The word no is a powerful one; people feel extremely offended when you use this word.
They take it personally that you told that you didn’t want to do something. People are shellfish and I guess this will never change (yes we all are). But some people are more selfish than others.
Their egos are big but they get offended so easily. Stop being selfish and start caring about others. Some people deserve and need your support.
A real man takes care of himself and others! A real gentleman knows how to treat women but he’s capable of using the word no.
The way real men act gets demonized in our modern society. Real men get punished for being honest and bold. So do I still say no? Nevertheless the social punishments?
Fuck yeah!
Like I said before, I show the others what I’m made off. I’m rather a lion for one day than a sheep for the rest of my life.
Showing that you can cope with this punishment makes you even more of a man. Getting punished is one thing but suffering from a social punishment is another thing.
You can feel small and desperate when a whole group laughs at you. You could wish that you’ve never taken a certain action. Just smile and let them mock you, don’t get down to their level.
That’s a waste of time; you have better things to do.
Why should you start using the word no?
Yesterday I released a post where I made you think about the meaning of life. Was I right? I guess we’ll find out once we die Today we’ll think about the true power and meaning of the word no.
It’s a selfish act that can save your life. People will take advantage of you when you constantly say yes.
Not all of them but most of them. You will be drowning in all the work and they will reap the benefits of it.
In the end, you can get burnout and may become depressed. You are responsible for your health; don’t create a monster inside of your head.
That monster will tear you apart from the inside out.
So what do you say when someone wants to pass their tasks on to you?
This seems hard because you’ve never done it before but it’s only hard for 20 seconds.
After that, you can live with the fact that you said no. You’ll suddenly realize that they’ll start looking for another victim.
Go to the next victim and show him/her this blogpost, help your coworkers.
The parasites need to do their work. They need to learn they shouldn’t use others to do their jobs.
Don’t blame them for your mistakes.
Don’t complain about what they do.
And last but not least, don’t stop fighting for what’s necessary.
Stop playing the victim.
Stop talking and start talking.
Don’t be a pussy like all the others.
It takes one word.
One extremely powerful one.
What if I’m afraid to say no?
Well, there’s a really simple answer to that question. You need to get out of your comfort zone. I wrote a whole guide on you can get out of your comfort zone. This is still something that most need to learn in my opinion.
Good luck.
Till next time,
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