The people that follow me on social media must have been expecting a post on this matter. During a Q&A, I got numerous questions about monk mode. For some reason, this is either resurfacing or has just never completely disappeared.
Because I remember when people started pushing this back in 2016. On paper, the idea sounds hypermasculine, but in reality, it’s the coward’s choice. There’s nothing special about it.
And that is the issue with all these trends that get pushed on young men today; they don’t solve the issue… They just avoid the issue, which creates weaker men down the line.
Monk mode, MGTOW, the red pill…
There have been tons of movements, and they’re always more extreme than the previous ones. The red pill blamed women, while the men pushing the idea were actually the issue. They were horrible with women, sore losers at best, who were spouting theoretical bullshit from their basement. Every chance they got was used to blame women. The red pill was never about taking ownership; it was about playing the victim.
Those guys obviously only attracted low-hanging fruit, which to them was the ultimate proof they were right. None of them took ownership, though.
After that, the MGTOW movement appeared. A logical reaction or a nail in the coffin, as some like to say,. The red pill turned them bitter, along with all the bad experiences they had. Their only logical reaction was to avoid all women rather than fixing the issue. It is a very weird and unnatural way of living, if you ask me.
Now we have 16-year-olds experiencing their first heartbreak only to start following MGTOW. In my day, we just got over it. Now you avoid all women, blame them, start filming motivational videos about hustle culture, and start calling grown men G.
Because the obvious answer to heartbreak is hustle culture and materialism. To me, they sound like women who go on a shopping spree to feel better after getting dumped.
Enter monk mode.
And this is where monk mode came in. It pretended to be the middle ground, while in reality it isn’t. Monk mode is on the other side of the degenerate spectrum. People who can’t control themselves mostly opt for this lifestyle. They abstain from the pleasures by going to a location that doesn’t have them. In that location, they will distract themselves with work for a while. Once they go to a location that offers distractions, they’ll indulge in it twice as hard because they feel like they missed out on something.
So rather than actually finding the real middle ground, they keep going between the two extremes. Any behavior taken to the extreme isn’t healthy. Constantly going between two extremes isn’t either.
Monk mode and a man’s actions.
Men get judged based on their actions, not their feelings. What seems like a regrettable action for a teenager isn’t anymore once you hit a certain age. There’s a certain age when you should have figured certain things out.
What is more concerning is that people see this hypermasculine behavior when, in reality, it isn’t. Men who follow this idea run away from the issue. They go to a location where there is no distraction to go into “monk mode.”. Anyone can achieve that. It’s really easy to never get tempted if there aren’t any distractions.
It is the way of the coward because you are running away from the issue. You aren’t fixing anything. You might make it even worse by restricting yourself. Why else would all these guys going into monk mode still have issues with porn?
It’s a distraction that is hard to escape from. Self-control was never achieved; it was merely an illusion.
Your location shouldn’t matter if you’ve really achieved monk mode or know how to set priorities. The so-called distractions would be meaningless. Hence, I always say that Pattaya City is the best place to test your monk mode. It’s filled with distractions. Achieve monk mode over there, and you can do it anywhere.
But if you ‘achieve it’ in the middle of an abandoned place, you didn’t achieve anything. You’re just lying to yourself, and you’ll get your reality check real quick.
In conclusion: monk mode.
You don’t need monk mode to be really productive; you just need to learn to set priorities.
You don’t need monk mode to stop chasing meaningless sex; you just need to stop being a full-blown degenerate.
You don’t need monk mode to do anything; you just need to grow up and become your own man.
On training and fighting in Thailand
Thinking about coming to train or fight in Thailand? Like mentioned before, not learning about the culture is one of the biggest mistakes you could make.
That is why I wrote my e-book to fully prepare you for your upcoming trip. You can buy it here.
Struggling with porn?
Porn keeps poisoning young men, and most don’t know how to stop using it.
The mainstream methods out there never tackle the root cause, only to make young men frustrated and relapse over and over again.
You could keep doing this over and over again, or you could use a method that gets you off porn in two weeks.
The choice is yours.
Get my porn detox course here.
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram.
Until next time.
[…] social media. Taking breaks is for the weak; just lock yourself up and work while skipping sleep, go full monk mode, and God knows what else to keep yourself going. This message is obviously very cool, so a lot of […]