Did you know that you can learn something valuable from Halloween? Weird right? I didn’t realize it until yesterday, to be honest. I mostly don’t pay a lot of attention to hypes because it mostly gets overhyped. People either go out to get drunk on Halloween or they dress up and watch some horror movies. I didn’t do any of those, to be honest. I just enjoyed my rest day by blogging and by watching Stranger Thing (great show you should watch it) before I went to bed. Most people will wonder where I did get my inspiration for this blog post and it was pretty easy this time. I got it from all the kids that were asking for candy. Now let’s take a look at what you can learn from Halloween.
Halloween teaches you to take action
Most people never take action in life since they overthink everything. I recently read a story that made me laugh. So there’s a boy who can’t choose because he has multiple options. So he considers them all and now he can’t choose because he has multiple outcomes. Life is all about taking action but you can’t have it all. Just do it is a saying for a reason. Just pick an idea and stick to it until the end. It’s not rocket science but people make it seem like that.
You just took a giant first step if you took action in the first place. Most people never do it. Someone recently asked me if I’d be upset if my book wouldn’t sell well (you can check it out in the shop). I actually wouldn’t be upset because I did something that I wanted to do. I took action and realized one of my childhood dreams.
Halloween teaches you to persevere
Let me explain something to you: you deserve jack shit. That’s just the ego that’s telling you that. You’ll achieve nothing in life if you’re not willing to work for it. Or you’ll lose something if you stop working for it. Just look at most modern-day relationships. Those are doomed from the start. Okay, you’ll need to work hard and persevere. That’s it. All those kids stop by every house to ask for candy and they know that a lot of people won’t even open the door. They just move on and keep on trying. Perseverance might sound like a magical word but it’s just a way of dealing with failure.
So try to persevere before you consider giving up on something. Most people give up way too soon and that’s why they never achieve anything in life.
But Alex what if I’m dealing with another person. Well, it takes two to tango so I suggest that you look for another dance partner if your current one doesn’t want to do the effort. Effort is all that it takes for God’s sakes.
Halloween teaches you to think long- term over instant gratification
I won’t divide a lot of time on this one because it’s the subject of tomorrow’s blog. Just realize that you need to get rid of the “I want it now” mindset. You’ll have to check my blog again tomorrow to see what I mean. You’ll be entertained I can promise you that.
To be continued…
Halloween: dare to be different
Richard Feynman won the Nobel prize for his work on quantum electrodynamics. Can you guess where he developed his work? Not in a lab. He did it in a strip club. Pretty crazy if you ask me. Most people follow the herd but aren’t true to themselves. Most people don’t even know who they are. They’re just wearing a mask even when it’s not Halloween. It sucks when you’ve got no identity of your own. You need to be true to you, it’s the best thing you can do. Yes, people will have an opinion about you but who cares? I seriously don’t give a fuck and you shouldn’t either. It’s just an opinion and they’ll forget about it as soon as they watch television or get a notification on their smartphone.
I’d rather be myself than acting like someone else. It’s fake and miserable. I seriously wonder how you’re able to live like this. You’re probably stuck in your comfort zone, my friend.
Halloween teaches you that it’s okay to talk to strangers
Social media makes it easy to talk to anybody. You don’t need a lot of courage to talk to people if you’re hiding behind a square screen. Most people assume that it takes courage to talk to strangers in real life but it’s not that hard. You just go to them and start talking to them. That’s it. You’re dealing with another human being. I seriously wonder why people but strangers on a pedestal.
It’s a great way to get out of your comfort zone but it has another great benefit as well. You can learn something from them. You can learn something from everybody. Sometimes you’ll get some great life advice and sometimes you’ll realize what you don’t want in life. It’s up to you to spot the lesson(s).
Happy Halloween kiddos
I know that I’m too late but better late than never I guess. I never imagined that I would write a blog post about Halloween but here it is. You can learn lessons from everything as you can see. Even from little kids who’re on the hunt for tons of candy.
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