
Are sacrifices necessary to achieve things?

By November 30, 2017 February 28th, 2020 2 Comments
Someone recently asked me if sacrifices are nessecary to achieve things? I answered with the most powerful word on this earth.

Someone recently asked me if sacrifices are necessary to achieve things? I answered with the most powerful word on this earth. NO! The answer is no. I don’t care how many motivational speakers say something different. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t get their way of thinking, to be honest. It just comes down to one simple question: how bad do you want it?! Do you want to follow the herd or do you want success?! I mean do you want something or do you assume that you want something? Everybody wants to be rich but only 1% of the people are willing to work for it. We all want financial freedom but only 1% of the people are willing to learn how to do it.

The road to success is easy if you ask me. Just work hard and keep on working. Forget about all that fancy shit since it’s all about the basics. Anyway, let’s take a look at all your “sacrifices”.

Sacrifices? Really? I smell bullshit!

I like it when people tell me that they want to be successful but don’t want to make all the sacrifices. I’m like “what do you mean with sacrifices”. Most people claim that they’ll miss their favorite television shows, can’t go out and can’t drink till they’re blackout wasted and so on. Interesting isn’t it? They want to be successful but they don’t want to give up comfort. So here’s what’s going to happen: nothing. Nothing will ever come from staying in your comfort zone. You’re completely fucked if you’re assuming that you’ve got the right mindset.

There’s no such thing as a sacrifice if you do what you love. You’re doing the wrong thing if you have to choose between what you proclaim that you want and something like going out or binge-watching television shows and so on. That’s it if you ask me. It doesn’t feel like a sacrifice to me when I go to bed early on a Saturday night because I’ve got grappling on Sunday. But I feel like I’m sacrificing sleep when I go out. It’s all about priorities.

Sacrifices? Really? Ever heard of moderation?

People have to overdo everything these days. They binge-watch every single show or they go out they’ll they pass out. Why don’t you practice moderation? I watch one episode of a show maybe twice a week and one movie once a week. That’s it. I don’t stay up late when I go out. Everything after 2 is way too late in my opinion. I have to compete against myself the following day and I won’t beat myself if I’m dead tired. You waste a whole day in bed if you’re hungover. Well, that’s just my opinion of course. Keep on doing if you assume that you like it. I doubt it to be honest and this blog about that matter might change your mind.

In conclusion: you’re doing the wrong thing if you feel that you’re sacrificing comfort. Can you guess how it ends? As a result, your life will turn into a living hell.

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