
The three generation rule that occurs over and over again

By August 24, 2017 February 5th, 2020 2 Comments
Have you ever heard of the 3 generation rule? Probably not since I called it this way. The theory behind it is from someone else though

Have you ever heard of the 3 generation rule? Probably not since I called it this way. The theory behind it is from someone else though. Socrates was the man behind the theory. Firas Zahabi mentioned this on the Inside Quest podcast and it got me thinking. I wrote a post about the fact that the craving for comfort is a threat to society. I suddenly realized that it was only the tip of a much larger iceberg. So I just had to write a post about it since it solves some questions that we had for centuries. Pretty crazy right. Let’s dive into the generations.

The first generation is the toughest

We’re living in a pussy generation so it’s safe to say that we’re not part of the first one (we are). The first generation doesn’t have that much luxury and has to work hard to make sure that they can provide a better future for the offspring. Most people can’t even leave their comfort zone these days. Those people have to do it to survive. They believe in hard work, just like I do.

The second generation doesn’t work that hard anymore

The second generation grows up with a lot more luxury and they tend to work less hard. They don’t know the hardship their parents had to go through to get where they are today. Life is good so why would they work hard.

The third generation doesn’t work at all

That generation didn’t see hard work because their parents were well off. They all saw abundance. They miss out on all the hard work so they miss out on life.

Rome and the third generation after it fell

Rome had fallen and generations passed but the third generation was completely estranged. Those guys had no clue who build the roads. They thought it was done by the Gods or by aliens. It was just done by their forefathers but they just didn’t have a clue. Can you guess where I’m going with this? Tons of world wonders supposed to be made by aliens and that’s what I call bullshit. That’s just the result of the first generation who worked extremely hard. That doesn’t take away the fact that there are some great structures here on earth but not a single alien touched those. So I guess that you need to learn more about the Alpha code.

So what generation are we?

That’s a joke right? This shouldn’t even be a question. It’s pretty simple. My grandparents survived the war and helped build up this country again. My parents are the second generation so I’m part of the third generation just like most of you. I just have the mindset of the first generation. So now it’s up to us. Are we going to make the same mistake over and over again or are we going to learn and work hard again? To choice is up to us but our society depends on it.

Do you know what’s the worst part? There will be more than enough people who read this post and they may find it a shocker. The only problem is that it won’t last long. Those people will turn into social media zombies as soon as they get a new notification. There are 4 things that you’ve got to remember in life:

  1. hard work pays
  2. long term consistency beats short term intensity
  3. hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard
  4. this duet between Lady Gaga and Metallica is freaking epic

Well, that’s all for today. Have a great weekend but I’ll have to tell you one more thing before you go.


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Till next time






  • Marcy Brooks says:

    Is it possible to stop the cycle? We’ve seen that people can break other cycles. Now that we KNOW about the three generation rule, the dialogue needs to be, how do we break this cycle? I’d really be interested.

    • Alex says:

      I should be possible but it won’t be easy. The issue is the second generation being more spoiled and more entitled. The first generation doesn’t want the second generation to “suffer” like them. But that comes with a price. So we have to pick our poison

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