There is an old saying that goes as follows: in life, nothing is given. Everything is earned.
This statement is not entirely true, in my opinion.
One thing has been given to you, which is your life.
Everything else has to be earned and, nothing is certain.
You or I could die in an hour. I could even die writing this. That would be a bummer since you’d miss out on some wisdom.
For some reason, people take a given life for granted, and they assume that they’ll somehow live until they’re 90.
Being in that dead state means that the idea of physical death is your heaviest burden to bear.
The only way to get rid of this fear is to actually live life.
As soon as you do that, physical death will be the least of your worries.
The people who never leave this state will face tons of regret at an old age.
This is ironic as well since those people mostly tell others how to live life.
What can I say…
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