I released a post about death recently but I noticed that young people are afraid of death as well. I covered this a bit in that previous post but I decided to write a whole post about it. So I noticed that some young people have a fear of flying but planes don’t crash that often. You’re more likely going to die in a car crash. Yeah, you’ve read it correctly. You shouldn’t avoid cars now as well because you’ll die as soon as your time comes. You can’t avoid it or postpone it.
So now you’ve got three options.
- You forget about it and neglect it. Which won’t end well
- You stay afraid of it for the rest of your life. So you’ll be anxious
- You read this post and stop being afraid of death
I would pick the third one but that’s just a suggestion.
Afraid of death? Here’s a theory
A lot of people are living the life that others want them to live in. Or they try to live up to others’ expectations. You won’t find any joy and happiness by doing that. You see most people are stuck in a rut. They aren’t the life that they intended to live and are extremely frustrated. Those people become bitter instead of better. They feel extremely depressed so they do something extremely selfish. They try to control the lives of others.
I know a guy who’ll end up alone when he’s in his 40’s. He’ll be the depressed guy who’s drinking all his troubles away. It’s sad to see that he’s really going to end like that but maybe something changes who knows. I don’t see him a lot but he always wants to control my life when he sees me. I assume that he’s delusional enough to believe that he knows me better than I know myself. Anyway, most people fall for this scam and get anxious when they get into a situation where they could potentially die.
But why Alex?
Well, it’s not that hard. You’re lying to yourself and you feel bad about it but you neglect it as much as possible. Those people are the happiest when they’re drunk or when they can escape reality in some sober way. There’s a voice deep down inside that’s telling them that they’ve could have done more with this life and it sucks. So they feel afraid of death because they know that they could have done better. Do you get what I’m saying? You’re lying to yourself and you’re only able to admit it when you’re faced with such a situation.
So how do I solve this you ask? Well, there are multiple options here.
Afraid of death? Religion and philosophy can be helpful
Tons of people don’t care about religion and philosophy these days. They all claim that it’s bullshit but they can’t keep their own lives in check. I’m not really religious but I read a lot of philosophy these days. It makes you a lot calmer and it makes you reflect on things. I would never have written the post about the meaning of life without those books.
People are lazy by nature so most of them prefer to get dumb and a lot dumber overtime. They crave the reality shows and the parties but those won’t make you fearless. They’ll put more fear in your brain. Can you guess what I’m about to suggest? Read Meditations. You can buy it here.
Afraid of death? Focus on living well
I once heard that you won’t beat the reaper by living longer but by living well. This goes back to what I said earlier in this post. Stop following the herd and do what you really like. I focus on one thing in life but I have a buddy who likes to learn tons of stuff from different subjects. We’re both happy so you have to decide what makes you happy and get on with it. Some people are way too afraid to do it. Yes, you’ve got the potential to do great things. Yes, you. Just do it before you won’t be able to do what you really like.
Living well is living on your own terms and that’s what life is all about. You’ll live a good life once you’ve found purpose. Only boys have no purpose in life. They wander around and are extremely boring. They think that they’re alpha but they’re not. Their behavior is pathetic and their actions are just too dumb to write about. No wonder that women like all those superhero and chick flick movies these days.
They want a guy that does effort and they like it when you’re in shape. Most of them just won’t admit it. I’ve never seen a romantic movie with an ex and some of my buddies haven’t either. Do I need to tell you more?
Afraid of death? Accept that it’s natural
People die all the time but why does nobody focus on the newborns? I always assumed that death had a meaning but most people are too afraid to talk about it. It’s natural but you have to look at it in another way. I remember one lesson in college where we were asked some “hard” questions. I forgot all of them except one: what’s the most beautiful gift that you’ve ever received. Most people had to think about it but my answer came straight from the heart. My life is the most beautiful gift that I’ve ever achieved. I love every second of it but I also accept that I’m going to die one day. It’s just the ending of a cycle.
I knew a girl who died at the age of 17. It came out of nowhere. I didn’t know her well but she was always full of life. Someone who was always full of energy and suddenly she was gone. Tons of people were full of regret because they had said stupid things, had unresolved fights and so on. People were confronted with their own selfish behavior and couldn’t cope with it. They cried about it but never did anything about it. Most of those people are just the same. Don’t make that mistake. You don’t want to live a life full of regrets. So be grateful that you’re alive and make it count.
Afraid of death? Take control of your own life
I remember the day that I dropped out of college. I lost friends, my parents hated me and most people called me a loser. It was still one of the best days of my life. This was the best thing to do in my case. I was just doing something to make someone else happy but that’s happiness that doesn’t last. They’ll control your whole life before you even realize it. You can never be happy when you’re looking for happiness outside of you. This works both ways. You’re both chasing a mirage and you’ll hate each other in no time. One person will never be able to live up to the expectations and the other person will always want more.
You’re afraid of death because you’re not living on your own terms. You need to become a dream chaser instead of a mirage chaser. It’s strange but you’ll be less afraid to die if you’re embracing life. So what do you do? Just follow your gut feeling.
Don’t dream. Just work, believe and achieve.
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