Have you ever faced anxiety? Have you ever been shaking on your legs, feeling that you’re standing all alone when everybody’s watching you? You’re sweating a lot and are damn afraid that you’re going to make a fool out of yourself. You’re hoping that shit won’t hit the fan but you blow it completely. You just did the worst performance of your life and now you feel extremely frustrated and like a failure.
Normal people can bring anxiety upon you and it’s extremely hard to deal with this. These people will make you even more insecure which makes it even worse. The normal people are the shittiest one there are but you have to accept them just as they are. You don’t have to run away from them but you have to run towards them. You shouldn’t let them hit you all the time but you should hit back. Hit back really hard and make sure that they never try it again.
I had to deal with anxiety for a very long time and it shut me down completely. I was so anxious that I couldn’t even walk through a group of people. It was so bad that I needed to get out as quickly as possible. I would have tons of tinder days but I was too anxious and nervous to kiss them in the end. Anxiety ruined a big part of my life and now I’m making sure that it won’t happen ever again. I went above and beyond the anxiety. I KO’d anxiety and won the battle.
Meditation is not boring but extremely helpful
Most people link meditation to Buddhism and monks but this is a pretty wrong link. The best athletes, actors, CEO’s and so on perform meditation. This helped with my anxiety. At first, I was ashamed of it and I would do it in a closed room so nobody could see me. Now I’ll do it on a bus, in the garden, in quiet places. It’s so powerful that it cures anxiety, depression, an overload of stress and so on.
I meditate twice a day to have optimal effects. I’ll do it first thing in the morning and 10 minutes before bed. Well, I try to do it 10 minutes before bed but sometimes I’ll fall asleep a lot quicker. I don’t do fancy poses, I just do it how I like to do it. You can do it lying but also just sitting. You don’t need a bed of nails to lay on. Just focus on your breathing and try to shut off your thoughts. Just relax and close your eyes, it will be over before you know it.
This helped me get ready for the day when I first started handling my depression and anxiety. People in college thought that I was a complete weirdo but I stopped listening to the opinion of others. I helped me and I’m still really glad that I kept doing it.
I became a lone wolf that stopped following the herd.
The cold shower will give you extreme power
At one point I stopped taking cold showers due to injuries. I took warm Epsom salt baths but I lost my discipline pretty quickly. The worst part was that I had no clue what was happening and knew that it had to stop. I needed to get back on track so I jumped in a cold shower and I felt like a reborn man. You can read the alternative for the Epsom bath here.
The thing that most people don’t realize is that cold showers or baths aren’t that hard to deal with. I go in, close my eyes and breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. I just tell myself that it’s not that bad (it isn’t). You’ll like these showers before you know it.
But the most important part is the breathing technique. Most people go in and start panicking. They almost get the same reaction as when anxiety kicks in. They breathe heavily and want to get away as soon as possible.
So now you have two options:
- you either face it and learn to deal with it
- you don’t deal with it and drink in the hope that this will solve everything
I would opt for the first option since the second option doesn’t work. I can tell you that from my personal experience. I also stopped drinking and have no intention of ever doing it again. Alcohol can be extremely dangerous.
Anxiety: breath it out
So after a while, you’ll learn the correct way of breathing when you practice meditation or take cold showers but were not there yet. We still have to apply it in real life and do it without people even noticing it. Well actually I’ll close my eyes when I perform the breathing technique but you don’t have to do it if you don’t feel comfortable doing it.
Most people will ask you what you’re doing. You could make a joke: you almost bored me to sleep.
I can’t promise that they’ll like the joke but they’ll shrug it off eventually.
I have a pretty easy rule. Don’t blink or you’ll start to think. The meaning behind this saying is pretty simple. You need to do whatever you’ve got in mind before you’ve even had the time to think about it. You’ll be lost in thousands of imaginary thoughts that make you do nothing.
JUST DO IT. You’ll regret the things you didn’t do the most in life.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”057Ll” via=”no” ]Don’t blink or you’ll start to think[/ctt]Self- awareness is the shit and it’s legit
Self- awareness can make sure that you’ll perform your life. You just look at your surroundings and start to describe them so you can’t focus on the stress. You can also describe how your body feels and try to look at how it reacts when you move.
I know that it sounds strange but it works extremely well. I used this when I had to give a radio interview and I talked at a really slow pace. This has never happened before. Normally I’ll talk at a pretty fast pace when I’m nervous. Others were surprised that I was so calm and wondered how I did it. Well, the ones who’re reading it know my secret now.
Anxiety can be caused by a hormonal imbalance
Yes, hormones are very important and most people neglect these. Most people have no clue what their hormonal levels are and most of them don’t even realize that they’re low. Get your bloodwork done because it could fix more issues than you imagine.
I was extremely anxious when my testosterone was low. It was almost impossible to talk to new people. I couldn’t look people in the eye and I would freak out if I did do it.
The bottom line was that I was afraid of everything and this is extremely depressing. It drives you crazy. All the doubts in my head and all for nothing. They were all stupid but I couldn’t shut them off. They’re gone now, it was a period which contained a lot of valuable lessons that’s for sure.
Just take a look at how much I changed after my hormones got back in check. I was constantly working towards my best- self and people kept on telling me how much I changed.
In conclusion: hormones are more important than you think.
Ashwagandha makes you calm like a bear
This is a root that’s been used a lot in India. I used it in the past but I didn’t use it smartly back then. I took it every day and it backfired extremely hard when I had no supply anymore. So I had to learn and deal with it without supplements.
At that time I started to meditate twice a day. I think that it took me about three weeks before I got grip on the anxiety. So I started taking it back now that I’m able to handle the situation without ashwagandha.
I make tea with it (I take the powder form) and it’s pretty damn good. I’m a big tea drinker in winter I admit. But you don’t have to use tea, you can also use lemon juice or a smoothie by choice.
Ashwagandha tea
- Ashwagandha powder or liquid ashwagandha
- Tablespoon of coconut oil
- Lemon juice, tea, smoothie (whatever you prefer)
- Honey (optional)
It’s a great tea and this makes life a lot easier. Welcome the tea and say goodbye to anxiety.
You can beat anxiety without a single therapy session, how great is that? Just remember that it all starts and ends in your head or hormonal health.
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Till next time
Gotta try that ashwagandha tea! I’m a bit addicted to that stuff
It’s wise to cycle off if it’s possible. But watch out for the step back. Don’t do it if you’ve got a very stressfull life and environment
My doctor advised against cycling off haha. So I’m on it! It definitely does work. Do you get it in powder form?
I wouldn’t cycle off if he recommends the opposite. yeah the stuff works for sure. Yeah I take the powder form since the liquid form is not available here. It has a unique taste but after a while you get used to it and you’ll only taste the tea
I take it in pill form but the capsule is full of powder. I could probably busy that bad boy open and make some tea. Might even soak my feet in some magnesium oil while I drink it 😉
You could do that and buy the powder form next time. Hahahha that would be ultimate recovery