Remember the time when you turned 18? You finally turned into an adult, you suddenly were allowed to sit at the big table to talk about serious things

The word adult means absolutely nothing.

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Remember the time when you turned 18? You finally turned into an adult, you suddenly were allowed to sit at the big table to talk about serious things. Life was about to start and you felt like the man. Well, you felt like that until you finally spent some time with those adults. They weren’t so mature as you first thought they would be. They haven’t much too talked about and their actions are far from adulthood worthy. This is sad right? I mean their egos get bigger and bigger but their thinking capability diminishes. That’s something that I’ve seen with a lot of people.

The word adult means absolutely nothing. It’s a hollow word and here’s why.   Read More


Why you shouldn’t care about followers, likes…..

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I don’t care about how much followers I have on social media. The same goes for how much like people give me on social media. Pretty strange right? People freak out when I tell them things like this. They’re mostly blown away by this fact since followers and likes are a big part of blogging. The reason why I write this blog is pretty simple. On Saturday one of my blogs hit the 10000 views mark (the one about the fact that you should stop chasing girls). So I was like cool, it’s a milestone for sure. I shared it on my Instagram story and moved it but it got me thinking. 10000 views is a lot but it’s just a number in the end.

It doesn’t mean a lot because what does it all matter if it never made a difference? What if none of those 10000 people learned the lesson after reading the blog? What if they still chase girls? Stuff to think about right and I’m not even done yet. You shouldn’t care about likes and all the other stuff and here’s why. Read More

We all have goals in life right? Well, we all assume that we have goals, to be honest. Most people claim to have them but they actually hardly ever get anything done. But all the people who get rarely anything done have a thing in common. They're pretty vocal about what they want.

Why you shouldn’t talk about your goals too much.

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We all have goals in life right? Well, we all assume that we have goals, to be honest. Most people claim to have them but they hardly ever get anything done. But all the people who get rarely anything done have a thing in common. They’re pretty vocal about what they want. It’s like the only thing they can talk about. I’m gonna do this, this and this and then I’m going to buy that, that and that. There would be a lot of millionaires if all those people would be right. So it’s safe to say that they go somewhere wrong, don’t they? I think that they just try to impress others because everybody is drawn to ambitious people right? Who wouldn’t want to be around a high achiever? Those people are always full of energy.

But there’s a difference between a high achiever or someone who’s going to be one and a fake guy who wants to impress people. Read More

Are you going broke? A lot of people seem to live from paycheck to paycheck these days. They're always short in money by the end of the month and somehow they're always surprised. How can you expect to have more money if you don't change your spending habits?

Why you’re going broke and it’s no joke.

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Are you going broke? A lot of people seem to live from paycheck to paycheck these days. They’re always short in money by the end of the month and somehow they’re always surprised. How can you expect to have more money if you don’t change your spending habits? I’m not surprised that some people are always short in money when I hear them talk about their lifestyle. There’s also a hidden danger behind this lifestyle. Those people mostly hate their job but they can’t change because they need the money to survive.

Note that this blog isn’t for people who still go to school but they can learn a thing or two to make sure that they don’t make the same mistakes as most people Read More

Have you ever noticed that people neglect the little things in life? That's pretty sad since life really is all about the little things. You don't believe me, do you? Let's take the test, shall we! How many grand gestures can you remember? Not a lot right?

Is life really all about the little things?

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Have you ever noticed that people neglect the little things in life? That’s pretty sad since life is all about the little things. You don’t believe me, do you? Let’s take the test, shall we! How many grand gestures can you remember? Not a lot right? How many small gestures can you remember? Well, I know that you’ll probably say none. I’m pretty aware of this fact but which one had the most impact on you? That big or the small one? The answer is simple: it’s the little things that matter in life. You might appreciate the big things more because they give you momentary happiness or boost your ego big time. Read More

Have you ever heard people claim that they're waiting for the right opportunities? You would almost feel sorry for these people, don't you?! They always seem to be on a place where not a single opportunity occurs. But the reality is that it isn't sad.

Why you shouldn’t wait for opportunities in life.

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Have you ever heard people claim that they’re waiting for the right opportunities? You would almost feel sorry for these people, don’t you?! They always seem to be in a place where not a single opportunity occurs. But the reality is that it isn’t sad. It’s their fault that they don’t find these opportunities in life. There’s a great quote that goes like: “Life is not a spectator sport. If watchin’ is all you’re going to do, you’re going to watch your life go by without ya”. This is straight from a kids’ movie. The movie is called “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”. Crazy right. There’s a lot of wisdom in these movies. Anyways, you shouldn’t wait in life and here’s why. Read More

Let's talk the Stockholm experience here for a moment. I wrote a blog 2 weeks ago about the fact that you should travel alone at least once in your life. The reason why is pretty simple. You can make a lot of bold claims that you're happy on your own but it doesn't count if you don't prove it to yourself.

Zero To Alpha and the Stockholm experience part 2…

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Let’s talk about the Stockholm experience here for a moment. I wrote a blog 2 weeks ago about the fact that you should travel alone at least once in your life. The reason why is pretty simple. You can make a lot of bold claims that you’re happy on your own but it doesn’t count if you don’t prove it to yourself. Everybody can talk but it’s a lot harder to live up to some of your claims. So I went on a trip for 9 days. The main goal was to train of course but this trip turned into an unforgettable adventure. I can tell you right here and right now that this trip wouldn’t have been the same if I’d have some company. I’ll explain this later in the blog.

So without further introduction, ladies and gentlemen let’s take a look at the Stockholm experience part 2 (since I’ve been there before).

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Do you hate waiting? Well, I've got some bad news for you then. Waiting is a big part of life and you might not even realize it. Well, you probably realize it but you're too busy complaining about it. I don't get why people complain about it so damn much.

Waiting is a part of life and you’re wasting it.

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Do you hate waiting? Well, I’ve got some bad news for you then. Waiting is a big part of life and you might not even realize it. Well, you probably realize it but you’re too busy complaining about it. I don’t get why people complain about it so damn much. You already hate it and you enforce those bad feelings by being even more negative. Man, you must be the most fun person to be around with when you have to wait at the airport. You can bitch for 2 hours in a row and complain afterward that you were bored and tired and so on. The way how people act when they have to wait tells a lot about them. The funny part is that most people like to act as if they’re rushed when they have to wait just to skip the line. Are they rushed?

Probably not but there are better things than being alone with the demons in your head don’t you think?! I don’t agree but that’s how most people think. Read More

Have you ever faced a loss in life? You probably did, didn't you?! But have you ever opened up about it? That's a whole different story, isn't it?! So this weekend I entered a BJJ tournament here in Belgium. I was really looking forward to it and I enjoyed the fact that I was finally going to compete again.

Let’s talk about the perspective of loss.

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Have you ever faced a loss in life? You probably did, didn’t you?! But have you ever opened up about it? That’s a whole different story, isn’t it?! So this weekend I entered a BJJ tournament here in Belgium. I was looking forward to it and I enjoyed the fact that I was finally going to compete again. So I enjoyed the fight as well but I got caught in a flying armbar second before the end by my own mistake. I had to tap out 5 seconds before the end because I would have had a broken arm otherwise. Seconds after that I shook my opponent’s hand, wished him all the best and moved on. I have to admit that it sucked a bit since I was ahead on the scorecard but that’s how it goes in combat sports.

So what has this to do with the perspective of loss you ask? Well, let’s dive into my head and take a look at how I deal with loss and how I see others do it. Read More

You should travel alone once in your life. Well, I'm not forcing you to do things but it's something that you should give a shot in my opinion. Traveling alone will take you straight out of your comfort zone but it has a way bigger benefit. 

Why you should travel alone once in your life.

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You should travel alone once in your life. Well, I’m not forcing you to do things but it’s something that you should give a shot in my opinion. Traveling alone will take you straight out of your comfort zone but it has a way bigger benefit. It’s something that might improve your life but also something that most people try to avoid altogether. It can be either good or bad. It’s all a matter of perception. Two people can look at the same glass of milk but have a completely different view of reality. It’s half full or half empty according to them. The joke is that it’s both. Most people just like to argue about it. Funny that a glass of milk can cause so much commotion.

Anyways, you should travel alone at least once in your life and here’s why. Read More