
Do it while you’re young…

By April 10, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments

What should you do while you’re young? Fuck around, booze and party all the time? I don’t think so. That’s just a waste of time if you ask me. There are better ways to spend your time. Well actually to invest your time. That’s a better choice of words. But most people don’t do it. They just follow the herd and waste all their precious time. Everybody is doing it so it has to be normal right? Those people never challenge their own beliefs and they’ll pay the price later on in life. Actions have consequences and choices shape your life whether you like it or not. Most people take a lot of bad choices in life think it’s all good. They’ll turn around their life one day.

But that one day will never come. Suddenly you’ll arrive at a point in life and ask yourself “I’ve arrived. So this is it? This is life?”. You’ll feel cheated by life. But did life cheat on you? Didn’t you cheat on yourself? Isn’t that the truth? Hurts don’t it?  Welcome to hell, my friend.

Do it while you’re young…

Sometimes I look back to certain events in the past and I’m like “I’m glad I made that decision”. I live without a single regret to this day. I just started doing the things that I like the most at a young age because I realize that I won’t be able to do certain things after a certain age. I like the competition and MMA for example. You can’t do it your entire life. It’s just impossible to do it your entire life. There’s a time and a place for everything and that’s why you should start most things while you’re young. You’ve got the time and the energy so why would you waste your energy on things that aren’t worth pursuing? 

Learn the piano, learn a martial art… Learn whatever you can and do it while you’re young. Don’t die with regret. That pain must be unbearable. Live a purposeful life and reap the benefits from it.

In conclusion: never leave a stone unturned.

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Till next time




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