A lot of people ask what I eat. So I tell them that I eat healthily. They just don’t get what I mean by eating healthy. Weird isn’t it? I mostly get a shit- ton of question after that. Stuff like: do you eat this, this and that. I’m pretty sure that people would pay for what I’m going to share in this blog post. I’m going to share how and what I eat. Now I’m not a nutritionist and I’m going to share what works for me. I might work for you as well since I know multiple people who took the same approach. They all live a healthy and happy lifestyle (read here what I mean). Now you’ve got two options: you either read the whole article or skip it to the end to see what I eat. It’s all up to you.
Eating healthy is easy but it takes time as well.
I do not count calories but I did it in the past, to be honest. It’s pretty dumb since you don’t need it. I eat what I want but I make sure that my meals consist of protein, fats, and carbs.
I have tried tons of diets over the years and I realized that there are tons of bad ones out there. So I have three simple rules when it comes to eating:
- you are what you eat so eat healthy
- eat when you’re hungry and drink when you’re thirsty
- eat until you’re satisfied
- Bonus: Forget about crazy diets. Those will wreck your health in the long run
So now you need to realize that it might take time to make this a habit. It takes tons of willpower to make sure that you eat healthily. Don’t worry, I wrote a blog on how you can increase your willpower.
Eating healthy: that hard?
It’s not hard but you make it hard. Your excuses will make sure that you’ll never grow. Anyway here are some questions that I get asked a lot. What about…
Cheat meals
I used to do whole cheat days but I felt horrible after those. My body didn’t like it so I took a different approach. I cheat in moderation and only fresh made stuff. So I will eat a freshly made muffin but I wouldn’t eat it if it came from a grocery store. The same goes for pizzas. I prefer to eat healthily at a restaurant but I go to a place where they serve real burgers and fries if I do it.
Eating out
I like to eat healthily when I go out eating. I mostly eat stuff like Chinese, burritos, sushi, and salads. That’s about it, to be honest. I just know a handful of good places and switch between those. Eating out is great and I like to do it with friends or a date. It’s a great way to bond. Besides a girl that doesn’t like, burritos is a no go. Remember this rule! No just kidding, I’m just crazy about burritos and don’t get people who don’t like it.
I’m also a firm believer in stepping out of your comfort zone from time to time. I ate vegan, for example, one time. It was ok for once. I just missed meat after I finished that meal. So that night I ate a giant steak
Bread and gluten
I don’t eat bread since I’m gluten intolerant. Well, I eat it very rarely. My stomach doesn’t like it. You shouldn’t eat it in my opinion but I have a simple rule if you want to eat it. Buy and eat it fresh. So go to a bakery if you want to eat bread.
Milk and juicing
I only drink coconut milk and cows milk. I also use it to juice (make smoothies).
I have 3 to go to smoothie recipes:
- coconut milk or cows milk, 2 bananas, 2 tablespoons peanut butter and spinach
- coconut milk or cows milk, 2 bananas, 2 tablespoons peanut butter and a handful of blueberries or a berry mix
- fresh orange juice, turmeric, fresh ginger, and cayenne pepper
Meal frequency
I eat 3-4 times a day but I don’t have a set hour for a particular meal. I just eat when I’m hungry so sometimes I start eating at 8 in the morning but on other occasions, I start eating at noon. Just listen to your body. By the way, you’ve got a problem if you’re hungry all the time. You’re probably eating stuff that isn’t nutritious. But there’s another explanation. You could be bored as well. Yes, you’ve read it correctly, people eat out of boredom.
Red meat
I don’t eat red meat too often since it’s hard to digest for the body. I eat it once a week and mostly switch between steak and lamb. Maybe something exotic if it’s available (something like a kangaroo).
Do you even supplement bro?
You don’t need supplements. It’s all bullshit. They can help you but you don’t have to take them. I never take pre-workouts and rarely take protein powder. I mostly use BCAA’s and magnesium oil. That’s it. I learned that you can perform without them if you’re smart about your eating. So just eat when you’re hungry and until you’re full.
Eating healthy: what do you eat?
People like to know what I eat so here I’ll share the foods that I eat the most. I just have a couple of go-to recipes and I switch between those. Eating healthy is great if it’s delicious as well. You can visit sweetmachinefitness for some recipe ideas.
- Chicken (really everything breast, lean chicken meat…… I make sure that I eat chicken hearts once a week. It’s extremely healthy)
- duck and poultry in general
- Salmon
- Tuna Steak (not out of a can, that’s disgusting)
- lamb or steak
- eggs
- Avocado (I eat one every single day)
- olive oil (I mostly add 3 to 4 tablespoons to a salad or my food)
- coconut oil
- grass-fed butter (yes it’s healthy)
- Hummus (I had no clue where it belonged so I added it here)
- Rice
- oatmeal
- fruit. I eat 2-3 servings per day. So one after or during each meal.
I don’t use flour of any kind. I make pancakes with bananas (find the full recipe here).
I stopped eating vegetables in 2020 and my gut has very thankful for it.
Well, there you have it. That’s what I eat daily. Good luck with fixing your diet.
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Till next time
And testosterone high 💪🏻
for sure!
Thanks for the shout out! Very solid nutrition plan. I think I’m going to start incorporating an avocado a day into smoothies.
No problem man. That’s an option. An avocado a day keeps the doctor away