Let’s talk about reality shows for a minute here. Normal people seem to be extremely fond of these shows and there’s a good reason for it. They can’t face their problems so they’re looking for a way to escape their own fucked up reality. People get agitated when I bring stuff like this up. I’ve heard things like: “you’ve got it all figured out now that you’ve got your life back in order don’t you”. There’s a pretty simple rule: don’t ask my opinion if you can’t handle it. Don’t hate, because I’ll serve you some fancy oneliners on a silver plate. Others keep on claiming that these shows are so damn funny but they’re not. I wouldn’t want to be the dad of one of those kids who’re participating in those reality shows.
Life is a big reality show, to be honest. I don’t need a television for my entertainment. It’s time to give you the reality check that you’ve always wanted to avoid.
Reality shows and my own experience with them
I’ve watched some reality shows in the past. Not that many but the usual ones. I assume that most guys like it because all those guys make picking up women look so damn easy. They’re bating the vulnerable but that was something that I didn’t get at that time. I watched them, even more, when I got single again but suddenly I lost interest in them and you know why? Because I got my life back in order. Well, I was still trying at that moment. That’s the only reason why I didn’t need them anymore and that’s why you’re still watching them.
I’ve met a lot of people who claimed that they got their life in order but they’re mostly wrong. They put on a mask when they’re out in the world and break down as soon as they’re alone. Loneliness can be a pretty painful boomerang. Don’t forget that I’m not perfect as well. I’m learning new things about myself every single day. Most people learn nothing in a whole year if they don’t have to. It’s like they’re ignorant of their flaws. Their thinking is ego-bound so they’re fucked.
Reality shows and laughing at other people
Most people look at those reality shows just to laugh at others. They want to mock the ones that are participating in it. They say things like “They’re so dumb and I’m glad that I didn’t turn out to be that way”. Those people are not as dumb as you might think but more on that later. You’re projecting your insecurities on others. You’re projecting what you feel deep down inside on people who’re on television. It’s like calling people ugly but deep down inside you’re an extremely ugly person yourself. It’s extremely immature and a sign that you’ve got no clue that beautiful people can be ugly and less attractive people can be extremely beautiful.
You project what you feel but sometimes people just don’t have any clue what they feel. You just show the world how you feel and the smart ones will get it and probably avoid you. Most people show who they are as soon as they talk about others. You can’t hide stupidity no matter how hard you try.
Those people are braindead and those reality shows make sure that they remain in that state of mind. So reality shows have a mind easing effect but it doesn’t last that long.
Reality shows and the ones that star in it
People always claim that these people are dumb but they’re doing the one thing that everyone else is afraid to do. They’re not afraid to be themselves and it takes a lot of balls to do it. They’re saying: this is me and you can fuck off if you don’t like it. That’s where it gets interesting to me. These people become more and more popular and eventually, they’ll become rich. That’s the case for most reality stars anyway. That’s the point where people start to hate them. They put them on a pedestal but hate them as soon as they get rich.
That’s just how it works these days. It’s a way to get rich and you shouldn’t bitch about the fact that they got rich. Didn’t you support those people when you could laugh at them? Didn’t you pay way too much entrance for a club when they were hosting a party? So who do you hate? Them or yourself because you behaved that dumb? That’s a reality check, isn’t it? The fun part is that there’s more. I enjoyed writing this post, to be honest.
Reality shows and the fact that it’s all set up
It’s all bullshit. They get paid to do or say certain things and they don’t mind in the end. They’re in the show so what does it matter anyway. They do whatever they need to do to make the show a lot more entertaining. Those shows would be pretty boring if they didn’t mess with reality. They would be just like most people everyday life. It might sting but that’s the truth. They would better call it fake shows instead of reality shows.
Reality shows and the fact that you’re just extremely bored
Maybe we should call being bored a modern-day disease. Most people just watch those shows because they haven’t got a clue on how they should spend their time. The games on their cellphone became boring so they need a new distraction. So what do they do? They watch a show or rewatch the same things over and over again. It’s so sad that most people can’t figure out how they should spend their days. You need to have an obsession in life. It makes your life so much easier. You’ll never be bored again and you’ll want to wake up early. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Reality shows and your mentality
I remember that there was a show that aired about 3 years ago called Ex On The Beach. I knew a lot of people who got single in that period, myself included and most of them watched that show. They all watched it because they hated their ex and just wanted to see other people destroy each other mentally. I don’t get why you should hate your ex. Just read my blog about it (it’s a long one but defiantly worth a read).
That’s all that’s to it. It’s just a way to escape reality. It’s a bit like going out. I hate going out now that I don’t drink anymore. Parties are only fun when you’re too drunk to care that you’re miserable and full of issues. You can forget all about it for a couple of hours. The same goes for reality shows. You forget about all your issues for as long as the show takes and you talk about it afterward of course. It’s like recapping an MMA fight, you’re talking about the highlights of the show.
Am I boring? Hell no!
You can call me boring all you want but deep down inside you know that I’m right. You know that you’ve got stuff that you need to sort out but you just prefer to be in your comfort zone. There’s just one problem, you don’t want to do the required effort to become a better person. You can’t stand the fact that there will be a point where you cry so hard because you’ve hit rock bottom extremely hard. Fear is holding you back but fear is only imaginary. It’s a sign that you should do something. Stop watching these dumb shows, you’ll thank me later.
People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy- Anton Chekhov
He’s right. Just think about it for a moment. So, become a cold warrior instead of a warm worrier.
Did I offend people? Hell yeah
There’s a correlation between the fact that you take something personal and the fact that it’s true. People can call me a loser all day but I’ll laugh at it all day long. So chances are that you’re a loser if you take it personally that someone calls you a loser. You’ll have to do an effort to change your life. It’s never too late to make a change. Show what you’re made off. Make them hate you while you just become a better version of yourself.
A little Q and A to end this post
Do I care that you don’t like this post? No, there’s a good reason why you hate it.
Did I enjoy writing this post? Hell yeah, since there will be people who’ll change their lives after reading it.
Would I ever watch a reality show with a girlfriend? No, I prefer a good movie. So movie night sounds about right.
That’s all folks
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Till next time
[…] huge here in Belgium and I didn’t see a single second of it. I seriously didn’t care. Reality shows are just a way to escape your own boring life. Anyway, she claimed not long ago that she just has to go to parties to earn money. She’s […]