It’s that time of the year again. (read part here)
People make a list full of goals and resolutions, only to let it collect dust.
Or they start but stop once the motivation fades, which doesn’t take long.
Most people make this list for attention or the hype. It feels good to share stuff online and get likes and encouragement from others.
The reality is harsh, though, because in reality, nobody gives a shit about your goals or resolutions.
They don’t care whether or not you share them or if you actually succeed.
The only person it should matter to is YOU!
So don’t try to get a six-pack to impress the gram, nor boost your T levels, increase your bank account, etc.
And stop sharing these corny success quotes from famous people. You’re not impressing anyone with those. You clearly spend more time online than on the hustle.
The only reason you should set a goal is for yourself and to improve your life.
Once you figure that out, you’ll start relying less on motivation, which is useless anyway, and start focusing more on creating good habits.
Once the good habits run on autopilot, results will eventually follow. It’s inevitable.
And only if you take that approach is it possible to have a “new year, new me.”.
Because it doesn’t matter what a man says. What matters is what he does, because that is what he intended to do all along. The same goes for your New Year’s resolutions.
You’re a product of your habits; creating better habits might make you end up in a better environment, and from there, the results might even come faster.
Happy new year!
More posts to come in the new year!