What’s the best piece of advice that you would give your younger self? They recently asked me this question and I seriously had to think hard to provide a good answer. I mean just read my post where I shared 16 big life lessons. I wonder what the best advice would be after you’ve read that one. I think that it’s safe to say that most people did some dumb things in their life and some of us even regret a lot. We all have some ghosts from the past which we rather try to forget but we can’t. It’s not that hard if you learn to deal with failure in the first place.
Most people are hoping that someday we could go back to the past to change it but that would mess things up. I think we all had the “joy” to watch Back To The Future (I hate those movies) but they show that you shouldn’t mess with the past. Anyway, what would you advise your younger self if you had the chance to meet him? It can be anything but it can only be one thing. Most people will think hard as a result of this question but answering this question shouldn’t be that hard.
The best piece of advice for my younger self
There’s one thing that I would tell my younger self and that’s one word. NOTHING. I wouldn’t give myself any advice because I always survived it in the end. I became a better and stronger person even when adversity hit me the most. I would probably take some popcorn, a beach chair and I would look at myself from a distance. But I would just laugh at myself and remember all the mistakes that I made. I would admit every flaw. I make damn sure that I’m the first one to admit those. This is crucial to becoming a man’s man. The man’s man is the real alpha male. The man’s man doesn’t give his younger self advice because he learned from his mistakes. I would be another person if those things wouldn’t have happened. I’m happy with who I am and wouldn’t want to change it for anything in the world.
Most people stay in the past and get utterly depressed. They want to change the past to create a better present. They don’t get that you need to be present in the now to make a better future. Those people will often give others a ton of advice. They’ll make sure that others don’t make mistakes and that’s just dumb. How will you ever be able to learn if you’ve never made a mistake? That’s not possible isn’t it and that’s why rich parents are a curse. Those kids mostly learn one lesson; everything and everyone is for sale. It’s just too bad that life doesn’t work that way.
Life is a crazy train: some quality advice
I would never give someone advice and you know why? The best advice is never given but always asked for. So yes, no advice is the best advice there is. Especially when it comes to your past. You can’t change it and you shouldn’t either. Be true to you and enjoy the freaking ride. Life could be a boring ride or a crazy train. I prefer the crazy train and I make damn sure that I sit in front. What a ride it is or as Ozzy Osbourne would say “all aboard”.
In conclusion: the best advice is no advice except when someone asks for it.
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Till next time
Damn dude. That was a great article
thank you. I’m glad that you liked it