You’ve got 2 lives. How about that? You might assume that this will be very confusing but it’s not. The principle is so very simple. It’s something which I talked about in the past a lot and still, people don’t seem to get it. Some people just take things for granted. They don’t get that being alive and being healthy is a gift. Those same people neglect the fact that they’re going to die and they’re not always the most fun ones to be around. Some people are just real assholes and they don’t even get it. They just live like kings/queens and treat everybody like shit. I can’t imagine that these people are very happy but who am I to question this. They’ll claim that they’ve got a great life.
I also avoid people like this so it’s harder to see how they feel. Maybe I should spend more time with these people, those people are always a good inspiration for a blog post. The struggle is real on this one.
Anyways you’ve got 2 lives and here’s why.
You’ve got 2 lives. How about that?
So you’ve got 2 lives, you’re probably wondering how this plays out? Well, your second life starts when you realize that you’ve only got one life. There’ll be a point in life where you’ll realize that you’ve got to wake up. Or you’ll reach the point but don’t realize that you’ve got to wake up and then there’ll be no change. So what happens you get your wake up call? Well, then you’ve got to step out of your comfort zone because that’s where the real growth starts. That’s a hard part but you can’t change your life if you’re not going outside that comfort zone.
But then something magical will happen because you’ll get comfortable with the uncomfortable. You just have to do the things that you think that you can’t do and control your inner bitch. You’ll quickly notice that the word impossible is just made up by your mind and other people. You have to turn “impossible” into “I’m possible”. So, grasp the change when the wake-up call comes and start your new life. You’ll soon find out that you didn’t like your old life that much.
In conclusion: you’ve got 2 lives. How about that?
Life is 90% what happens to you and 10% how you react to it. Life is 90% mental because you can’t get control of your life if you can’t get control of your mind.
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