
You’ve got 2 lives. How about that?

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You’ve got 2 lives. How about that? You might assume that this will be very confusing but it’s not. The principle is so very simple. It’s something which I talked about in the past a lot and still, people don’t seem to get it. Some people just take things for granted. They don’t get that being alive and being healthy is a gift. Those same people neglect the fact that they’re going to die and they’re not always the most fun ones to be around. Some people are just real assholes and they don’t even get it. They just live like kings/queens and treat everybody like shit. I can’t imagine that these people are very happy but who am I to question this. They’ll claim that they’ve got a great life.

I also avoid people like this so it’s harder to see how they feel. Maybe I should spend more time with these people, those people are always a good inspiration for a blog post. The struggle is real on this one.

Anyways you’ve got 2 lives and here’s why. Read More

You should pick the right life partner and there's one very solid reason why I tell you this. You see, most people don't think about this.

Why you should pick the right life partner.

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You should pick the right life partner and there’s one very solid reason why I tell you this. You see, most people don’t think about this. They never think about the long-term future. They just think about either getting laid or not being single. It’s weird but loneliness makes people do some weird stuff. They just want the instant gratification and complain when they suddenly have to face long-term frustration. I think this is a big problem in our current generation. A lot of people tend to settle for less or get comfortable and completely wreck the whole relationship over time. But why should you carefully pick your life partner? That’s what you’re probably wondering, aren’t you?! Well, here we go. Read More

Have you noticed that so many people are assholes these days? Are you surprised by this fact? You shouldn't. It's something that has always has been around.

Why so many people are assholes

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Have you noticed that so many people are assholes these days? Are you surprised by this fact? You shouldn’t. It’s something that has always has been around. Just read Marcus Aurelius mediations, even he mentions assholes (he didn’t use that exact word). So they were always around but these days more and more people are acting like it. They hurt others, say sorry and do it over and over again. That’s why nice people get run over all the time. They accept the fake apologies and then they get run over again and again and again. This can go on and on but it’s safe to say that most people just don’t care about others. Hence they mostly even wish that other people do worse than them (and some people do bad).

So to all the assholes in the world: take out a pen and a notepad and start taking notes. Oh and get your ego in check, it won’t do you any good. Read More


Don’t cheat yourself, TREAT YOURSELF.

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Do you treat yourself? Well of course you do! Who doesn’t right?! But I’m not talking about going to the sauna or the theaters. I’m not talking about going out or buying new stuff. All those things might be cheating yourself instead of treating yourself. Sounds weird, doesn’t it?! People just have a weird definition of treating themselves if you ask me. They all do things that don’t require anything intellectual at all. They just cheat on themselves in so many ways but I did the same in the past. I cheated on myself big time in the past because I did what most people did. I just didn’t know any better. Following the herd is easy and that’s why we do it. The problem was that I didn’t like where I ended up. I had to face a lot of personal demons. A lot and I created them all on my own. Sad if you think about it. I was the source of my misery and I didn’t get it. Well, I assume that most people don’t get this.

It’s hard to accept as well but you’re a long way ahead if you learn to accept your problems. Read More

Misery loves company. It's a great quote but I think it's widely misunderstood, to be honest. Let's dive into this blog to take a look at the misconception.

Misery really loves some company.

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Misery loves company. It’s a great quote but I think it’s widely misunderstood, to be honest. Most people assume that it’s a sign that some people just need a shoulder to cry on. Well, this can be true since sometimes people are so stuck that they can’t see the whole anymore but this is not the real meaning of the quote. Deep down inside you know this. Just look at your own life. Do you attract people with tons of problems? Do they come to you as soon as they have problems (once again)? I know that this isn’t the case for me. People never call me to talk for hours about their problems. We meet up and sometimes some personal issues come up but then we reflect on it. We don’t do it as others do.

To this day on I haven’t met a single person that has solved a problem by complaining about it. You can correct me if I’m wrong on this one.

We should change this quote in my opinion. The quote is correct but “Misery wisely picks its company” sounds a lot better if you ask me. Let me explain. Read More


Why motivated people rarely hold on.

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Ever heard that people stopped doing something because they didn’t feel motivated anymore? This is a common excuse, right? Yes, I call it an excuse because it’s just dumb. You might have “lost” the feeling of motivation but were you that into it? Did you give it your all when you did what you had to do? Were you doing extra stuff when you didn’t have too? These are a lot of questions and the answer will most likely be no or “sometimes”. Motivation sucks and I’m going to tell you why. There’s a reason why motivated people barely hold on to the end. They mostly fall off the wagon somewhere along the line and some hold on longer than others but they just don’t reach the end.

Motivation sucks and here’s what you have to do instead. Read More

Are you using your device or it using you? Changes are that it's using you if you're a part of our modern day generation. I'm not talking about smartphones.

Are you using your device or is it using you?

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Are you using your device or is it using you? Chances are that it’s using you if you’re a part of our modern-day generation. I’m not talking about smartphones alone. I’m talking about phones, television, tablets, laptops, smartwatches and whatever there’s out there. How many hours do you waste by using these products? Does it feel fulfilling? Maybe you’re addicted? It’s possible, right?! You might claim that I’m selling you bullshit but think about it. How many hours do you spend in front of these screens? How many hours of sleep do you sacrifice to watch just “one more video” in an endless playlist? Can you put these devices away for a week? Or would you be anxious if you had to live a couple of minutes without it?

Are you getting upset or are you going to read on? I can guarantee you that you won’t like the rest if you don’t like it already. The truth hurts and this time it might hurt bigtime. I mean who wouldn’t update his story on social media when a person is in trouble. You make sure that it’s on the story when someone drowns right?! Ladies and gentlemen get ready because this is going going to be a long-ass blog post.  Read More

Are you ready to be blown away by some life advice? The advice on itself was so damn simple but it still blew me away. Get ready to be blown away as well.

Life advise from a 92- year old that’ll blow you away.

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Are you ready to be blown away by some life advice? The advice on itself was so damn simple but it still blew me away. The advice on itself wasn’t given to me. I never met the man personally, he died some months ago (may he rest in peace). He told it to someone else and that person told it to me and added some things from his own. So keep in mind that the person who gave the advice was 92 when he gave the advice. It was one simple sentence that consisted of 3 words. His life advice was the following: life is short. Read More

Let's talk about self-improvement here for a minute. I recently got a comment where a guy told me that he noticed that I critiqued the system

The only guide to self-improvement that you’ll ever need.

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Let’s talk about self-improvement here for a minute. I recently got a comment where a guy told me that he noticed that I critiqued the system or certain behaviors but never gave a solution. Well, this is certainly true to a certain point. I indeed rarely offer the solution and I always make sure that you need to read between the lines when I give it to you. I mean wouldn’t it be boring if I told you what you should do to get your life in check? There is no guide to life since we all face different problems. Most people neglect this in my opinion. A lot of people seem to think that a certain outcome always has the same reason. I can guarantee you that a lot of roads lead to the same destination so a lot of situations can lead to the same problem.

But self- improvement is pretty simple once you’ve got the hang of it. Everything is simple if you don’t turn it into rocket science. Read More


Why you should avoid people who’re just full of shit.

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Some people are just always full of shit and you should avoid them. I think it’s safe to say that we all know one or multiple people who just can’t tell the truth. I always said that only cheap people can’t be honest, which I still think but there’s another group of people who can’t do it. Weak men can’t do it either. What do I mean with weak men you ask? Weak men are essentially men without norms and values. They’re fake and lie all the time, they hurt people and do everything to make sure that their ego gets satisfaction.  They act like little boys without their toys. Read More