Most people can’t stand the thought of being alone. They get miserable by thinking about being alone so they quickly meet their friend who they talked to all day via Facebook. They meet up and realize that they don’t have anything to talk about so they sit in front of each other while they’re texting to others. It’s better than sitting at home according to them. I’ve seen a lot of couples who’re facing the same problem. They just stare at each other while they’re sitting at a restaurant. After a while, they start texting because they’re freaking bored. These people need to learn to be alone. They need to set their priorities straight because they’re just acting like social media zombies at the moment.
Those people tend to make the wrong choices when they’re forced to be alone. They consume a lot of alcohol to forget about their problems or constantly watch the news. Both options are terrible since they’ll both will make you feel miserable.
Learn to be alone: some quality advice that works
You need to eat alone, take yourself on trips (even if it’s just to a coffee shop) and sleep alone. This is the only way that you’ll become true to you. You will grow as a person and suddenly you’ll figure out what you want in life. You’ll never have to chase another girl because suddenly you’ll meet the girl of your dreams. This will all happen because you believe in yourself. Sounds great, doesn’t it? It just takes a while before you’ll be able to pull it off. Suddenly you’ll realize that you don’t have to give your younger self any advice.
I know that being alone sounds hard but it’s pretty easy to do, to be honest. I used to be a person that couldn’t handle the fact that I had to be alone so I had a lot of friends in college. Luckily for me, I faced a turning point in my life. I completely changed after my depression, I went back to the roots. I learned to be alone again and spent my time wisely. I lost a lot of friends but I kept the good ones. Now I can go to a restaurant without even being ashamed that I’m there by myself. I’ve done it already twice in 2017 and people tend to point at me. I’m the reason that they can talk again to each other but it doesn’t last that long. They look back at their screens in no time.
Social media zombies are always looking for entertainment.
being alone vs being lonely
I finished Tim Ferris his book Tools Of Titans in about 2 weeks (a must-read for everybody) but there’s one quote that I’ll always remember: your in bad company if you’re feeling lonely. That’s a pretty confronting quote since most people feel lonely when they’re alone. I hate to break it to you but you’ll have to face your inner demons or you’ll feel alone forever. You could read Meditations, it’s a great book that helped me a lot but being alone was probably the most helpful thing. I took long walks (between 30 to 60 minutes) and I even meditated in nature. It put my mind at ease and I killed my inner demons one by one. I learned to embrace the power of mushin as I progressed (the power of now). Being alone isn’t necessarily bad because it’s quality time with yourself.
It’s a lot worse if you’re constantly looking for the attention of other people.
You’ll never be able to grow as a person
People need to spend time on personal development. You’ll stop living as soon as you stop learning and you’ll pay the price cash. Growing as a person is pretty addictive, to be honest. You won’t need alcohol or drugs to escape your reality. Use this time wisely to work towards your best self. Nothing more, nothing less.
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till next time
[…] Do you know what the irony behind that whole situation is? You’ll end up single anyway. Not picking the right wife will lead to an extremely horrible life. Do you want to end up that way? Life’s too short to be miserable. I prefer to be happy single than unhappy together and that’s most people wouldn’t do. They prefer to be unhappy together because they’re afraid. They’re afraid to leave their partner and their comfort zone. These people just can’t be alone. […]