What are the things that you should do every day to be more productive? It’s a question that most people ask all the time but nobody seems to have the right answer. People are too tired to search for the correct answer. We all want to be more productive but we waste too much time doing useless things that have no benefit at all. Scrolling down the timeline of your favorite social media site takes a lot of time. You’ve lost an hour before you even realized it. Most people have turned into social media zombies these days. So how’s this even possible? What are the things that make you less productive?
Your phone is one of the things that doesn’t help
Turn off your phone while you’re working. You won’t gain anything by constantly checking your phone. Most people have too many friends and get distracted so easily. They have so many friends that they aren’t able to have some precious me time. I guess that it’s fair to say that smartphones are the number one distraction these days. You need to focus for at least 25 minutes to get something done. Most people only focus on about 25 seconds.
Focus on what matters instead of what’s pleasant.
Don’t be busy doing useless things
Most people are busy all day long BUT that’s not effective. There’s a difference between being busy and being effective. Being effective means that you’ve accomplished something or even multiple things during the day. Being busy means that you’ve filled your day until you need to go to sleep.
Society tells you that being busy is good and I’m here to tell you that being effective is a lot better. Don’t follow the herd, you’ll regret it when you’re old.
Get up early instead of sleeping all day long
Become a “morning person” and see how long a day really can be. It’s so great to wake up early and be productive. Wake up after 7 to 9 hours of sleep and get things rolling. It’s just one of the things that most people hate. I admit that it’s hard to get up early but you get used to it. Eventually, you’ll wake up before the alarm clock. Passion will wake you up.
Waking up before all the others make sure that you don’t have any distractions while you work. That’s what I call productivity taking up a notch.
Be active every day
Training 3 to 4 times a week isn’t enough. You need to be active every single day. Go for a walk or a hike. Do something because everything is better than sitting still all day long. Try to be active at least 30 minutes a day. After a while, you’ll feel a lot more energetic and this will make a lot more productive.
I like to work the heavy end bag or the double end bag but that’s personal preference.
Read at least 20 minutes every single day
You need to develop the mind if you’re serious about turning your life around. It’s crazy how much you evolve when you’re reading the right books. You need to exercise the body and the brain. Buy and read as many books as possible they are your most valuable possessions. There’s no excuse that’s good enough to skip reading. The most successful CEOs read every day and they have 24 hours in a day just like you.
Some book recommendations
How To Make Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie This is the book that got me back into reading. Everybody should read this book in my opinion. You’ll stand out in no time if you’re read this book.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I divided a whole blog post to this book since it’s full of wisdom that’s still applicable today (read it here).
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey. This book learns you how you can find a balance between work and your loved ones. It’s a great book although Covey tends to be a bit verbose which makes it hard to read. I read it and will read it again. Finding the perfect balance between worked and friends/family/… is just one of the things that I want to master.
Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. This book contains the secret of how you can get rich. You need to find it yourself but it’s just one of those books that you’ve got to read. Most people with college or university degrees claim that it’s bullshit. They just don’t get it.
A biography by a successful person. I would opt for Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger or the book from Zlatan Ibrahimovic (he’s the Conor McGregor of soccer).
Enjoy your reading time and good luck being more productive. It’s just one of those things that most people will never master. Combine these tips with my 6 hacks for more discipline and energy and you’ll be good to go.
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Till next time
That Arnold biography is probably a great read. Gotta check it out.
Yeah it’s on my list of books that I buy next. He’s a freaking legend