You should unplug and not even from time to time. You should unplug every single day! People these days are always staring at their phones.

Unplug, reset and get happy out of bed.

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You should unplug and not even from time to time. You should unplug every single day! People these days are always staring at their phones or walking with their headphones on. I mostly walk with headphones on as well but I’m not always listening to music. Sometimes I just put them on without listening to music and then I face my thoughts. Because you’re fucked if you’re not able to tell why you feel a certain way or think about something in a certain way. Constantly listening to music, staring at your phone… these are all subtle forms of escapism. Just look at what people do when they’re bored or face an awkward moment in a conversation. They’ll pick up the phone to get some dopamine, they want to feel good and keep on feeling good. Because that’s what life about these days isn’t it?

We all have to be happy 100% of the time on Insecuretagram. Being unhappy is something that people in the ’50s did! People who think like this have no clue what they’re talking about. Never heard of the stages of life? Anyways here’s the reason why you should unplug. Read More

Ever heard about the beauty of simplicity? It's like the opposite of complexity and complexity results in chaos. It's also a waste of time.

K.I.S.S.: the beauty of simplicity.

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Ever heard about the beauty of simplicity? It’s like the opposite of complexity and complexity results in chaos. It’s also a waste of time. But most people don’t want simplicity. They’re craving the complexity because they’re just living in a materialistic world! I’m a simple guy and I don’t care to be honest. I do not need all that fancy stuff that most people seem to worship. It’s funny because most people don’t get why they buy stuff. They buy it to satisfy their ego. They just want to impress others and that’s why they buy all the fancy overpriced stuff. To post on Insecuretagram. There’s just one big problem. Other people think like that as well. So they’re so focused on their own that they don’t even notice your stuff.

It must be pretty disappointing. Why don’t you take the other approach? You don’t gain anything by making things more complex. Everybody owns way too much stuff these days. But nobody seems to be aware of it. Read More

Ever had a wake-up call? You're probably thinking about it right now and your answer will be either yes or no. Maybe can't be an answer.

Ring ring….. isn’t it time to answer your wake-up call?

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Ever had a wake-up call? You’re probably thinking about it right now and your answer will be either yes or no. “Maybe” can’t be an answer. You had it, didn’t need it or completely denied it. That’s it. I had two wake-up calls where I’m aware of. Well, 3. But maybe there were a lot more. I had 2 burn-outs in a single year, but I had suicidal tendencies the second time that I faced a burn-out. But I also had to take pills to control my heart rate and blood pressure. I was 22 when it happened. It’s not normal and I even believe that being unhappy for long periods is completely unnatural. You need to be aware of how you feel and how you act.

These things tell a lot about you. The only problem is that you postpone the pain by numbing your pain. I did this as well in the past because it was the easy way out. Turns out that the easy way out isn’t the best way to take. Read More

Would you ever like to meet the 18-year-old version of yourself? Would be great right? See yourself as the little kid that you once were.

Would you make your 18-year-old version proud?

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Would you ever like to meet the 18-year-old version of yourself? It would be great right? See yourself as the little kid that you once were. Just seeing how ignorant you once were or maybe you’ll see that you’re still the same? It’s possible, some people rarely ever change. Indeed, they rarely do. Just look around you, some people even look the same and do the same things. Some people are extremely afraid of change. They’re afraid of getting out of their comfort zone. It’s hard to accept this fact and it only becomes harder as you get older. But I’ve preached enough. Let’s start this blog off right. Let’s take a good look in the mirror. Read More

I had two weeks vacation and sadly enough they’re over now. I took some time of blogging because that was the right thing according to my heart.

I learned some life lessons during my vacation.

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I had two weeks of vacation and sadly enough they’re over now. I took some time off blogging because that was the right thing according to my heart (more on that later). So for two weeks I didn’t blog and didn’t go to my normal job. So what did I do? Well, I learned a lot during this period and I decided to write about it to reflect upon it one more time. These are life lessons that might benefit you as well. It’s up to you to take action and so something with it. I’m just about to share what I learned. Enjoy. Read More

People like to throw an insult at each other. Don't ask me why but it seems like some people just like to take others down.

The one insult that you’ll never have on me.

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People like to throw an insult at each other. Don’t ask me why but it seems like some people just like to take others down. Well, I do get it now. Most people are complete assholes. But I’m not here to insult people so let’s start this blog off with a funny story. I went to watch the second half of Belgium- England with friends. I skipped the first half to make sure that I could train at home. So I walked through the crowd and I recognized all the people whom I had been in high school with. They hadn’t changed a bit. They all looked the same and I hadn’t seen some of them in 6 years. Shit hit the fan when my ex-girlfriend crossed my group.

She noticed me but didn’t recognize me until she looked around and saw my friends. Suddenly my exes her friends were pointing at me. Suddenly she and her friends knew who I was. I have changed a lot and I keep on changing. Something physical changes about me every time I grow as a person (strange but true). So what’s the insult that nobody can use on me but I can use them? Read More

Can you be selfish in a good way? Yes, it's completely possible! I've noticed that a lot of people these days put their own needs on the backburner.

Be selfish but in a good way.

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Can you be selfish in a good way? Yes, it’s completely possible! I’ve noticed that a lot of people these days put their own needs on the backburner. They put themselves second and wonder why they get run over all the time. Well, the reason why is pretty easy. You’re not true to you and it only gets harder if you don’t work on that matter. At one point in time, you’ll have to realize a very simple principle: it’s me first. It’s you first and not your girlfriend, wife, family, friends or whatever you put in front of you. So now you can assume that I’m a big egocentric maniac but hear me out on this one. Being selfish doesn’t mean that you don’t share and treat everybody like they’re below you.

It’s just making yourself, your goals and your happiness a priority. People who don’t get this have a lot to learn. Read More

Ever heard the expression always take the high road in life? Well, I'm now going to tell you that you should do it and why you should do it.

Why you should take the high road in life.

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Ever heard the expression always take the high road in life? Well, I’m now going to tell you that you should do it and why you should do it. Well, there are multiple reasons but the biggest reason is that of the fact that the low road won’t bring you any happiness. It’s so damn easy to be a piece of shit to other people and it’s easy to take insecure people down. There are still a lot of people who do it. Most people act completely according to their feelings and that’s not the meaning of taking the high road. It means that you shouldn’t let your feelings get the best of you. You mostly don’t know what it means until you actually get older.

Because life throws a lot more obstacles at you as you get older. Then it comes in handy to realize that your reaction to a situation can affect the entire outcome. It’s all about perspective. Read More

Amor fati. I'm pretty sure that a lot of people have tattooed this proverb somewhere on their body without knowing the real meaning.

Amor fati: the obstacle is the only way.

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Amor fati. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people have tattooed this proverb somewhere on their body without knowing the real meaning. It means that you should love/embrace your faith. You have to love the inevitable. But what is the inevitable? That’s a hard question, right? It’s a hard question because most of us think very ego-centered. Even I do/did it sometimes, although I have it more under control lately. It’s hard to envision that you fail at something but it hurts double as hard if you’re not prepared for it. Because now you’ve got to learn a lesson and overcome a shitty feeling. This wouldn’t have happened if you were prepared for it. So this basically means that you should acknowledge the fact that you can fail or that you’ll have to face things that you deep down inside don’t want to face.

It’s hard to understand so I’ll give you an example out of my personal life. Read More

A vision of religion and the Bible by a former atheist. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Well let's find out what I've got to say shall we?

A vision on religion and the Bible by a former atheist.

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A vision of religion and the Bible by a former atheist. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Now read what I’ve got to say before you collect an angry mob, torches, and some wood to burn me. I clearly said that I was a former atheist. Don’t worry I’ll explain in a minute. I got baptized like most people and did all the other stuff as well. Here in Belgium, we follow the Christian church and the pope. It’s a bit outdated, to be honest. I’m pretty sure that people from the States wouldn’t feel at home in our churches. They still do it like back in the 50’s. My grandmother told me so that’s how I know.

I wasn’t pretty religious as a kid but I prayed when I had too or when I was facing harsh time (like bullies). I figured that God would solve it if there ever was a God. So I guess that most people already know where this is heading I guess? Read More