Forgiveness is an act that isn’t familiar to most people, they all prefer to hold grudges. Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness … never forget the word and you’ll have a much better life.
Always forgive but never forget is a saying that contains a lot of truth. Never forget what happened, in other words, you should learn from the fact where it went wrong and implement this into your life. If you never forgive and always forget you’ll find life extremely unpleasant since you’ll make the same mistake over and over again. I just described your dating life, didn’t I?
Holding grudges is not the way to forgiveness
Many people will upset each other and then they’ll start holding grudges. They refuse to talk to each other or don’t talk enough to each other. The result stays the same, you both get upset and the friendship will never be the same.
The most common phrase I hear after a fight is “the friendship will never be the same”. This can be true if you’re not willing to invest in this relationship. In the beginning, it will be a bit strange but you can get back to normal in no time if you invest in it.
It’s up to you to choose if this relation is worth the investment. Sometimes people disappointed me multiple times so I cut them loose but I never hold grudges. I’ll always say hello when I see them but that’s it.
Holding grudges is like carrying a heavy bag full of rocks while you’re climbing a mountain. You’re packing extra weight for no reason and it makes the climb that much harder. Drop the useless weight and work, show what you’re made off and give it your best. Some people will be surprised that you’ll want to invest in relationships. Most people aren’t used to this. They’re just complaining pussies and who are constantly displaying their victim mindset.
Forgiveness leads to happiness
You’ll affect your mood when you carry this extra bag of weight. There’s no need to make your own life miserable. Why would you do it? Why would you rather hold grudges than letting it go?
That’s because it’s easy and it makes you feel comfortable. But there are more valuable life lessons outside of this comfort zone. You’ll learn more by solving a fight than ignoring the whole issue. You’ll have to face the fact that you’re not perfect and you made mistakes too.
Most of the fights are due to misunderstanding and most of them are even extremely stupid but they keep on happening. You’ll react when this happens so you’re both to blame. The one person said something stupid and you’ll react offended and the ball gets rolling.
When you let go of these grudges you’ll feel the extra weight falling off your shoulders. It’s not easy but it’s something that you need to learn to be a part of Happiness INC. this is the company which you have to create yourself. Positive is another powerful tool that you want to have in your arsenal but most people neglect that one.
This is a life lesson that you’ll learn the easy or the hard way. Learning it the hard way is the most effective since you’ll never forget it. I learned it the hard way and I felt pretty stupid after I learned it.
In the end, I realized that I was as much to blame as them and I was happy that I learned this. Now that I stopped complaining I’m able to take action and solve the issues.
How can you solve issues in the best way possible?
Forget about social media zombie discussions. Be a man and talk face to face, it’s the best way to do it. It shows a sign of respect, courage and the fact that you mean it. Using social media or text will do more damage than good. You’ll interpret something wrong and it gets even worse. You want to avoid this situation.
People can ignore you when you text. They don’t want to put effort into it and just ignore the whole thing. That’s the easy way out. Just tell them that you want to discuss this face to face and not via text. Most people will try to convince you that it’s easier to use text but don’t give in. some people are scared to face other people after a fight so this is a normal reaction. I hate it when people start a fight via text or Facebook.
What if they don’t want to meet?
Some people will never meet you in public without ever giving a good reason. Sometimes it’s better to leave them alone because you can’t keep pushing. Some need time and will contact you after a while. While there will be others whom you’ll never hear from again. This is the harsh truth but you’ve got to accept that one. Life goes on no matter what happens.
Don’t forget that you want to build a wolf pack instead of a sheep pack. You need the learners instead of the energy burners.
The train comparison
Some people ask me how I’m able to go on in such a short time. Some people think I’m bulletproof since I never seem to have any problems.
First of all, it’s true; I never have any problem only obstacles in life. I’ll climb over them, walk next to them or just run through them but I’ll conquer them one by one.
I don’t believe in failure only in learning. I never fail but I’ll always learn, I love doing it and I’ll keep doing it.
In my vision, I’m like a train and other people are like train stations. I’ll stop at every station and give it a look. Sometimes I roll on pretty quick and other times I’ll stay for a while. Some people hop on and other jumps off but in the end, there’s one thing certain; the end station is already known. I know where I want to be but I don’t know who’ll be with me when I reach it. Some people jump off and get back on while others will never return. In the end, it doesn’t matter as long as the train doesn’t get slowed down and keeps ongoing.
Forgiveness is one of the keys to maintaining a high-speed train.
It’s a key to happiness.
Forgiveness is a key to maintain friendships/relationships
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