It doesn’t matter how you learned about the Vikings and their culture. It could be from the recent TV show or just from history classes but one thing’s for sure. Those guys where though and they didn’t have fear; they weren’t like the modern men who behave like pussies.
They didn’t waste their time on social media so they weren’t social media zombies like most people. The Vikings were cruel and they explored the world. The Vikings plundered, raped and took everything they needed back home. Maybe we all have a part of the Vikings running through our veins.
Maybe we all have some bravery and real manliness running in our body waiting to get out, screaming to let the inner pussy go.
We can learn a lot from them because in one way they were far ahead their time in comparison to us.
It’s strange that we didn’t keep the good parts of their way of living and made them a bit more civilized. We shouldn’t plunder and rape but exploring the world doesn’t hurt anyone.
It’s a common fact that most people only know the cruel and “negative” parts about the Vikings. I mean why should you teach kids something valuable in school?
After looking deeper into their culture and lifestyle I realized soon enough that they were smarter than most modern men.
The Vikings respected women
The Vikings their women had rights and could stab or dumb their men when they cheated on them. Women were treated equally so I guess we could call them the first gentlemen in a certain way.
It’s like they knew that there is no “stronger gender”, they are different and should be in balance. This is a pretty easy mindset but some people seem to have trouble accepting it. If they could do it, you should be able to do it too. Those guys were barbarians and showed respect for women.
Well at least for their women, there’s a bit a flaw in their way of thinking in that aspect I guess. Well, I never claimed that they were perfect, just that we can learn something from them. Although scientists are doubting that they raped women since they took their women along on the trips.
Some guys even act like the Vikings these days, they travel to another country intending to get laid and after that, they return home.
I think the Vikings would laugh with our gender battle, to them this would make no sense. They supported their wives and the ambition that they had. They wanted their wives to be happy and successful. Most men these days get jealous when there wife/girlfriend gets a better job than them. Suddenly they feel less manly and start nagging like little bitches.
Instead of nagging all the time it’s better to man up and show what you’re made off.
The Vikings knew the value of strength
Men should be strong in multiple aspects but these days men lack strength on a physical and mental level. Their laptop or cell phone is probably the heaviest thing they lift multiple times a day. They wouldn’t make an excellent Viking because these guys were active every day. The Vikings got up and started wrestling, chopped wood, build ships, went rowing, did hunting and farming.
They lifted heavy stuff and worked on their stamina, they probably had a well-developed core since they used it a lot. Other than that they had to be strong and ready for a war or a battle. They didn’t wear that much armor when they went to war. Those guys must have been a nightmare to their opponents.
The Vikings didn’t fear death
Fear of death is something that can paralyze you… Every fear will paralyze you but most fears go away after a while. This fear can haunt you for the rest of your life; it can hold you back on crucial moments.
We all have to die one day; it’s inevitable so why should we be afraid of death?
The Vikings understood this very well, after all, who goes into combat without armor when he fears death? That’s right, no one does something like that when he fears it. Limits are often an illusion just like fear.
Do you know why we’re so afraid of death? Because every time we’re sick, we’ll consult Google MD. The results are mostly extreme; you probably diagnosed yourself with all kinds of cancer and tumors. Nine times out of ten these diagnoses are complete bullshit and you’ll do it over and over again.
Instead of consulting Google MD you could give up binge drinking or smoking. Your body will thank you and you won’t consult your favorite online doctor that much. Accept your faith and you’ll start living as it should be.
Eat what you can catch/find in nature
The Vikings didn’t have all the crappy junk food options like we have the days. They couldn’t be lazy, they had to catch their food and prepare it every day. Making excuses was no option when you lived in those times. They ate what they found in nature and they probably were healthy too since their food wasn’t polluted with the chemicals we’ve got these days.
The general rule here is: if you can catch it or find it in nature you should eat it (well not everything but you get what I mean). Avoid the popular sugary foods and go for the real deal.
It worked for the Vikings since these guys were massive. Just one thing to keep in mind, you can’t change your genetics. That’s a part of the natty delusion.
Those guys lived clean and green without pollution, these guys were the real alpha males. I guess not many men would fit into their society. Maybe Conor McGregor would fit in, but that’s something we’ll never know.
Somewhere along the way we’ve lost some valuable lessons that we could learn from the Vikings.
I think I know where we went wrong now that I think about it. In high school, history was pretty intriguing in my opinion. Except for the times after the medieval ages, those were extremely boring so maybe we went all wrong during that period. I never paid attention when we discussed these ages. I was daydreaming about crazy adventurous and climbing into trees.
Maybe I’ve got some Viking DNA running through my veins, who knows. Maybe it wants to come out and unleash my true potential.
So maybe it was waiting all those years to take over and change my life.
So the question remains, who knows.
It would be pretty cool, that for sure.
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Till next time,
I’d be interested to find out some of their recipes. They had to be eating a lot of nutrient dense foods to keep them fueled
Now I’m curious as well. I’ll take a look at it because you’re right