Ever heard people claim that they’ll get something “one day”? They get their Lamborghini, tons of money and so on. People like to make a lot of claims but it mostly ends right there. I’ve met a lot of one-dayers in my life and they all had the same thing in common. They all had the same problem and they didn’t even realize it. Most of them were still making the same claims after a huge amount of time. Let me break it to you here right here and right now. This approach won’t work. It has never worked and it never will work. But most people don’t want to challenge their beliefs and that’s where it goes wrong. People most likely don’t want to change anything in their lives. They want to remain in their comfort zone for the rest of their lives. That’s why they’ll probably never get anything done.
Your “one day” will turn into no day at all.
So why doesn’t this approach work? Because it’s vague. But extremely vague. You can’t put a day on one day! When do you want it to happen? Within 5 years? Just before you die? You can make claims all you want but you’ll just make a joke out of yourself. The proof is always in the pudding and most people don’t even start making the pudding. They’ll claim that they’ll do it though. It’s a start but it’s not the end. Most people forget that you have to work hard between the start and the end.
I just assume that people want a lot but they’re not willing to work for it. They hope that something magical will happen and that they’ll get it. It’s like playing the lottery. One day you’ll win the big-ticket right? They don’t see the beauty in hard work and struggle but I do and I know a handful of people who do as well. There’s nothing more magical than working hard towards a goal and than just crushing it. People won’t get how it happened but the ones who worked for it do. People are just experts in neglecting other people’s hard work.
Stop trying to impress others.
I also assume that some people just want things to impress others and that’s an empty and unfulfilling goal. Your whole self- esteem is based on other people. Those people won’t be impressed for a very long time. I mean, why are you even doing it if you’re not doing it for yourself? It makes zero sense to me. Try to prove yourself right and in that way, you’ll prove others wrong. How about that?!
So that leaves us with one simple question. How bad do you want it?! Do you want it one day or do you want it?
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Till next time
I feel ya. The “one day” without a plan of action and a time limit is simply shit talking. If you want one day to happen you have to make it happen. Which is why I have to write things down and actually plan them out haha
Yes, that what I mean. You have to start right now! Same here. Otherwise you’ll get nothing done