Do you hate waiting? Well, I’ve got some bad news for you then. Waiting is a big part of life and you might not even realize it. Well, you probably realize it but you’re too busy complaining about it. I don’t get why people complain about it so damn much. You already hate it and you enforce those bad feelings by being even more negative. Man, you must be the most fun person to be around with when you have to wait at the airport. You can bitch for 2 hours in a row and complain afterward that you were bored and tired and so on. The way how people act when they have to wait tells a lot about them. The funny part is that most people like to act as if they’re rushed when they have to wait just to skip the line. Are they rushed?
Probably not but there are better things than being alone with the demons in your head don’t you think?! I don’t agree but that’s how most people think. Read More