There are tons of people who claim they’re not a morning person. Everybody is a morning person but nobody realizes it. Yes, you read it correctly: we can all become a morning person so what’s your excuse now?
It all starts with discipline, with the right mindset you’ll get much out of your day.
The morning is the most crucial part of the day, a bad morning can wreck your whole day. Snoozing means losing remember?
When you’re days aren’t productive you’ll get behind with work. This will lead to a lot of stress which you need to avoid.
I’ll give you the hacks that made me a morning person but also a more productive person.
1. Make a checklist the night before
Making a checklist of what you’ll have to do the next day will keep your mind of stressful thoughts.
A checklist makes you competitive so you’ll do anything to make these goals happening. When you can checkoff your first task of the day you’ll feel happier and that’s how it begins. It’s pretty addictive to make sure that you can check off every task.
Make sure you’ll reward yourself after all these tasks. For example let yourself go to the gym, read a book… Something that’s relaxing but still beneficial for your life
I’ll write my tasks down in a little notebook or my iPhone, in this way I can carry it anywhere with me.
Watch out that you don’t take too much on your plate, make these checklists realistic.
An example of my day yesterday
I got up at 6:30 in the morning and was active for the first 30 minutes of the day to get my blood flowing. I had 4 major tasks that day:
- write a new article for the alpha male series
- review and upload the article about winning
- clean up the kitchen before my parents would kill me
- doing a bodyweight training with a buddy
I had completed all these tasks before we started training. After training, we did a push-up contest. My buddy wanted to get 10 push-ups out. I hit 35 and he hit 30. It was fun but we were both broken.
After that we had a post-workout meal, played some Xbox and watched some soccer. It was one of the rare occasions where I watched television again.
My point is that not planning your day is planning to fail. Do your tasks and you’ll get some free time and yesterday I could two hours off. On other days it will be 30 minutes.
2. Get a sleeping routine to become a morning person
Going to sleep around the same hour and waking up at the same time will improve your sleep and will get you the most out of your days.
I’ll usually go to bed around 10:30 and wake up at 6:30, even at the weekends. Only if I go to parties (which doesn’t happen a lot) I will sleep a bit longer but I’ll keep the rest of the routine. It just starts later on the day. I’ll just have to sacrifice my spare time.
Besides getting up is a lot easier if you’re not drinking alcohol.
Your body needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep so going to bed a bit later than 11 pm will do you no harm.
You’ll notice that you have more energy and your focus increases too.
This is the most difficult part for most people, getting to bed and getting out. This will happen especially during the weekends because on those days people will sleep longer.
3. Brush your teeth and take an ice-cold shower
Dental health is really important so go for it.
A cold shower in the morning kick starts your day.
4. get dressed and drink some water
After 8 to 9 hours of sleep, your body will be hydrated so you should drink some water.
5. Make your coffee black as the night and skip that breakfast
Coffee will boost your focus and alertness so why shouldn’t you have your cup of Joe’s?’
If you don’t like the taste of coffee I suggest you try drinking it with filtered tap water. Changing from a cheap brand to a more expensive brand can help too. Or go to a local coffee shop that sells coffee beans sometimes it’s a bit more expensive than in a store but it’s worth the money.
Green tea is an alternative for people who dislike coffee.
Skipping breakfast won’t kill you; I even made a blog post on how you can incorporate it into your life.
Now if you really can’t incorporate it in your life I suggest you’ll eat something small like a banana in the morning. But you’ve got to try this way of living before you decide that you’re able to do it.
Besides getting out of your comfort zone is great.
6. Smash your goals or take a walk
If I start the day with smashing my goals I’ll drink my coffee while I’m working. Starting the day with your work will give you a more satisfying feeling.
At the weekends it’s more likely that I’m reading first with my cup of coffee.
Walking is great for your testosterone so on rest days I tend to walk 30 to 60 minutes. I will listen to podcasts or listen to music during the walk. I always have a notebook with me because I had some great ideas during my walks. The blog that covered moderation was written on my phone during a walk.
Nature is also extremely relaxing in my opinion. I have multiple nature pictures on my Instagram and most of them are either from right in the morning or when the sun is going down. I just stop walking enjoy the moment and take a picture.
I believe in a morning routine but once I’ve drunk my coffee I’ll switch things up. You want to avoid getting in a rut.
7. Use music to be more productive
Instrumental music increases boost focus so I suggest you use it.
I use music when I write, read… I have a playlist on Spotify called reading soundtracks that I use all the time.
Another great song to work with is Phantom Power Music – Overpowered. I just put it on repeat and smash my goals one by one.
8. Leave your phone on airplane mode till noon
As soon as you wake up put off your alarm from your smartphone and leave it there.
I know this is hard for some people but why shouldn’t you try it?
Why wouldn’t you try to become happier than you’ve ever imagined?
What do you have to lose if you’re only benefiting from it?
After a while, you won’t need your phone anymore. I don’t keep my phone on airplane mode anymore since I got to entertain my snapchat followers. I hate it but I got to do it. In the end, I’m not wasting precious time on my phone anymore and that was the goal.
9. Get out of your bed once your alarm sounds
It sucks to get up I won’t argue about it but staying in your bed makes you more tired. I tried it today just to see how I would react. After 30 minutes I was sleepy and got out because I was bored.
I will still have a productive day and my energy came back. Most people will be groggy all day. Tomorrow I’ll share my biggest secret on why I’m able to have so much energy all the time.
10. Bonus: the morning person gets more free time
Incorporating this for a while in your life will give you more spare time than you can imagine.
That’s the time that you can spend on whatever you want like going out, watching sports…
We’re all human and we need some free time once in a while you just have to deserve it first.
I hope this helps to get more spare time and to get more out of your life in general.
Don’t forget it will take time to incorporate this, Rome wasn’t built in one day and you won’t be successful in one day.
Make a checklist where you’ll mark every day with an empty checkbox. If you were successful in incorporating it that day, you may check off the box.
After one month you’ll have created a good habit which you can complete without external motivation.
Good luck on becoming a morning person.
Till next time
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You can also follow me on snapchat my username is: alexdw92
#3) and don’t forget to floss!
Trying my best to be a morning person. Though I don’t quite look forward to a cold ahower first thing in the AM they do wake me up! Trying to get to bed earlier but it’s always a bit past 11
They wake you up that’s for sure. Try getting to bed minutes earlier every week in this way you’ll do it in a slower pace.