How many people should consider being true to themselves? You really should be true to you but it should be to the real you. I was considering to launch a post like this in a long while but I was never satisfied with the articles that I wrote. This was until today when I read this post on sweetmachinefitness (they don’t pay me to link to them in case you were wondering).
I shared 16 life lessons in my yesterdays’ post which I learned over 1 year. I learned all these lessons and I forget probably the most important one there is: be true to you. It’s not a bad time to release this post since many people are writing down their new year resolutions. Let’s first take a look at why people can’t be true to the real them.
Be true to you: it’s not easy…. in the beginning
Conquering life is like conquering a mountain. We all start at the bottom and we should all aim for the top. We should do it but the problem is that too many people like to follow the herd. It’s easy to do what others do, it requires zero effort to stay at the bottom of the mountain. Some people even fall off a cliff and will never recover from the fall. Others look at the hill and constantly procrastinate to start climbing. After a while, they get satisfied and never start the journey. Some get stuck halfway because they suddenly get comfortable at a point. They enjoy the view and they fall eventually. It’s all about getting out of the comfort zone.
It’s not easy to be true to you when you start since your surroundings will point out that you’ve changed. They tell you that you’re a completely different person. Some will like it and others don’t but what are you looking for in life? The approval of others or peace of mind? You’ll have to be brave if you want to latter since you’ll have to be true to you. Say goodbye to all your doubts because they’ll go away one by one.
Your self- esteem will begin to skyrocket and you’ll be able to make people feel better about themselves. Only people with low self- esteem will bring other people down. You could hate on them all you want but that’s just a waste of time. You can’t make cats bark.
Be true to you: just do it
It’s like I said yesterday: do what you love and love what you do. This is the only way to be true to you. I’m doing MMA because I just like to fight. My mom hated it from the start. I would get a big nose, suffer from concussions and so on. She was basically telling me that I would die young. Take a look at what you want in life and forget about the haters. They’re afraid and want to project their insecurities onto you.
So what do you want? Do you want to go to college or university? Become a dancer or boxer? What do you want? Do you want to be true to you? The only thing that matters is how hard you want it. Nothing worth having comes easy.
So don’t look at the mountain from the bottom. Reach for the top and never look down again. The best view is at the top and not at the bottom. There are just a lot of people that aren’t aware of this fact.
Be true to you like most people never do
You almost finished my blog post but there’s something that you need to realize. You have to aim to be your best- self even if you think that it’s unachievable. Don’t quit and never complain because that’s what separates the real men from the boys. Realize that you’re part of a small group of people that are trying to get more out of life. You’ll blow out your last breath with the feeling that you gave your best. You gave it all and that’s a great feeling. you’ve earned what you worked for so you’re part of a small group of people. Only 1% of the entire population on earth can reach this.
You’ll start working if you care about yourself. Others will probably stop reading this after just two lines. It’s all fine. Set a goal and do everything to achieve it. Hunt it down and become true to you. All the others are afraid but is there a reason to wait?
There’s only one right answer to this question. Only the most powerful word in the history of mankind can answer it.
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Till next time