Do you read books? Most people will say no since they assume that it’s a waste of time. These people prefer to watch reality shows instead of reading a quality book and they’re surprised when they can’t get their life in order. But this kind of behavior comes with a price and you’ll pay it at one point in your life. You will get dumb and dumber as time progresses. Most people don’t seem to get it but you will lose your brain capacity if you’re not using it. My grandfather once told me that beauty is one of the worst traits that you can have. He was right you know. We all grow old and less attractive even the ones with cover model looks. Besides, you will achieve nothing in life if you’re not smart.
Ashton Kutcher was right
Ashton Kutcher gave a speech and what he said was just the truth.
“The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful. And being generous. Everything else is crap! I promise you! It’s just crap that people try to sell to you to make you feel like less. So don’t buy it. Be smart, be thoughtful, and be generous.”
There’s nothing more to it.
Read books and forget about society and it’s standards
We’re living in a fucked up society these days. People are tricked into thinking that looks are everything these days but that isn’t true. Don’t get me wrong you shouldn’t dress like a bum. You need to impress instead of dress. I’m talking about the face when I’m talking about looks. Not the body since that’s something that you can improve just by doing sports. There are women these days who look like a Picasso painting instead of something else. Some even look like they’re made out of plastic. It’s just a layer to hide the insecurity but it doesn’t work. Men have more beauty products than women these days. They use creams for this and that. Plastic surgery is getting extremely popular and I recently heard that you can get surgery to get a bigger jawline. This is all pretty fucked up.
All of these people are just forgetting that the looks don’t matter. There’s even a Ted talk about it which has been viewed more than 11 million times. Can you guess who gave it? A model. Most people want to look like a model to get out of a speeding ticket and so on. Well, you can get out of a speeding ticket by reading How To Win Friends And Influence People. (buy it here) You wouldn’t have paid them if you read books instead of counting on looks. I get it you want to get things. Nothing worth having comes easy.
Read books and forget about the looks
I have some odds against me when it comes to looks. I do MMA so my nose will get bigger and I’ll probably have cauliflower ears at some point. My mother once told me that I’ll never meet a girl because I will get less attractive by doing this sport. That’s good riddance if she turns me down for that particular reason. You have to look beyond looks since we all have some flaws in our appearance. Attractive people can be extremely ugly while less attractive people can be extremely beautiful. Most people just don’t seem to get it. I once met an attractive girl and the spell lasted till she started to talk. It was an immediate turn-off but I had the opposite as well.
I met a girl who might be less attractive than the girl that I mentioned above but her mindset was great. Well still is. It blew me away. It made me happy that there are still girls in this day and age who have a great mindset. That’s why it so easy to stop chasing girls. Most aren’t worth the chase anyway. I hope that you get that I was trying to make a point here. It’s time to read books now that we forgot about the looks.
You should read books!
You can become really smart by reading about 40 pages a day if you read books. I was an average joe back in the days. I was just following the herd like everyone else. But times changed and I started reading again because I got hooked with the mindset and how the brain works. I got into books as soon as I realized that the solution for my depression was in my head. It just took me two years to figure it out. I never stopped reading after that. I realized that you’ve only got one opponent in life and that’s you. People who hadn’t seen me in a while were really surprised at how much I had changed in a short period.
I started to notice the change after a while as well. My life changed into a drama-free life but there was something else that I noticed as well. There were people that I couldn’t connect with anymore. I tried it but it never worked out. I felt that I was on a different level and there’s a good reason for it. They partied and didn’t develop their mindset. They were still the same people as a year ago and they still had the same problems. These people all asked me how I did it and they didn’t believe the answer. My answer was pretty simple: read my blog or read books. They could choose what they would do and they chose to do nothing. They chose to party.
Read books: a list of great books that I read so far
How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
This was the first book that I picked up and it had a big influence on me. It’s such a great book because it contains so much wisdom. You’ll come across as charismatic in no time.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
These books taught me that you shouldn’t work for money but make money work for you. It changed my whole view on money. The whole middle class defines money as evil but you’ll never say that again after you’ve read this book.
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
I got this book as a present for my 23rd birthday and it opened my eyes at that time. This book inspired me to call my blog Zero To Alpha. I read it twice so far but I’ll read it again and again. This book has an interesting section that covers sex. It was an interesting point of view. You’ll probably claim that relationships are a waste of time but they’re not. There’s no point in having sex without love according to Napoleon Hill. You’ll fall in love it’s inevitable. But you can choose if you’re constantly chasing women or just working towards your goals.
The general rule for people in a relation: as much sex as possible. It’s great.
Awaking The Giant Within by Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins is one of the best motivational speakers of this day and age and his book is pure gold. Are you trying to get your shit together? I suggest that you pick up this book.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
I wrote a whole blog post about this book since it contains so much wisdom. I read it 5 times and I’m still learning. How great is that?
The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle
This book shows you that being depressed or anxious is all a matter of not being present in the moment. I suggest that you read the book and my blog post about it. I don’t give away everything that’s told in the book but you’ll have a better idea of how it works.
The Way Of Superior Man by David Deida
This book will turn you into a real alpha male. There’s a wide section on how to deal with women as well. It’s about the fact that there should be a balance in a relationship. So you should have a masculine and a feminine person in relation. The book is for everybody (straight people, gay, bi, lesbian, men, and women). Just a great book in general.
Do I need to read books when I’ve got a great mindset?
The answer is yes since you’ll reach a point where you won’t evolve anymore. You can never be satisfied. You’ll stop living as soon as you’re satisfied. You can stop reading as soon as you’re perfect and you’ll never be perfect. I read 253 pages today so what’s your excuse?
Read, it’s all you need.
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Till next time
Great Post!
Thanks Christian.