Ever heard of nihilism? I’m pretty sure that a lot of people would be able to resonate with this philosophical viewpoint. There are multiple forms of nihilism but the most common is the belief that life and the events in life are meaningless. Now, this is a dangerous state of mind if you ask me. The sad reality is that most people of our generation adopted this mindset without even realizing it. Most people can’t even give you an answer when you ask them what the meaning of life could be. I get it though, I adopted this mindset in the past but I’m glad that I got rid of it. You see life is a series of events that can be positive or negative. But you’re in charge of how you react to them and how you deal with them.
Some people just have a negative mindset so they lose faith over time. Life is meaningless according to those people. They just have a wrong view on religion and philosophy altogether. They don’t get it and that’s why they reject it.
You should avoid nihilism but are you doing it?
Let’s assume that life is meaningless. What’s the point of living then? I mean there’s nothing to live for right? Do you get where I’m going? This is a depressing state of mind. I wonder how these people can be happy. This mindset will have a big impact on your life. Why would you get up first thing in the morning? There’s no point in doing that since there’s no meaning right? Why would you even try to be nice to others? You can act like a jerk since the series of events that follow are just meaningless. This is just a victim mindset if you ask me.
So it’s no wonder that people wander through life and waste so much time on social media. Life is meaningless so they fill their time with meaningless stuff. This all comes at a price and the price is that you just can’t be happy.
Are people not avoiding nihilism?
Well, I think that the answer might be yes and no to this question. People are purpose seeking mechanisms. So people will find some kind of purpose but the problem is that it’ll mostly don’t make them happy. Most people seem to find purpose in their soul-crushing job. They have to get up and do the job but at least it gives them a reason to get up. But happens when the weekend arises? They sleep as long as possible just to avoid the fact that they’ve no clue on how to use time. That’s just the sad depressing reality. This continues until they hit retirement and then those people have even more time to do with their time. The same would happen if they got unemployed of course. They would be depressed in no time.
A meaningless life is filled with a series of meaningless events. There’s nothing more to add to it. The difference between a joyful person and a depressed person is that the first one has a purpose in life.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”aM4da” via=”yes” ]A meaningless life is filled with a series of meaningless events. [/ctt]Nihilism vs purpose seeking: the clash of opposites.
The opposite of a meaningless life is a meaningful life of course. But that’s a lot harder to attain since you need to figure out what you want in life. Don’t underestimate the effort that you’ve got to put in purpose seeking. Well, at least the first time. I guess that most people aren’t willing to do the effort. Most people are too comfortable doing nothing. It requires zero effort and they gladly accept the misery that comes along with it.
People who’ve got a purpose in life are a lot happier since they’ve got something to live up too. They’re full of energy since they’re working towards a goal or multiple goals in life. They also have a better sex life according to science( if they’re in a relationship). You’ve got a piece of paper and a pen right in front of you don’t you? You’re looking for a purpose now don’t you? I thought you would.
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