Ever heard about the beauty of simplicity? It’s like the opposite of complexity and complexity results in chaos. It’s also a waste of time. But most people don’t want simplicity. They’re craving the complexity because they’re just living in a materialistic world! I’m a simple guy and I don’t care to be honest. I do not need all that fancy stuff that most people seem to worship. It’s funny because most people don’t get why they buy stuff. They buy it to satisfy their ego. They just want to impress others and that’s why they buy all the fancy overpriced stuff. To post on Insecuretagram. There’s just one big problem. Other people think like that as well. So they’re so focused on their own that they don’t even notice your stuff.
It must be pretty disappointing. Why don’t you take the other approach? You don’t gain anything by making things more complex. Everybody owns way too much stuff these days. But nobody seems to be aware of it.
K.I.S.S.: the beauty of simplicity.
I’m a simple guy, I seriously enjoy the little things. People don’t get this. This showed when I was talking about the hotel in which I slept in Stockholm. It’s was a small room with 2 beds and a desk. The room was even smaller than my room at home but I was really happy. Some people mocked me and told me that they needed a lot more luxury. This got me thinking. Why do we need so much luxury? In the end, you just need a bed right? Or do you want to impress people with your fancy room in your Instagram story? You might enjoy a 5-star all-inclusive hotel but I enjoy a million-star hotel a lot more (it’s the sky full of stars for the ones who don’t get it).
K.I.S.S.: the beauty of simplicity.
People always want a big house or apartment when they move out of the house. But recently I noticed that I don’t even need that. I got the opportunity to work at the apartment of a buddy of mine. It’s not big but it was so great to work there. There was zero distraction. Well, you had a television in the same room as me but I just didn’t care about it. I wrote a great blog while I was over there. It also made me aware that you can save more money by living in a smaller apartment. You can invest some of the money that you saved and turn it into more money. That money can be reinvested in multiple things and you’ve got a nice amount of money before you realize it.
Then you could buy a house in the countryside and enjoy nature when you wake up first thing in the morning.
I don’t need a lot but you don’t need a lot either. You just don’t realize it. Why don’t you take a look at all the stuff that you don’t need? Why don’t you give it to the less fortunate? They might be happy with it.
That’s just my opinion.
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