We all suffer from imperfection but most people can’t accept the fact that they aren’t perfect. They become completely arrogant when someone points them at their imperfection(s). Those people are lead by their ego. There’s no point in becoming arrogant since it’s doesn’t solve anything. It’s a sign that you’re extremely insecure. But insecure. Imperfection is great since you’ve always can learn something new. I’m trying to reach perfection but I’m 100% aware that I’ll never be perfect at anything. That drives me to work day after day to become better. I recently got a weird comment to be honest. Someone told me that he liked my article about racism due to my brutal honesty but he noticed that my English wasn’t that great (read the article here).
I had no trouble accepting this comment and decided to reread the blogpost. I rewrote some parts because they were really bad. The funny thing is that this post is ranked third in my most popular posts.
Imperfection makes you work so damn hard
I recently read an article where Arnold Schwarzenegger told me that he never liked his body. His own body made him puke and that was why he was such a successful bodybuilder. He always wanted to work more than the others. He was never satisfied and that’s what separates the good from the great. You should always be hungry to learn more, train more, write more and so on. You’ll never reach perfection so how can you be satisfied?
He embraced his imperfection and found out how you can deal with it. The only option here was to show what he was made off.
Imperfection exposes the real you
Imperfection will expose the fact that you can handle your ego or not. Remember the comment about the racism article and my writing? I could easily have been upset, asked the guys’ name to make sure that I could talk the shit out of him. I could have given up blogging but I didn’t. But I don’t care because somewhere along the line he also complimented me. Now I know that there are people who’ll think otherwise but why would you give up?
Are you a quitter? Do you the people to see you as the guy who at least tried it? Do you want people to laugh and mock with you? How sad is that? The normal people will always laugh and mock you no matter what. Imperfection will show the difference between a real winner and the first lose aka the second one.
Get ready to be offended
A lot of people try to cover up imperfections. There are tons of examples of this. People get nose jobs, girls look like a Picasso due to excessive makeup, guys use photoshop to look bigger on pictures. I once witnessed a guy taking tons of mirror selfies in the gym locker room. He was looking for the right lighting so his abs would show up more but he just needed to lose weight. It’s all bullshit in my eyes. You look fake as hell and it doesn’t solve the real issue. Face it you’re extremely insecure. You need to fix the insecurities and stop believing in all these quick fixes and bullshit.
I’m 100% sure that you’ll still look at your nose after a nose job. The problem is the way you face insecurity, not your nose. I broke my nose when I was 6 years old. I’ve got a crooked nose ever since. My nose also got thicker since I started doing MMA and many people pointed it out to me. They seem to care more than me because it’s just a nose. A nose can’t affect my self- esteem. I love MMA so why should I quit? Because it gives me an uglier nose? I don’t think so.
Long story short: get a mind job instead of all those medical procedures. Unhappiness will make you do crazy stupid shit.
Imperfection is here thanks to society
All the models and actors get photoshopped but there are still people who’re assuming that it’s real. They all want to look like them but it’s just not possible. Besides most of them are out of shape as soon as the shooting ends. I’ve never seen a guy who likes a model. Way too skinny. Most girls don’t like the real bodybuilders so why would you sacrifice your health to look like them?!
Be true to you, that’s all you’ve gotta do.
[ctt template=”8″ link=”a6w1o” via=”yes” ]Be true to you, that’s all you’ve gotta do. @ZeroToAlpha[/ctt]Imperfection: I sometimes forget words in my sentences
I tend to write and keep on writing till I’m completely satisfied (I’m never satisfied). I reread the whole post and upload it so that it can be shared with others. But I forget words in almost every blog post and this makes it look a little weird from time to time. I could blame my ADHD but that’s not the solution to the problem. This only occurs when I’m typing so I’ll need a way to fix it.
I can live with the fact that I forget words but I need to address this issue.
Fun fact: I discovered that I forgot a word in my first sentence after I revised this post. Talking about imperfection.
Imperfection: my English is still lacking but better than Yoda’s
I’ll never forget my first blog post, it was so horrible in every way. I’m pretty sure that there are still a few mistakes in my story. People laughed at me when they read it. You want to start a blog but your English is lacking they told me. How can you expect to get visitors they asked me. My writing improved overtime that’s for sure. It became better and better but there’s one major difference between me and them. I do it with this imperfection. I’m aware of the fact but what do I do? I just do it. Sometimes I’ll even laugh at it with buddies. I started reading English books to improve my writing although some people told me that my writing style has its charms.
There’s only one way to deal with imperfection. Don’t give a flying fuck and work hard.
So what can we conclude here? Read all my posts you must. The writing is strong in this one.
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Till next time
Keep on fighting brother! Your English and writing are improving with every article.
I’ve noticed one thing, when I shoot for perfection I always get writer’s block. When I realize that there’s no such thing as perfection and simply flow, I tend to write great haha. Quite a mind game
Thanks man. Yeah I’ve noticed the same. I noticed that accepting it and meditating with binaural beats helps a lot. The mind is a weird thing