
Why I don’t believe in such thing as “the one”.

By March 27, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
A lot of people are looking for the one these days. I don't believe in that shit, to be honest. Some people assume that the one will ring their doorbell one day and say something like "Hi, I'm your soulmate. Let's get married and make some children." That doesn't seem realistic if you ask me.

A lot of people are looking for one these days. I don’t believe in that shit, to be honest. Some people assume that one will ring their doorbell one day and say something like “Hi, I’m your soulmate. Let’s get married and make some children.” That doesn’t seem realistic if you ask me. That just bullshit straight from the movies or wherever you first heard about it. Your perfect match doesn’t exist. Maybe you’ve watched the Matrix too many times. I seriously have no clue why people hold on to this shit. Don’t you feel miserable? You’re looking for someone perfect but you never seem to find that person. Aren’t you wondering why?  Why don’t you challenge your own beliefs? There’s no such thing as a perfect person. There’s no such thing as the one. Get your act together before you wake up without a partner at the age of 40.

Why I don’t believe in such thing as “the one”.

So people assume that they’ll feel some kind of special feeling when they meet the one. It has to be instalove and all that stuff. People are completely delusional when it comes to relationships and they don’t even get it. People don’t get those feelings that are always temporary. You can feel sad, happy,… but that won’t be 100% of the time. People who get together based on feelings will quickly realize that those feelings go away when they face hardships in the relationship. I believe that you just meet new people who’re at the same point as you in life. Or maybe not the same one but they might have the same norms and values. Then you either keep meeting or you don’t. It takes two to tango right?!

The rest will probably follow if you keep on meeting each other. Feelings, passion, and romance come over time instead of being there from the start.

I’m pretty sure that multiple women will have the same norms and values as you and I’m also pretty sure that more than one will be your type. You just won’t meet them all. You’ll meet one and that’s when you can both commit to each other.

Is it making sense now?

I once wrote a blog about the fact that you should take it slow when you date. Does it make sense now? You’ll quickly notice if you’ve got the same norms and values because you can’t fake those things. You’ll have to expose the real you after a while so it’s better to stop dating than to end a relationship. Well in my opinion of course. I don’t see the point in getting in tons of frustrating relationships. It’s your fault and you know it! You just went way too fast and suddenly you meet your real partner. It must be a bummer.

People make shit way too complicated.

People want everything to be magical, they always want the big things but they forget that happiness is in the small things. This isn’t being picky anymore, this is straight stupidity. Those people are living a false reality that can’t be fulfilling. There’s a reason why some people get together after being friends for a while. They might not get it but that’s “the secret”.

The friend zone might not be so bad after all. On the side note: don’t hit on every female friend that you’ve got now. That might end pretty badly.

In conclusion: You’re not Neo from the Matrix so don’t act like it. You should look for some common sense instead of the one. Well, the truth hurts I guess. You can hate on me in the comments. Not that I care but at least you tried.

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