
The one trait of a good relationship?

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What’s the one good trait of a great relationship? I can probably name more than a dozen, to be honest. Stuff like trust, loyalty, integrity, honesty, respect, communication, … Ok, I got stuck at 6 but you know the drill or you can use your good old friend Google to find some other good traits. And no treating someone as your priority is not on the list. People keep mentioning this one and I have no clue why. I would swim from Belgium to Mexico and start a new life as Jésus the taco salesman if I would have such a girlfriend. I had an ex like that and my phone exploded if I didn’t respond instantly. She also always wanted to be around me when she didn’t have any plans. Might sound like heaven but it wasn’t.

There is only one person that should be your priority and that is you! And then people say stuff like: you’re just a selfish jerk no wonder you’re single. You can be selfish in a good way. Treating another person as your priority is weird and pretty selfish if you ask me. You ask them to devote all their time to you. Could you please explain the logic behind that mindset? Is it because you can’t be alone? Because you have no clue how to spend your time? Isn’t that a selfish act? You try to control another person’s life. It doesn’t get more selfish than that if you ask me. Oh, I’m making new friends once again.

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Why you’re utterly depressed and what to do about it.

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Are you utterly depressed and do you have no clue what to do about it? You probably are since you’re reading this post. Or you’re an internet troll who just wants to spam my comment section. Maybe you’re just curious, who knows?! It doesn’t matter what your goal is, what matters is that you realize that this post isn’t going to be pretty. I suffered from depression back in the days and that wasn’t pretty but the truth about it isn’t pretty either. I also wrote a guide on how to deal with it but this one is going to be a little more straightforward. Because after 3 years I’ve been able to add some things to this guide. This is the upgraded version of the previous post. I took it from Zero To Alpha and I’m glad I did.

At the end of this post, I’ll give you some book recommendations that’ll help you out big time.

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dream, believe, achieve

Why “dream, believe, achieve” absolutely sucks.

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Dream, believe, achieve… it sounds so simple yet so many people seem to do it wrong. Because I think it’s safe to assume that some people dream and believe at one point. Maybe they do it even more than once. Maybe they stare at exotic locations while they’re supposed to work or they might check out my Instagram and see all the cool shit that I did the last 4 months. Stuff like quitting my job, living in Thailand, talking mad trash on Instagram, win a Muay Thai fight and so on. So some of those people will figure out that they can do the same thing as me because I’m only human. So they quickly figure out that I like to read, hop in the car and go to the infamous self- help section aka the self- proclaimed Zero To Alpha section.

They then pick up a book like “The Secret” or “The Law Of Attraction”, finish the book highly motivated and start to dream and believe but then somehow they never achieve….. Read More

The Subtle Art Of Loving Thyself 

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Have you ever heard the phrase “you should love yourself”? Loving yourself is a hard thing to do especially in this day and age. It took me 26 years to understand what it means to love myself. I hated myself before that and my actions just proved that I did. The problem was that I didn’t admit it to myself and always tried to escape my reality. The other problem was that all that bad behavior was just accepted in our society. I almost drunk myself in a coma and it happened twice. People just joked about it and told me to condition my body so that I could drink more because that’s apparently what you should do. You have to act like a tool to be considered cool. Read More

The beauty of unrealistic goals.

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Have you ever set unrealistic goals? It’s hard to do because most people will never understand this mindset. They’ll claim that you’re stupid/delusional or that you should be more realistic. That’s because they teach you early on to think small and people just pass it on to their kids and others. That’s just what happens when you never challenge your beliefs. This is kind of weird if you ask me. Most adults aren’t really happy with their life and they pass on the same lifestyle to their kids or others. So I take a different approach because I don’t want to live that unhappy lifestyle.

It’s kind off the same approach as the “I have high expectations in certain aspects of my life” approach. People shy away from this because they mostly don’t want to be considered a failure. Because people will judge you, they will hate you and they will mock you if they know that you didn’t achieve your goals. So what do we do then? Set no goals at all and just take life as it comes? That’s a possibility and also what most people do.

But they then hate life because life seems so unfair to them. They can’t be surprised, to be honest, they go with the flow and they crash when the flow crashes. It’s a victim mindset that’ll never get them set. Ladies and gentlemen, you should set unrealistic goals and you should do it every month and here’s why. Read More

What I learned from fighting Muay Thai in Thailand.

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On the 14th of May, I was fighting in Koh Samui against a Thai. That’s right, I stepped into the ring with a guy who probably trained before he was even born. Muay Thai is in their DNA, they get into it young and they’re tough as nails. You know that you’re stepping into a crazy fight when you are facing a Thai because they never fight amateur. They fight from the age of 6 without shinguards, headgear and elbow protection. So you fight full Thai rules against a killer. I never really was a fan of the way people fight in Europe anyway. They wear way too much protection in my opinion, they then crumble under the stress when they have their first “real” fight. It’s a false sense of protection that will catch on to you.

I never had an amateur fight, I never even fought before I came here. I just told the trainers that I wanted to fight and put the work in.

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Have you ever heard of Ko Pha Ngan? It's the home of the infamous Full Moon party. It took me 2 weeks on the island to hear what all the fuzz was all about.

Why everybody should live in Ko Pha Ngan for 3 months.

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Have you ever heard of Ko Pha Ngan? It’s the home of the infamous Full Moon Party. It took me 2 weeks on the island to hear what all the fuzz was all about and I never even went. Ko Pha Ngan is paradise and that might be an understatement. The beaches are beautiful, the people are nice, the food is cheap, the weather is great, plus 50% of the population is Western. That last one is kind of a blessing and a curse at the same time. Just Google the place, you’ll be amazed. So now people will be like: “Alex, you want me to live on a tropical island for 3 months?! Let me start packing”. Now hold on Cowboy, don’t start packing yet. The reason why I want you to live here is not for all the things that I mentioned above.

They make life a lot more enjoyable but there’s another reason why you should live here. Read More


From Z to A: on living life backward.

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Most people are living life from A to Z but I’m doing it backward, just like most people here in Thailand. We’re the crazy ones according to them while we claim that they’re the crazy ones to us. We claim to be unplugged from the Matrix while they have nothing to add to that besides the fact that we’re crazy once again. Has anyone else noticed that most people’s insults are always the same?! Oh, normal people entertain me over and over again. But they’re mostly wrong in all their remarks. Quitting your job and stepping on a plane might seem scary but it’s not. You don’t need the safety net to feel extremely happy hence I would even say that I feel a lot happier now that I don’t have the safety net.

There are so many things that I can debunk but let me tell you one thing: living life from Z to A is awesome. It’s like living life in the fast lane. Read More

Releasing a blog straight out of paradise.

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I’m in paradise right now and I’m not even kidding when I say this. 5 weeks ago I decided to quit my job and travel to Thailand for 2 and a half months. I like it that much here that I might add another week just because I can. Because why the hell not? Because I might piss off some people? I’ve done that so many times that I’m kind off used to it. It’s like one of my mentors once said: “only dead fish follow the flow”. But that doesn’t mean that dead fish don’t complain when you go in the complete opposite direction. Anyways I just arrived here, to be honest, but I already learned a lot. I already learned more lessons here than I did during the whole year that I had a normal job.

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Did you know that I'm going to Thailand in 9 days?! You might be pretty bored by this statement but hear me out before you leave.

Zero To Alpha goes to Thailand: 9 days out.

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Did you know that I’m going to Thailand in 9 days?! You might be pretty bored by this statement but hear me out before you leave. I quit my job and booked a one-way ticket, I’ll be gone for at least 74 days but I might stay a little longer. Things suddenly got a lot more interesting didn’t they?! I mean this isn’t your “I’m going on a trip and come back in a week” this is the “I’m taking faith into my own hands and want to make something happen”. People call me crazy but I’m ok with that. I’ve been plotting and planning this move for a little more than 2 years. You could kind of say that I expected this to happen.

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