people hate this day. This day is the start of a new week and you know what a new week means right?! Read More

Me- time is really important in life but not why you might think. You see most people don't really have it at all. They might think that they have it but the reality shows something completely different. There's a difference between wasting time and actually having me- time.

Me- time is important but not why you think.

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Me- time is really important in life but not why you might think. You see most people don’t have it at all. They might think that they have it but the reality shows something completely different. There’s a difference between wasting time, relaxing and having me- time. But that’s the thing, most people can’t be on their own. They just can’t. They’re constantly surrounded by other people or are performing all sorts of escapism to avoid their thoughts. Stuff like scrolling through Instagram or other stuff. There’s no way that you’re able to have time to yourself that way. What are you even accomplishing by doing it? You’ll probably envy other people’s lives on social media and most of those lives aren’t worth envying at all. You’re probably wondering what I mean by the concept, don’t you? You might be even confused, no?  Well, maybe you should challenge your own beliefs and redefine the concept? Read More

Are you aware of the fact that we all have an inner bitch? I hope you do because otherwise, you've got a long way to go. Well maybe you realize it but don't call it that way which is fine. So what is your inner bitch you ask? It's the voice in your head that's craving for comfort.

Why you should control your inner bitch

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Are you aware of the fact that we all have an inner bitch? I hope you do because otherwise, you’ve got a long way to go. Well maybe you realize it but don’t call it that way which is fine. So what is your inner bitch you ask? It’s the voice in your head that’s craving for comfort. The voice that tells you that you’re tired or that it’s too hot. It’s hard to resist that inner voice but you should resist it because you’ll get lazier over time if you keep on doing it. It’ll become a habit and it’s not a good habit, right? Well, you know that it’s not a good habit but that voice is telling you to keep doing what you’re doing, which might be watching tons of television shows or something like that.

It doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that you’re in control. You need to use the most powerful supplement on earth and that’s your brain. Read More

Have you ever been around negative people? It's all sunshine and rainbows when you're around them right? They're always the ones who'll cheer you up when you're down. Oh, wait that's what they don't do. I don't like negative people but they don't like me either so I guess that we're on good terms.

You should avoid negative people like the plague.

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Have you ever been around negative people? It’s all sunshine and rainbows when you’re around them right? They’re always the ones who’ll cheer you up when you’re down. Oh, wait that’s what they don’t do. I don’t like negative people but they don’t like me either so I guess that we’re on good terms. They call me delusional and I just don’t care. Negative people aren’t particularly fond of my positive mindset.  Some of them even hate it and tell me to stop being like that then I just smile and that’s when all hell breaks loose. So this post is dedicated to all the people with a negative mindset. It’s a wake-up call to change your life before you’ll lose all your friends. Well, you won’t lose all of them but you’ll lose all the good ones.

Anyways, I can’t be around negative people but you shouldn’t be around them either.

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Have you ever made a decision and suddenly started doubting yourself? Or did you ever had to make a decision but never made up your choice? It sucks doesn't it because some opportunities will never present themselves again. They'll be gone and you'll be like "I wish I had don't this or that....".

Never second guess your decision.

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Have you ever made a decision and suddenly started doubting yourself? Or did you ever had to make a decision but never made up your choice? It sucks doesn’t it because some opportunities will never present themselves again. They’ll be gone and you’ll be like “I wish I had don’t this or that….”. Yeah being an overthinker isn’t a blessing. But I’m like that as well. I just learned to make decisions over time by following my gut feeling. Well, that was one of the things that taught me to be more decisive. There’s another thing but I’ll share that later on. The most important right now is that you need to realize that you’ll not always make the right decision but you need to make that decision right. Get it?

I’m an analytical thinker and I got over it so you must be able to do it as well! Read More

Time is your most valuable asset, not money. I'm actually pretty surprised that I'm writing a blog post about this. People should be able to figure this out on their own but they can't apparently. Most people are just chasing money and that's the only thing that they care about. 

Time is your most valuable asset, not money.

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Time is your most valuable asset, not money. I’m pretty surprised that I’m writing a blog post about this. People should be able to figure this out on their own but they can’t apparently. Most people are just chasing money and that’s the only thing that they care about. Their eyes are filled with money sign but deep down inside they’re empty. They wanted instant gratification but they got long-term frustration. The feeling of emptiness will only increase over time. You don’t believe me, do you? But how do you feel when after you wasted a lot of time? Are you feeling happy? I’m pretty sure that you’ll feel tired and unsatisfied? Or how do you feel while you’re working overtime to gain that extra amount of money?

Let’s take a look at how I came to the idea of writing this blog post. Read More

Ever heard of Al Kavadlo? He's a YouTuber and blogger who focusses on calisthenics. The dude might not look like the biggest guy but he's really strong. So why did I decide to write this post you ask? Well, a lot of people keep on asking me how I got in shape but I'm not expert on that matter.

Why you should follow Al Kavadlo right now.

By | Fitness | 4 Comments

Ever heard of Al Kavadlo? He’s a YouTuber and blogger who focusses on calisthenics. The dude might not look like the biggest guy but he’s really strong. So why did I decide to write this post you ask? Well, a lot of people keep on asking me how I got in shape but I’m no expert on that matter and I don’t intend to be either. My main focus is on MMA right now and after that, the focus will probably shift to the blog. I did bodybuilding for quite a while as many of you might recall and I liked it until I injured myself pretty badly. I was out for 3 months and I was sick of the constant eating as well.

Eventually, I came across Al Kavadlo and I was hooked to calisthenics well until I discovered MMA of course but I still do calisthenics. So here we are and you still have no clue why you should follow him and/or his brother.

Well let’s find out, shall we? Read More

So apparently the walking dead is a popular television show. I've never seen it but there has to be a reason why it's doing so well. But more and more people started asking me if I'd seen it and I was like "yeah I watch it every time I watch outside".

You will regret being a part of the walking dead!

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So apparently the walking dead is a popular television show. I’ve never seen it but there has to be a reason why it’s doing so well. But more and more people started asking me if I’d seen it and I was like “yeah I watch it every time I watch outside”. Some people get it and some people don’t but the ones that get it found it pretty amusing. It a bit a reference to a blog that I wrote in the past that was titled ‘Are you dead or alive? The answer might shock you‘. But now the question arises: are you a part of this herd as well? Do you kickstart your day or do you snooze and lose? How do you live your life and are you even aware of how you live your life?

Are you even aware of the fact that you can die with regret? That’s a lot of stuff to think about but we’re not going to stop. Here’s a new episode of the walking dead. Read More