Losers focus on winners, winners focus on winning. Have you ever heard this saying? You have, haven’t you?! Normal people like to focus on others. They do it all the time, those people like to gossip and they don’t realize that they’re poisoning their mind. Maybe this is the reason why so many people like to watch reality shows. They can gossip about it all day long. I’m not claiming that the people who participate in this show are winners but it was a clear example. Can you guess what’ll happen to these people who constantly focus on others? They remain losers for as long as they do it.
Losers their ego gets hurt all the time
Most people have an ego but they’ll never admit it. People’s ego gets hit as soon as someone becomes more successful than them. It’s inevitable. They’re just filled with hate towards the winner. Those people, aka the losers, will keep on focusing on this one person and that’s where it all goes wrong. Well, your thinking is ego-bound and that’s where it goes wrong!
Losers focus their energy on the wrong things
You need to focus all your energy on winning if you want to be a winner. You need to be driven and aiming for the end goal. You need to perform in the zone because that’s where you’re at your best. Can you guess what happens when you’re constantly focusing on other people? You’ll get out of the zone and that’s one of the reasons why you lose. You weren’t present at the moment and the moment caught up with you. You’ll get a reality check as soon as you see someone else win. But this is also applicable to the process before the competition or in life in general. You need to focus on what matters and not on how much you hate someone.
You’re wasting precious time because you’re going to die anyway. There are more important things in life but most people don’t seem to get it. They claim that all rich people did it by breaking laws and so on. They neglect all the work that these people have put in. But I get why they think like this. Those people are brainwashed by the educational system.
Losers don’t get that there’s no opponent in life
You only have to beat one person and that’s yourself. Most people don’t seem to get this. It’s really strange but they constantly try to compete with others. It’s a recipe for disaster but it’s easy as well. It puts you into a comfort zone and that’s where you like to be.
So what’s the key difference between winners and losers?
Winners realize that they’ve made a mistake when they lost. They admit the mistake, work on it and move on. They act like a man instead of like a boy. Losers will come up with tons of excuses. Nobody want’s to hear these excuses but some people assume that it’ll work. It’s painful to see how they justify their flaws by focusing on others. This occurs a lot in breakups as well. People will claim that they’re glad that they broke up because their ex was crazy. Do you get where this is going? They blame the other person for the breakup. They did nothing wrong in their eyes. Well, they can’t handle the fact that they did something wrong as well since they’ll have to work on themselves.
These people just throw tons of hate towards their ex and that’s the wrong way to go. Most people just see the problem instead of a possibility. They want to escape the pain as soon as possible but this will catch you up in no time. I mean just look at what most people do after a breakup. They get into a new relationship that almost ends in the same way. Winners learned from the past and make sure that they never make the same mistake twice.
Alex, what can I do to be a winner?
Well, 2 books will help you on the journey from Zero To Alpha. Ego Is The Enemy (buy it here) and The Obstacle Is The Way (buy it here). Those books will give you a better insight into how you should deal with ego and loss or adversity. Adversity will break you if you don’t take care of it in a proper way. Most people don’t realize that you’ve got to learn something from all of this. So what are you going to do? Will you keep focusing on others or will you focus on what matters? This shouldn’t even be a choice! Just do it.
Every boozer eventually turns into a sore loser. That’s probably one of the reasons why I stopped drinking alcohol.
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